Launch HPO Experiment Locally
Along with several of the examples below, this launcher script is using the following training script:
Launch HPO Experiment with Python Backend
The Python backend does not need a separate training script.
Population-Based Training (PBT)
This launcher script is using the following training script:
For this toy example, PBT is run with a population size of 2, so only two parallel workers are needed. In order to use PBT competitively, choose the SageMaker backend. Note that PBT requires your training script to support checkpointing.
Visualize Tuning Progress with Tensorboard
to be installed:pip install tensorboardX
Makes use of
Tensorboard visualization works by using a callback, for example
which is passed to the Tuner
. In order to visualize
other metrics, you may have to modify this callback.
Bayesian Optimization with Scikit-learn Based Surrogate Model
to be installed. If you installed Syne Tune withsklearn
, this dependence is included.
In this example, a simple new surrogate model is implemented based on
, and Bayesian optimization is run with
this surrogate model rather than a Gaussian process model.
Launch HPO Experiment with Simulator Backend
Syne Tune dependencies
need to be installed.Needs
blackbox to be downloaded and preprocessed. This can take quite a while when done for the first timeIf AWS SageMaker is used or an S3 bucket is accessible, the blackbox files are uploaded to your S3 bucket
In this example, we use the simulator backend with the NASBench-201
blackbox. Since time is simulated, we can use
(one hour), but the experiment finishes
in mere seconds. More details about the simulator backend is found in
this tutorial.
Multi-objective Asynchronous Successive Halving (MOASHA)
This launcher script is using the following training script:
PASHA: Efficient HPO and NAS with Progressive Resource Allocation
Syne Tune dependencies
need to be installed.Needs
blackbox to be downloaded and preprocessed. This can take quite a while when done for the first time
PASHA typically uses max_num_trials_completed
as the stopping criterion.
After finding a strong configuration using PASHA,
the next step is to fully train a model with the configuration.
Constrained Bayesian Optimization
This launcher script is using the following training script:
Restrict Scheduler to Tabulated Configurations with Simulator Backend
Syne Tune dependencies
need to be installed.Needs
blackbox to be downloaded and preprocessed. This can take quite a while when done for the first timeIf AWS SageMaker is used or an S3 bucket is accessible, the blackbox files are uploaded to your S3 bucket
This example is similar to the one above, but here we use the tabulated LCBench benchmark, whose configuration space is infinite, and whose objective values have not been evaluated on a grid. With such a benchmark, we can either use a surrogate to interpolate objective values, or we can restrict the scheduler to only suggest configurations which have been observed in the benchmark. This example demonstrates the latter.
Since time is simulated, we can use max_wallclock_time=3600
(one hour),
but the experiment finishes in mere seconds. More details about the simulator
backend is found in
this tutorial.
Tuning Reinforcement Learning
This launcher script is using the following training script:
This training script requires the following dependencies to be installed:
Retrieving the Best Checkpoint
This launcher script is using the following training script:
Launch HPO Experiment with Home-Made Scheduler
Makes use of
For a more thorough introduction on how to develop new schedulers and searchers in Syne Tune, consider this tutorial.
Launch HPO Experiment on mlp_fashionmnist Benchmark
Needs “mlp_fashionmnist” benchmark, which requires Syne Tune to have been installed from source.
In this example, we tune one of the built-in benchmark problems, which is useful in order to compare different HPO methods. More details on benchmarking is provided in this tutorial.
Transfer Tuning on NASBench-201
Syne Tune dependencies
need to be installed.Needs
blackbox to be downloaded and preprocessed. This can take quite a while when done for the first timeIf AWS SageMaker is used or an S3 bucket is accessible, the blackbox files are uploaded to your S3 bucket
In this example, we use the simulator backend with the NASBench-201 blackbox. It serves as a simple demonstration how evaluations from related tasks can be used to speed up HPO.
Transfer Learning Example
to be installed if the plotting flag is given:pip install matplotlib
. If you installed Syne Tune withvisual
, this dependence is included.
An example of how to use evaluations collected in Syne Tune to run a transfer
learning scheduler. Makes use of
Used in the
transfer learning tutorial.
To plot the figures, run as
python --generate_plots
Plot Results of Tuning Experiment
to be installed:pip install matplotlib
. If you installed Syne Tune withvisual
, this dependence is included.
Makes use of
Resume a Tuning Job
Customize Results Written during an Experiment
Makes use of
An example for how to append extra results to those written by default to
. This is done by customizing the
Pass Configuration as JSON File to Training Script
use_sagemaker_backend = True
, needs access to AWS SageMaker.
Makes use of the following training script:
Speculative Early Checkpoint Removal
Needs “mlp_fashionmnist” benchmark, which requires Syne Tune to have been installed from source.
This example uses the mlp_fashionmnist
benchmark. It runs for about 30
minutes. It demonstrates speculative early checkpoint removal for MOBSTER
with promotion scheduling (pause and resume).
Launch HPO Experiment with Ray Tune Scheduler
Makes use of
Stand-Alone Bayesian Optimization
Syne Tune combines a scheduler (HPO algorithm) with a backend to provide a complete HPO solution. If you already have a system in place for job scheduling and managing the state of the tuning problem, you may want to call the scheduler on its own. This example demonstrates how to do this for Gaussian process based Bayesian optimization.
Ask Tell Interface
This is an example on how to use syne-tune in the ask-tell mode. In this setup the tuning loop and experiments are disentangled. The AskTell Scheduler suggests new configurations and the users themselves perform experiments to test the performance of each configuration. Once done, user feeds the result into the Scheduler which uses the data to suggest better configurations.
In some cases, experiments needed for function evaluations can be very complex and require extra orchestration (example vary from setting up jobs on non-aws clusters to running physical lab experiments) in which case this interface provides all the necessary flexibility.
Ask Tell interface for Hyperband
This is an extension of to run multi-fidelity methods such as Hyperband.
Multi Objective Multi Surrogate (MSMOS) Searcher
This example shows how to use the multi-objective multi-surrogate (MSMOS) searcher to tune
a multi-objective problem. In this example, we use two Gaussian process regresors
as the surrogate models and rely on lower confidence bound random scalarizer
as the acquisition function. With that in mind, any Syne Tune Estimator
can be
used as surrogate.