Visualization of Results from many Experiments

Apart from troubleshooting, visualizing the results of a single experiment is of limited use. In this section, we show how to create comparative plots, using results of many experiment. We will use results from the study detailed above.

A First Comparative Plot

Here is the code for generating result plots for two of the benchmarks:

from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
import logging

from baselines import methods
from benchmark_definitions import benchmark_definitions
from syne_tune.experiments import ComparativeResults, PlotParameters, SubplotParameters

def metadata_to_setup(metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]:
    # The setup is the algorithm. No filtering
    return metadata["algorithm"]


def metadata_to_subplot(metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
    return int(metadata["algorithm"] in SETUPS_RIGHT)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    experiment_name = "docs-1"
    experiment_names = (experiment_name,)
    setups = list(methods.keys())
    num_runs = 15
    download_from_s3 = False  # Set ``True`` in order to download files from S3
    # Plot parameters across all benchmarks
    plot_params = PlotParameters(
        xlabel="wall-clock time",
    # We would like two subplots (1 row, 2 columns), with MOBSTER and HYPERTUNE
    # results on the left, and the remaining baselines on the right. Each
    # column gets its own title, and legends are shown in both
    plot_params.subplots = SubplotParameters(
        titles=["Model-based Methods", "Baselines"],
        legend_no=[0, 1],
    # The creation of ``results`` downloads files from S3 (only if
    # ``download_from_s3 == True``), reads the metadata and creates an inverse
    # index. If any result files are missing, or there are too many of them,
    # warning messages are printed
    results = ComparativeResults(
    # We can now create plots for the different benchmarks
    # First: nas201-cifar100
    benchmark_name = "nas201-cifar100"
    benchmark = benchmark_definitions[benchmark_name]
    # These parameters overwrite those given at construction
    plot_params = PlotParameters(
        ylim=(0.265, 0.31),
    # Next: nas201-ImageNet16-120
    benchmark_name = "nas201-ImageNet16-120"
    benchmark = benchmark_definitions[benchmark_name]
    # These parameters overwrite those given at construction
    plot_params = PlotParameters(
        ylim=(0.535, 0.58),

The figure for benchmark nas201-cifar-100 looks as follows:

Results for nas201-cifar-100

Results for NASBench-201 (CIFAR-100)

  • There are two subfigures next to each other. Each contains a number of curves in bold, along with confidence intervals. The horizontal axis depicts wall-clock time, and on the vertical axis, we show the best metric value found until this time.

  • More general, the data from our 1260 experiments can be grouped w.r.t. subplot, then setup. Each setup gives rise to one curve (bold, with confidence band). Subplots are optional, the default is to plot a single figure.

  • The function metadata_to_setup maps the metadata stored for an experiment to the setup name, or to None if this experiment should be filtered out. In our basic case, the setup is simply the name of the tuning algorithm. Our experimentation framework stores a host of information as metadata, the most useful keys for grouping are:

    • algorithm: Name of method (ASHA, MOBSTER-INDEP, … in our example)

    • tag: Experiment tag. This is docs-1 in our example. Becomes useful when we merge data from different studies in a single figure

    • benchmark: Benchmark name (nas201-cifar-100, … in our example)

    • n_workers: Number of workers

    Other keys may be specific to algorithm.

  • Once the data is grouped w.r.t. benchmark, then subplot (optional), then setup, we should be left with 15 experiments, one for each seed. Each seed gives rise to a best metric value curve. A metric value metric_val is converted as metric_multiplier * metric_val if mode == "min", and as 1 - metric_multiplier * metric_val if mode == "max". For example, if your metric is accuracy in percent (from 0 to 100), then mode="max" and metric_multiplier=0.01, and the curve shows error in [0, 1].

  • These 15 curves are now interpolated to a common grid, and at each grid point, the 15 values (one for each seed) are aggregated into 3 values lower, aggregate, upper. In the figure, aggregate is shown in bold, and lower, upper in dashed. Different aggregation modes are supported (selected by plot_params.aggregate_mode):

  • Plotting starts with the creation of a ComparativeResults object. We need to pass the experiment names (or tags), the list of all setups, the number of runs (or seeds), the metadata_to_setup function, as well as default plot parameters in plot_params. See PlotParameters for full details about the latter. In our example, we set xlabel, aggregate_mode (see above), and enable a grid with grid=True. Note that these parameters can be extended and overwritten by parameters for each plot.

