Benchmarking in Syne Tune

Benchmarking refers to the comparison of a range of HPO algorithms on one or more tuning problems, or benchmarks. This tutorial provides an overview of tooling which facilitates benchmarking of HPO algorithms in Syne Tune. The same tooling can be used to rapidly create launcher scripts for any HPO experiment, allowing you to easily switch between local, SageMaker, and simulator backend. The tutorial also shows how any number of experiments can be run in parallel, in order to obtain desired results faster.


In order to run the code in this tutorial, you need to have installed Syne Tune from source. Also, make sure to have installed the blackbox-repository dependencies.


Benchmarking (i.e., comparing different HPO methods) is using the Syne Tune experimentation framework in syne_tune.experiments. In this framework, a benchmark is simply just a tuning problem endowed with some defaults. There are other use cases of experimentation than benchmarking (see here and here), but the term benchmark for tuning problem is used in all of them.