Promotion-based Scheduling

Pause and Resume. Checkpointing of Trials

As we have seen, one way to implement early stopping scheduling is to make trials report metrics at certain points (rung levels), and to stop them when their performance falls behind other trials. This is conceptually simple. A trial maps to a single training run, and it is very easy to annotate training code in order to support automated tuning.

Another idea is pause and resume. Here, a trial may be paused at the end of an epoch, releasing its worker. Any paused trial may be resumed later on when a worker becomes available, which means that it continues training where it left when paused. Synchronous schedulers need pause and resume, since trials reach a synchronization point at different times, and earlier ones have to wait for the slowest one. For asynchronous schedulers, pause and resume is an alternative to stopping trials, which can often work better. While a paused trial needs no resources, it can be resumed later on, so its past training time is not wasted.

However, pause and resume needs more support from the training script, which has to make sure that a paused trial can be resumed later on, continuing training as if nothing happened in between. To this end, the state of the training job has to be checkpointed (i.e., stored into a file). The training script has to be modified once more, by replacing objective with this code:
import argparse
import logging

from benchmarking.training_scripts.mlp_on_fashion_mnist.mlp_on_fashion_mnist import (
from syne_tune import Reporter
from syne_tune.utils import (

def objective(config):
    # Download data
    data_train = download_data(config)
    # Report results to Syne Tune
    report = Reporter()
    # Split into training and validation set
    train_loader, valid_loader = split_data(config, data_train)
    # Create model and optimizer
    state = model_and_optimizer(config)
    # Checkpointing
    load_model_fn, save_model_fn = pytorch_load_save_functions(
        {"model": state["model"], "optimizer": state["optimizer"]}
    # Resume from checkpoint (optional)  [2]
    resume_from = resume_from_checkpointed_model(config, load_model_fn)
    # Training loop
    for epoch in range(resume_from + 1, config["epochs"] + 1):
        train_model(config, state, train_loader)
        # Write checkpoint (optional)  [1]
        checkpoint_model_at_rung_level(config, save_model_fn, epoch)
        # Report validation accuracy to Syne Tune
        accuracy = validate_model(config, state, valid_loader)
        report(epoch=epoch, accuracy=accuracy)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = logging.getLogger()
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--dataset_path", type=str, required=True)
    # Hyperparameters
    parser.add_argument("--n_units_1", type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--n_units_2", type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--dropout_1", type=float, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--dropout_2", type=float, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--learning_rate", type=float, required=True)
    parser.add_argument("--weight_decay", type=float, required=True)
    # [3]

    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
    # Evaluate objective and report results to Syne Tune

Checkpointing requires you to implement the following:

  • [1] A checkpoint has to be written at the end of each epoch. The precise content of the checkpoint depends on the training script, but it has to contain the epoch at which it was written. It is recommended to write the checkpoint before reporting metrics to Syne Tune, since otherwise the writing of the checkpoint may be jeopardized by Syne Tune trying to stop the script.

  • [2] A checkpoint is to be loaded just before the start of the training loop. If the checkpoint file is present and the state can be restored, the training loop starts with the epoch resume_from + 1, where the checkpoint was written at the end of epoch resume_from. Otherwise, resume_from = 0, and the training loop starts from scratch.

  • [3] Checkpointing requires additional input arguments. You can add them by hand or use add_checkpointing_to_argparse. The most important is the local directory name where the checkpoint should be written or loaded from. A checkpoint may consist of different files. If this argument is not passed to the script, checkpointing is deactivated.

Syne Tune provides some helper functions for checkpointing, see FAQ.

  • checkpoint_model_at_rung_level(config, save_model_fn, epoch) stores a checkpoint at the end of epoch epoch. The main work is done by save_model_fn.

  • resume_from = resume_from_checkpointed_model(config, load_model_fn) loads a checkpoint, and returns its epoch if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned. Again, load_model_fn does the main work.

  • pytorch_load_save_functions: If you use PyTorch, this is providing save_model_fn, load_model_fn that should work for you. In state_dict_objects, you pass a dict of PyTorch objects with a mutable state (look for load_state_dict, state_dict methods). Make sure to include all relevant objects (model, algorithm, learning rate scheduler). Optionally, mutable_state contains additional elementary variables.

Note that while checkpoints are written at the end of each epoch, the most recent one overwrites previous ones. In fact, for the purpose of pause and resume, checkpoints have to be written only at rung levels, because trials can only be paused there. Selective checkpointing could be supported by passing the rung levels to the training script, but this is currently not done in Syne Tune.

Our launcher script runs promotion-based ASHA with the argument --method ASHA-PROM, and promotion-based MOBSTER with --method MOBSTER-PROM:

  • Recall that the argument max_resource_attr for HyperbandScheduler allows the scheduler to infer the maximum resource level r_max. For promotion-based scheduling, this argument has a second function. Namely, it allows the scheduler to inform the training script until which epoch it has to train, so it does not have to be stopped anymore from the outside. For example, say that a trial paused at r=3 is promoted to run until the next rung level r=9. The scheduler calls the training script with config[max_resource_attr] = 9 (instead of 81). It is resumed from its r=3 checkpoint and runs epochs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, then terminates by itself. If max_resource_attr is not used, training scripts are started to be run until the end, and they need to be stopped by the backend. Depending on the backend, there can be a delay between a stopping signal being sent and a worker coming available again, which is avoided if max_resource_attr is used. Moreover, future backends may be able to use the information on how long a resumed trial needs to be run until paused for improved scheduling.

  • Syne Tune allows promotion-based schedulers to be used with training scripts which do not implement checkpointing. Our launcher script would just as well work with In this case, a trial to be resumed is started from scratch, and metric reports up to the resume epoch are ignored. For example, say a trial paused at r=3 is resumed. If the training script does not implement checkpointing, it will start from scratch and report for r = 1, 2, 3, 4, .... The scheduler discards the first 3 reports in this case. However, it is strongly recommended to implement checkpointing if promotion-based scheduling is to be used.

Early Removal of Checkpoints

By default, the checkpoints written by all trials are retained on disk (for a trial, later checkpoints overwrite earlier ones). When checkpoints are large and the local backend is used, this may result in a lot of disk space getting occupied, or even the disk filling up. Syne Tune supports checkpoints being removed once they are not needed anymore, or even speculatively, as is detailed here.

Results for promotion-based ASHA and MOBSTER

Results for promotion-based ASHA and MOBSTER

Results for promotion-based ASHA and MOBSTER

Here are results for our running example (4 workers; 3 hours; median, 25/75 percentiles over 50 repeats). These results are rather similar to what we obtained for stopping-based scheduling, except the random variations are somewhat larger for ASHA stopping than for ASHA promotion.

It is not a priori clear when stopping or promotion-based scheduling will work better. When it comes to the backend, promotion-based scheduling needs checkpointing, and the backend needs to efficiently handle the transfer of checkpoints between workers. On the other hand, promotion-based scheduling does not require the backend to stop jobs (see max_resource_attr discussion above), which can be subject to delays in some backends. Run with the local backend, where delays play no role, stopping and promotion-based scheduling can behave quite differently. In our experiments, we have often observed that stopping can be more efficient at the beginning, while promotion has an edge during later stages.

Our recommendation is to implement checkpointing in your training script, which gives you access to all Syne Tune schedulers, and then to gain some experience with what works best for your problem at hand.