Benchmarking with Local Backend

A real benchmark (as opposed to a benchmark based on tabulated data or a surrogate model) is based on a training script, which is executed for each evaluation. The local backend is the default choice in Syne Tune for running on real benchmarks.


While Syne Tune contains benchmark definitions for all surrogate benchmarks in syne_tune.experiments.benchmark_definitions, examples for real benchmarks are only available when Syne Tune is installed from source. They are located in benchmarking.

Defining the Experiment

As usual in Syne Tune, the experiment is defined by a number of scripts. We will look at an example in benchmarking/examples/launch_local/. Common code used in these benchmarks can be found in syne_tune.experiments:

Let us look at the scripts in order, and how you can adapt them to your needs:

Extra arguments can be specified by extra_args, map_method_args, and extra results can be written using extra_results, as is explained here.

Launching Experiments Locally

Here is an example of how experiments with the local backend are launched locally:

python benchmarking/examples/launch_local/ \
  --experiment_tag tutorial-local --benchmark resnet_cifar10 \
  --method ASHA --num_seeds 1 --n_workers 1

This call runs a single experiment on the local machine (which needs to have a GPU with PyTorch being installed):

  • experiment_tag: Results of experiments are written to ~/syne-tune/{experiment_tag}/*/{experiment_tag}-*/. This name should confirm to S3 conventions (alphanumerical and -; no underscores).

  • benchmark: Selects benchmark from keys of real_benchmark_definitions(). The default is resnet_cifar10.

  • method: Selects HPO method to run from keys of methods. If this is not given, experiments for all keys in methods are run in sequence.

  • num_seeds: Each experiment is run num_seeds times with different seeds (0, ..., num_seeds - 1). Due to random factors both in training and tuning, a robust comparison of HPO methods requires such repetitions. Another parameter is start_seed (default: 0), giving seeds start_seed, ..., num_seeds - 1. For example, --start_seed 5 --num_seeds 6 runs for a single seed equal to 5.

  • n_workers, max_wallclock_time: You can overwrite the default values for the selected benchmark by these command line arguments.

  • max_size_data_for_model: Parameter for Bayesian optimization, MOBSTER or Hyper-Tune, see here and here.

  • num_gpus_per_trial: If you run on an instance with more than one GPU, you can prescribe how many GPUs should be allocated to each trial. The default is 1. Note that if the product of n_workers and num_gpus_per_trial is larger than the number of GPUs on the instance, trials will be delayed.

  • gpus_to_use: Allows to restrict the GPUs used by Syne Tune. For example, if your instance has 8 GPUs, but you also want to use the latter four of them, use gpus_to_use=[4, 5, 6, 7].

  • delete_checkpoints: If 1, checkpoints of trials are removed whenever they are not needed anymore. The default is 0, in that all checkpoints are retained.

  • scale_max_wallclock_time: If 1, and if n_workers is given as argument, but not max_wallclock_time, the benchmark default benchmark.max_wallclock_time is multiplied by :math:B / min(A, B), where A = n_workers, B = benchmark.n_workers. This means we run for longer if n_workers < benchmark.n_workers, but keep benchmark.max_wallclock_time the same otherwise.

  • use_long_tuner_name_prefix: If 1, results for an experiment are written to a directory whose prefix is f"{experiment_tag}-{benchmark_name}-{seed}", followed by a postfix containing date-time and a 3-digit hash. If 0, the prefix is experiment_tag only. The default is 1 (long prefix).

If you defined additional arguments via extra_args, you can use them here as well.


When launching an experiment locally, you need to be on an instance which supports the required computations (e.g., has 1 or more GPUs), and you need to have installed all required dependencies, including those of the SageMaker framework. In the example above, resnet_cifar10 uses the PyTorch framework, and n_workers=4 by default, which we overwrite by n_workers=1: you need to launch on a machine with 1 GPU, and with PyTorch being installed and properly setup to run GPU computations. If you cannot be bothered with all of this, please consider remote launching as an alternative. On the other hand, you can launch experiments locally without using SageMaker (or AWS) at all.

Benchmark Definitions

In the example above, we select a benchmark via --benchmark resnet_cifar10. All currently included real benchmarks are collected in real_benchmark_definitions(), a function which returns the dictionary of real benchmarks, configured by some extra arguments. If you are happy with selecting one of these existing benchmarks, you may safely skip this subsection.

For resnet_cifar10, this selects resnet_cifar10_benchmark(), which returns meta-data for the benchmark as a RealBenchmarkDefinition object. Here, the argument sagemaker_backend is False in our case, since we use the local backend, and additional **kwargs override arguments of RealBenchmarkDefinition. Important arguments are:

  • script: Absolute filename of the training script. If your script requires additional dependencies on top of the SageMaker framework, you need to specify them in requirements.txt in the same directory.

  • config_space: Configuration space, this must include max_resource_attr

  • metric, mode, max_resource_attr, resource_attr: Names related to the benchmark, either of methods reported (output) or of config_space entries (input).

  • max_wallclock_time, n_workers, max_num_evaluations: Defaults for tuner or stopping criterion, suggested for this benchmark.

  • instance_type: Suggested AWS instance type for this benchmark.

  • framework, estimator_kwargs: SageMaker framework and additional arguments to SageMaker estimator.

Note that parameters like n_workers, max_wallclock_time, or instance_type are given default values here, which can be overwritten by command line arguments. This is why the function signature ends with **kwargs, and we execute _kwargs.update(kwargs) just before creating the RealBenchmarkDefinition object.