  • In our example, we separate the MOBSTER and HYPERTUNE setups from the baselines, by using two subfigures. This is done by specifying plot_params.subplots and metadata_to_subplot. In the former, plot_params.subplots.nrows and plot_params.subplots.ncols `` are mandatory, prescribing the shape of the subplot arrangement. In ``plot_params.subplots.titles, we can provide titles for each column (which we do here). If given, this overrides plot_params.title. Also, plot_params.subplots.legend_no=[0, 1] asks for legends in both subplots (the default is no legend at all). For full details about these arguments, see SubplotParameters

  • The creation of results does a number of things. First, if download_from_s3=True, result files are downloaded from S3. In our example, we assume this has already been done. Next, all result files are iterated over, all metadata.json are read, and an inverse index from benchmark name to paths, setup_name, and subplot_no is created. This process also checks that exactly num_runs experiments are present for every setup. For large studies, it frequently happens that too few or too many results are found. The warning outputs can be used for debugging.

  • Given results, we can create plots for every benchmark. In our example, this is done for nas201-cifar100 and nas201-ImageNet16-120, by calling results.plot(). Apart from the benchmark name, we also pass plot parameters in plot_params, which extend (and overwrite) those passed at construction. In particular, we need to pass metric and mode, which we can obtain from the benchmark description. Moreover, ylim is a sensible range for the vertical axis, which is different for every benchmark (this is optional).

  • If we pass file_name as argument to results.plot, the figure is stored in this file.

  • results.plot returns a dictionary, whose entries “fig” and “axs” contain the figure and its axes (subfigures), allowing for further fine-tuning.


If suplots are used, the grouping is w.r.t. (subplot, setup), not just by setup. This means you can use the same setup name in different subplots to show different data. For example, your study may have run a range of methods under different conditions (say, using a different number of workers). You can then map these conditions to subplots and show the same setups in each subplot. In any case, the mapping of setups to colors is fixed and the same in every subplot.


Plotting features presented here can also be used to visualize results for a single seed. In this case, there are no error bars.

Additional Features

In this section, we discuss additional features, allowing you to customize your result plots.

Combining Results from Multiple Studies

HPO experiments are expensive to do, so you want to avoid re-running them for baselines over and over. Our plotting tools allow you to easily combine results across multiple studies.

As an example, say we would like to relate our docs-1 results to what random search and Bayesian optimization do on the same benchmarks. These baseline results were already obtained as part of an earlier study baselines-1, in which a number of methods were compared, among them RS and BO. As an additional complication, the earlier study used 30 repetitions (or seeds), while docs-1 uses 15. Here is the modification of the code above in order to include these additional baseline results in the plot on the right side. First, we need to replace metadata_to_setup and SETUPS_RIGHT:

def metadata_to_setup(metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]:
    algorithm = metadata["algorithm"]
    tag = metadata["tag"]
    seed = int(metadata["seed"])
    # Filter out experiments from "baselines-1" we don't want to compare
    # against
    if tag == "baselines-1" and (seed >= 15 or algorithm not in ("RS", "BO")):
        return None
        return algorithm


There are now two more setups, “RS” and “BO”, whose results come from the earlier baselines-1 study. Now, ComparativeResults has to be created differently:

experiment_names = experiment_names + ("baselines-1",)
setups = setups + ["RS", "BO"]
results = ComparativeResults(


If you intend to combine results from several different studies, it is recommended to use the same random seed (specified as --random_seed), which ensures that the same sequence of random numbers is used in each experiment. This results in a so-called paired comparison, lowering the random variations across setups. In our example, we would look up the master random seed of the baselines-1 study and use this for docs-1 as well.

Add Performance of Initial Trials

When using HPO, you often have an idea about one or several default configurations that should be tried first. In Syne Tune, such initial configurations can be specified by points_to_evaluate (see here for details). An obvious question to ask is how long it takes for a HPO method to find a configuration which works significantly better than these initial ones.

We can visualize the performance of initial trials by specifying plot_params.show_init_trials of type ShowTrialParameters. In our docs-1 study, points_to_evaluate is not explicitly used, but the configuration of the first trial is selected by a mid-point heuristic. Our plotting script from above needs to be modified:

plot_params.show_init_trials = ShowTrialParameters(
results = ComparativeResults(

Since the ASHA curve is plotted on the right side, this will add another curve there with label default. This curve shows the best metric value, using data from the first trial only (trial_id == 0). It is extended as a flat constant line to the end of the horizontal range.

If you specify a number of initial configurations with points_to_evaluate, set ShowTrialParameters.trial_id to their number minus 1. The initial trials curve will use data from trials with ID less or equal this number.

Controlling Subplots

Our example above already creates two subplots, horizontally arranged, and we discussed the role of metadata_to_subplot. Here, we provide extra details about fields in SubplotParameters, the type for plot_params.subplots:

  • nrows, ncols: Shape of subplot matrix. The total number of subplots is <= ncols * nrows. kwargs contains further arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots. For example, if sharey="all", the y tick labels are only created for the first column. If you use nrows > 1, you may want to share x tick labels as well, with sharex="all".

