Visualization Results of a Single Experiment

In this section, we describe the setup to be used for this tutorial. Then, we show how the results of a single experiment can be visualized.


This tutorial shares some content with this one, but is more comprehensive in terms of features.


In this tutorial, we will use a surrogate benchmark in order to obtain realistic results with little computation. To this end, you need to have the blackbox-repository dependencies installed, as detailed here. Note that the first time you use a surrogate benchmark, its data files are downloaded and stored to your S3 bucket, this can take a considerable amount of time. The next time you use the benchmark, it is loaded from your local disk or your S3 bucket, which is fast.

A Comparative Study

For the purpose of this tutorial, we ran the setup of benchmarking/examples/benchmark_hypertune/, using 15 random repetitions (or seeds). This is the command:

python benchmarking/examples/benchmark_hypertune/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-1 --random_seed 2965402734 --num_seeds 15

Note that we fix the seed here in order to obtain repeatable results. Recall from here that we compare 7 methods on 12 surrogate benchmarks:

  • Since 4 of the 7 methods are “expensive”, the above command launches 3 + 4 * 15 = 63 remote tuning jobs in parallel. Each of these jobs runs experiments for one method and all 12 benchmarks. For the “expensive” methods, each job runs a single seed, while for the remaining methods (ASHA, SYNCHB, BOHB), all seeds are run sequentially in a single job, so that a job for a “cheap” method runs 12 * 15 = 180 experiments sequentially.

  • The total number of experiment runs is 7 * 12 * 15 = 1260

  • Results of these experiments are stored to S3, using paths such as <s3-root>/syne-tune/docs-1/ASHA/docs-1-<datetime>/ for ASHA (all seeds), or <s3-root>/syne-tune/docs-1/HYPERTUNE-INDEP-5/docs-1-<datetime>/ for seed 5 of HYPERTUNE-INDEP. Result files are metadata.json, results.csv.gz, and tuner.dill. The former two are required for plotting results.

Once all of this has finished, we are left with 3780 result files on S3. First, we need to download the results from S3 to the local disk. This can be done by a command which is also printed at the end of

aws s3 sync s3://<BUCKET-NAME>/syne-tune/docs-1/ ~/syne-tune/docs-1/ \
  --exclude "*" --include "*metadata.json" --include "*"

This command can also be run from inside the plotting code. Note that the tuner.dill result files are not downloaded, since they are not needed for result visualization.

Visualization of a Single Experiment

For a single experiment, we can directly plot the best metric value obtained as a function of wall-clock time. This can be done directly following the experiment, as shown in this example. In our setup, experiments have been launched remotely, so in order to plot results for a single experiment, we need to know the full tuner name. Say, we would like to plot results of MOBSTER-JOINT, seed=0. The names of single experiments are obtained by:

ls ~/syne-tune/docs-1/MOBSTER-JOINT-0/

There is one experiment per benchmark, starting with docs-1-nas201-ImageNet16-120-0, docs-1-nas201-cifar100-0, docs-1-nas201-cifar10-0, followed by date-time strings. Once the tuner name is known, the following scripts plots the desired curve and also displays the best configuration found:

from syne_tune.experiments import load_experiment

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Replace with name for your experiment:
    # Run:
    #    ls ~/syne-tune/docs-1/MOBSTER-JOINT-0/
    tuner_name = (

    tuning_experiment = load_experiment(tuner_name)

    print(f"best result found: {tuning_experiment.best_config()}")


In general, you will have run more than one experiment. As in our study above, you may want to compare different methods, or variations of the tuning problem. You may want to draw conclusions by running on several benchmarks, and counter random effects by repeating experiments several times. In the next section, we show how comparative plots over many experiments can be created.