Launching Experiments Remotely

Remote launching is particularly convenient for experiments with the local backend, even if you just want to run a single experiment. For local launching, you need to be on an EC2 instance of the desired instance type, and Syne Tune has to be installed there along with all dependencies of your benchmrk. None of this needs to be done for remote launching. Here is an example:

python benchmarking/examples/launch_local/ \
  --experiment_tag tutorial-local --benchmark resnet_cifar10 \
  --num_seeds 5

Since --method is not used, we run experiments for all methods (RS, BO, ASHA, MOBSTER), and for 5 seeds. These are 20 experiments, which are mapped to 20 SageMaker training jobs. These will run on instances of type ml.g4dn.12xlarge, which is the default for resnet_cifar10 and the local backend. Instances of this type have 4 GPUs, so we can use n_workers up to 4 (the default being 4). Results are written to S3, using paths such as syne-tune/{experiment_tag}/ASHA-3/ for method ASHA and seed 3.

Finally, some readers may be puzzled why Syne Tune dependencies are defined in benchmarking/examples/launch_local/requirements-synetune.txt, and not in requirements.txt instead. The reason is that dependencies of the SageMaker estimator for running the experiment locally is really the union of two such files. First, requirements-synetune.txt for the Syne Tune dependencies, and second, requirements.txt next to the training script. The remote launching script is creating a requirements.txt file with this union in benchmarking/examples/launch_local/, which should not become part of the repository.

Visualizing Tuning Metrics in the SageMaker Training Job Console

When experiments are launched remotely with the local or SageMaker backend, a number of metrics are published to the SageMaker training job console (this feature can be switched off with --remote_tuning_metrics 0):

  • BEST_METRIC_VALUE: Best metric value attained so far

  • BEST_TRIAL_ID: ID of trial for best metric value so far

  • BEST_RESOURCE_VALUE: Resource value for best metric value so far

  • BEST_HP_PREFIX, followed by hyperparameter name: Hyperparameter value for best metric value so far

You can inspect these metrics in real time in AWS CloudWatch. To do so:

  • Locate the training job running your experiment in the AWS SageMaker console. Click on Training, then Training jobs, then on the job in the list. For the command above, the jobs are named like tutorial-local-RS-0-XyK8 (experiment tag, then method, then seed, then 4-character hash).

  • Under Metrics, you will see a number of entries, starting with best_metric_value and best_trial_id.

  • Further below, under Monitor, click on View algorithm metrics. This opens a CloudWatch dashboard

  • At this point, you need to change a few defaults, in that CloudWatch only samples metrics (by grepping the logs) every 5 minutes and then displays average values over the 5-minute window. Click on Browse and select the metrics you want to display. For now, select best_metric_value, best_trial_id, best_resource_value.

  • Click on Graphed metrics, and for every metric, select Period -> 30 seconds. Also, select Statistics -> Maximum for metrics best_trial_id, best_resource_value. For best_metric_value, select Statistics -> Minimum if your objective metric is minimized (mode="min"), and Statistics -> Maximum otherwise. In our resnet_cifar10 example, the objective is accuracy, to be maximized, so we select the latter.

  • Finally, select `10s for auto-refresh (the circle with arrow in the upper right corner), and change the temporal resolution by displaying 1h (top row).

This visualization shows you the best metric value attained so far, and which trial attained it for which resource value (e.g., number of epochs). It can be improved. For example, we could plot the curves in different axes. Also, we can visualize the best hyperparameter configuration found so far. In the resnet_cifar10 example, this is given by the metrics best_hp_lr, best_hp_batch_size, best_hp_weight_decay, best_hp_momentum.

Random Seeds and Paired Comparisons

Random effects are the most important reason for variations in experimental outcomes, due to which a meaningful comparison of HPO methods needs to run a number of repetitions (also called seeds above). There are two types of random effects:

  • Randomness in the evaluation of the objective \(f(x)\) to optimize: repeated evaluations of \(f\) for the same configuration \(x\) result in different metric values. In neural network training, these variations originate from random weight initialization and the ordering of mini-batches.

  • Randomness in the HPO algorithm itself. This is evident for random search and ASHA, but just as well concerns Bayesian optimization, since the initial configurations are drawn at random, and the optimization of the acquisition function involves random choices as well.

Syne Tune allows the second source of randomness to be controlled by passing a random seed to the scheduler at initialization. If random search is run several times with the same random seed for the same configuration space, exactly the same sequence of configurations is suggested. The same holds for ASHA. When running random search and Bayesian optimization with the same random seed, the initial configurations (which in BO are either taken from points_to_evaluate or drawn at random) are identical.

The scheduler random seed used in a benchmark experiment is a combination of a master random seed and the seed number introduced above (the latter has values \(0, 1, 2, \dots\)). The master random seed is passed to or as --random_seed. If no master random seed is passed, it is drawn at random and output. The master random seed is also written into metadata.json as part of experimental results. Importantly, the scheduler random seed is the same across different methods for the same seed. This implements a practice called paired comparison, whereby for each seed, different methods are fed with the same random number sequence. This practice reduces variance between method outcomes, while still taking account of randomness by running the experiment several times (for different seeds \(0, 1, 2, \dots\)).


When comparing several methods on the same benchmark, it is recommended to (a) repeat the experiment several times (via --num_seeds), and to (b) use the same master random seed. If all comparisons are done with a single call of or, this is automatically the case, as the master random seed is drawn at random. However, if the comparison extends over several calls, make sure to note down the master random seed from the first call and pass this value via --random_seed to subsequent calls. The master random seed is also stored as random_seed in the metadata metadata.json as part of experimental results.