Comparing Different HPO Methods

We have learned about different methods for hyperparameter tuning:

  • RandomSearch: Sample configurations at random

  • BayesianOptimization: Learn how to best sample by probabilistic modeling of past observations

  • ASHA: Compare running trials with each other after certain numbers of epochs and stop those which underperform

  • MOBSTER: Combine early stopping from ASHA with informed sampling from BayesianOptimization

How do these methods compare when applied to our transformer_wikitext2 tuning problem? In this section, we look at comparative plots which can easily be generated with Syne Tune.


Besides MOBSTER, Syne Tune provides a number of additional state-of-the-art model-based variants of ASHA, such as HyperTune or DyHPO. Moreover, these methods can be configured in many ways, see this tutorial.

A Comparative Study

It is easy to compare different setups with each other in Syne Tune, be it a number of HPO methods, or the same method on different variations, such as different number of workers, or different configuration spaces. First, we specify which methods to compare with each other:

from syne_tune.experiments.default_baselines import (

class Methods:
    RS = "RS"
    BO = "BO"
    ASHA = "ASHA"

methods = {
    Methods.RS: lambda method_arguments: RandomSearch(method_arguments),
    Methods.BO: lambda method_arguments: BayesianOptimization(method_arguments),
    Methods.ASHA: lambda method_arguments: ASHA(method_arguments, type="promotion"),
    Methods.MOBSTER: lambda method_arguments: MOBSTER(
        method_arguments, type="promotion"

We compare random search (RS), Bayesian Optimization (BO), ASHA (ASHA), and MOBSTER (MOBSTER), deviating from the defaults for each method only in that we use the promotion (or pause-and-resume) variant of the latter two. Next, we specify which baselines we would like to consider in our study:

from typing import Dict

from syne_tune.experiments.benchmark_definitions import RealBenchmarkDefinition
from transformer_wikitext2.code.transformer_wikitext2_definition import (

def benchmark_definitions(
    sagemaker_backend: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> Dict[str, RealBenchmarkDefinition]:
    return {
        "transformer_wikitext2": transformer_wikitext2_benchmark(
            sagemaker_backend=sagemaker_backend, **kwargs

The only benchmark we consider in this study is our transformer_wikitext2 tuning problem, with its default configuration space (in general, many benchmarks can be selected from benchmarking.benchmark_definitions.real_benchmark_definitions.real_benchmark_definitions()). Our study has the following properties:

  • We use LocalBackend as execution backend, which runs n_workers=4 trials as parallel processes. The AWS instance type is instance_type="ml.g4dn.12xlarge", which provides 4 GPUs, one for each worker.

  • We repeat each experiment 10 times with different random seeds, so that all in all, we run 40 experiments (4 methods, 10 seeds).

These details are specified in scripts and, which we will discuss in more detail in Module 2, along with the choice of the execution backend. Once all experiments have finished (if all of them are run in parallel, this takes a little more than max_wallclock_time, or 5 hours), we can visualize results.

Local transformer_wikitext2

Comparison of methods on transformer_wikitext2 benchmark, using the local backend with 4 workers.

We can clearly see the benefits coming both from Bayesian optimization (intelligent rather than random sampling) and multi-fidelity scheduling. A combination of the two, MOBSTER, provides both a rapid initial decrease and the best performance after 5 hours.