
Further Topics

We are at the end of this basic tutorial. There are many further topics we did not touch here. Some are established, but not basic, while others are still experimental. Here is an incomplete overview:

  • Running many experiments in parallel: We have stressed the importance of running repetitions of experiments, as results carry quite some stochastic variation. Also, there are higher-level decisions best done by trial-and-error, which can be seen as “outer loop random search”. Syne Tune offers facilities to launch many tuning experiments in parallel, as SageMaker training jobs. More details are found in this tutorial, see also the FAQ.

  • Multi-fidelity Schedulers: Syne Tune provides many more multi-fidelity schedulers than ASHA and MOBSTER. An overview and categorization of supported methods is given in this tutorial.

  • Population-based Training: This is a popular scheduler for tuning reinforcement learning, where optimization hyperparameters like learning rate can be changed at certain points during the training. An example is at examples/launch_pbt.py, see also PopulationBasedTraining. Note that checkpointing is mandatory for PBT.

  • Constrained HPO: In many applications, more than a single metric play a role. With constrained HPO, you can maximize recall subject to a constraint on precision; minimize prediction latency subject to a constraint on accuracy; or maximize accuracy subject to a constraint on a fairness metric. Constrained HPO is a special case of Bayesian Optimization, where searcher='bayesopt_constrained', and the name of the constraint metric (the constraint is feasible iff this metric is non-positive) must be given as constraint_attr in search_options. More details on constrained HPO and methodology adopted in Syne Tune can be found here, see also ConstrainedGPFIFOSearcher.

  • Multi-objective HPO: Another way to approach tuning problems with multiple metrics is trying to sample the Pareto frontier, i.e. identifying configurations whose performance along one metric cannot be improved without degrading performance along another. Syne Tune provides a range of methodology in this direction. An example is at examples/launch_height_moasha.py. More details on multi-objective HPO and methodology adopted in Syne Tune can be found here, see also MOASHA.

  • Transfer-learning Schedulers: Syne Tune provides several transfer-learning schedulers. To get started check out this tutorial.