Benchmarking with SageMaker Backend

The SageMaker backend allows you to run distributed tuning across several instances, where the number of parallel evaluations is not limited by the configuration of an instance, but only by your compute budget.

Defining the Experiment

The scripts required to define an experiment are pretty much the same as in the local backend case. We will look at an example in benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/. Common code used in these benchmarks can be found in syne_tune.experiments:

The scripts benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/, benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/, and benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/ are identical in structure to what happens in the local backend case, with the only difference that syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_sagemaker or syne_tune.experiments.launchers.launch_remote_sagemaker are imported from. Moreover, Syne Tune dependencies need to be specified in benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/requirements.txt.

In terms of benchmarks, the same definitions can be used for the SageMaker backend, in particular you can select from real_benchmark_definitions(). However, the functions there are called with sagemaker_backend=True, which can lead to different values in RealBenchmarkDefinition. For example, resnet_cifar10_benchmark() returns instance_type=ml.g4dn.xlarge for the SageMaker backend (1 GPU per instance), but instance_type=ml.g4dn.12xlarge for the local backend (4 GPUs per instance). This is because for the local backend to support n_workers=4, the instance needs to have at least 4 GPUs, but for the SageMaker backend, each worker uses its own instance, so a cheaper instance type can be used.

Extra arguments can be specified by extra_args, map_method_args, and extra results can be written using extra_results, as is explained here.

Launching Experiments Locally

Here is an example of how experiments with the SageMaker backend are launched locally:

python benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/ \
  --experiment_tag tutorial-sagemaker --benchmark resnet_cifar10 \
  --method ASHA --num_seeds 1

This call launches a single experiment on the local machine (however, each trial launches the training script as a SageMaker training job, using the instance type suggested for the benchmark). The command line arguments are the same as in the local backend case. Additional arguments are:

  • n_workers, max_wallclock_time: Overwrite the default values for the selected benchmark.

  • max_failures: Number of trials which can fail without terminating the entire experiment.

  • warm_pool: This flag is discussed below.

  • max_size_data_for_model: Parameter for Bayesian optimization, MOBSTER or Hyper-Tune, see here and here.

  • scale_max_wallclock_time: If 1, and if n_workers is given as argument, but not max_wallclock_time, the benchmark default benchmark.max_wallclock_time is multiplied by :math:B / min(A, B), where A = n_workers, B = benchmark.n_workers. This means we run for longer if n_workers < benchmark.n_workers, but keep benchmark.max_wallclock_time the same otherwise.

  • use_long_tuner_name_prefix: If 1, results for an experiment are written to a directory whose prefix is f"{experiment_tag}-{benchmark_name}-{seed}", followed by a postfix containing date-time and a 3-digit hash. If 0, the prefix is experiment_tag only. The default is 1 (long prefix).

If you defined additional arguments via extra_args, you can use them here as well.

Launching Experiments Remotely

Sagemaker backend experiments can also be launched remotely, in which case each experiment is run in a SageMaker training job, using a cheap instance type, within which trials are executed as SageMaker training jobs as well. The usage is the same as in the local backend case.

When experiments are launched remotely with the SageMaker backend, a number of metrics are published to the SageMaker training job console (this feature can be switched off with --remote_tuning_metrics 0). This is detailed here.

Using SageMaker Managed Warm Pools

The SageMaker backend supports SageMaker managed warm pools, a recently launched feature of SageMaker. In a nutshell, this feature allows customers to circumvent start-up delays for SageMaker training jobs which share a similar configuration (e.g., framework) with earlier jobs which have already terminated. For Syne Tune with the SageMaker backend, this translates to experiments running faster or, for a fixed max_wallclock_time, running more trials. Warm pools are used if the command line argument --warm_pool 1 is used with For the example above:

python benchmarking/examples/launch_sagemaker/ \
  --experiment_tag tutorial-sagemaker --benchmark resnet_cifar10 \
  --method ASHA --num_seeds 1 --warm_pool 1

The warm pool feature is most useful with multi-fidelity HPO methods (such as ASHA and MOBSTER in our example). Some points you should be aware of:

  • When using SageMaker managed warm pools with the SageMaker backend, it is important to use start_jobs_without_delay=False when creating the Tuner.

  • Warm pools are a billable resource, and you may incur extra costs arising from the fact that up to n_workers instances are kept running for about 10 minutes at the end of your experiment. You have to request warm pool quota increases for instance types you would like to use. For our example, you need to have quotas for (at least) four ml.g4dn.xlarge instances, both for training and warm pool usage.

  • As a sanity check, you can watch the training jobs in the console. You should see InUse and Reused in the Warm pool status column. Running the example above, the first 4 jobs should complete in about 7 to 8 minutes, while all subsequent jobs should take only 2 to 3 minutes.