  • titles: If title_each_figure == False, this is a list of titles, one for each column. If title_each_figure == True, then titles contains a title for each subplot. If titles is not given, the global title plot_params.title is printed on top of the left-most column.

  • legend_no: List of subfigures in which the legend is shown. The default is not to show legends. In our example, there are different setups in each subplot, so we want a legend in each. If your subplots show the same setups under different conditions, you may want to show the legend in one of the subplots only, in which case legend_no contains a single number.

  • xlims: Use this if your subfigures have x axis ranges. The global xlim is overwritten by (0, xlims[subplot_no]).

  • subplot_indices: Any given plot produced by plot() does not have to contain all subfigures. For example, you may want to group your results into 4 or 8 bins, then create a sequence of plots comparing pairs of them. If subplot_indices is given, it contains the subplot indices to be shown, and this order. Otherwise, this is \(0, 1, 2, \dots\). If this is given, then titles and xlims is relative to this list (in that xlims[i] corresponds to subfigure subplot_indices[i]), but legend_no is not.

Plotting Derived Metrics

You can also plot metrics which are not directly contained in the results data (as a column), but which can be computed from the results. To this end, you can pass a dataframe column generator as dataframe_column_generator to plot(). For example, assume we run multi-objective HPO methods on a benchmark involving metrics cost and latency (mode="min" for both of them). The final plot command would look like this:

from syne_tune.experiments.multiobjective import (

# ...

dataframe_column_generator = hypervolume_indicator_column_generator(
    metrics_and_modes = [("cost", "min"), ("latency", "min")]
plot_params = PlotParameters(
  • The mapping returned by hypervolume_indicator_column_generator() maps a results dataframe to a new column containing the best hypervolume indicator as function of wall-clock time for the metrics cost and latency, which must be contained in the results dataframe.

  • The option one_result_per_trial=True of results.plot ensures that the result data is filtered, so that for each experiment, one the final row for each trial remains. This option is useful if the methods are single-fidelity, but results are reported after each epoch. The filtering makes sure that only results for the largest epoch are used for each trial. Since this is done before the best hypervolume indicator is computed, it can speed up the computation dramatically.

Filtering Experiments by DateTime Bounds

Results can be filtered out by having metadata_to_setup or metadata_to_subplot return None. This is particularly useful if results from several studies are to be combined. Another way to filter experiments is using the datetime_bounds argument of ComparativeResults. A common use case is that experiments for a large study have been launched in several stages, and those of an early stage failed. If the corresponding result files are not removed on S3, the creation of ComparativeResults will complain about too many results being found. datetime_bounds is specified in terms of date-time strings of the format ST_DATETIME_FORMAT, which currently is “YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS”. For example, if results are valid from “2023-03-19-22-01-57” onwards, but invalid before, we can use datetime_bounds=("2023-03-19-22-01-57", None). datetime_bounds can also be a dictionary with keys from experiment_names, in which case bounds are specific to different experiment prefixes.

Extract Meta-Data Values

Apart from plotting results, we can also retrieve meta-data values. This is done by passing a list of meta-data key names via metadata_keys when creating ComparativeResults. Afterwards, the corresponding meta-data values can be queried by calling results.metadata_values(benchmark_name). The result is a nested dictionary result, so that result[key][setup_name] is a list of values, where key is the meta-data key from metadata_keys, setup_name is a setup name. The list contains values from all experiments mapped to this setup_name. If you use the same setup names across different subplots, set metadata_subplot_level=True, in which case results.metadata_values(benchmark_name) returns result[key][setup_name][subplot_no], so the grouping w.r.t. setup names and subplots is used.

Extract Final Values for Extra Results

Syne Tune allows extra results to be stored alongside the usual metrics data, as shown in examples/ These are simply additional columns in the result dataframe. In order to plot them over time, you currently need to write your own plotting scripts. If the best value over time approach of Syne Tune’s plotting tools makes sense for any single column, you can just specify their name for plot_params.metric and set plot_params.mode accordingly.

However, in many cases it is sufficient to know final values for extra results, grouped in the same way as everything else. For example, extra results may be used to monitor some internals of the HPO method being used, in which case we may be satisfied to see these statistics at the end of experiments. If extra_results_keys is used in plot(), the method returns a nested dictionary extra_results under key “extra_results”, so that extra_results[setup_name][key] contains a list of values (one for each seed) for setup setup_name and key an extra result name from extra_results_keys. As above, if metadata_subplot_level=True at construction of ComparativeResults, the structure of the dictionary is extra_results[setup_name][subplot_no][key].