Setting up an Experimental Study

Any statistical analysis consists of a sequence of experiments, where later ones are planned given outcomes of earlier ones. Parallelization can be used to speed up this process:

  • If outcomes or decision-making are randomized (e.g., training neural networks starts from random initial weights; HPO may suggest configurations drawn at random), it is important to repeat experiments several times in order to gain robust outcomes.

  • If a search problem becomes too big, it can be broken down into several parts, which can be worked on independently.

In this section, we describe the setup for a simple study, which can be used to showcase tooling in Syne Tune for splitting up a large problem into pieces, running random repetitions, writing out extra information, and creating customized comparative plots.

For simplicity, we use surrogate benchmarks from the fcnet family, whereby tuning is simulated. This is the default configuration space for these benchmarks:

    "hp_activation_fn_1": choice(["tanh", "relu"]),
    "hp_activation_fn_2": choice(["tanh", "relu"]),
    "hp_batch_size": logfinrange(8, 64, 4, cast_int=True),
    "hp_dropout_1": finrange(0.0, 0.6, 3),
    "hp_dropout_2": finrange(0.0, 0.6, 3),
    "hp_init_lr": choice([0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1]),
    "hp_lr_schedule": choice(["cosine", "const"]),
    NUM_UNITS_1: logfinrange(16, 512, 6, cast_int=True),
    NUM_UNITS_2: logfinrange(16, 512, 6, cast_int=True),


In the Syne Tune experimentation framework, a tuning problem (i.e., training and evaluation script or blackbox, together with defaults) is called a benchmark. This terminology is used even if the goal of experimentation is not benchmarking (i.e., comparing different HPO methods), as is the case in this tutorial here.


The code used in this tutorial is contained in the Syne Tune source, it is not installed by pip. You can obtain this code by installing Syne Tune from source, but the only code that is needed is in benchmarking.examples.demo_experiment, so if you copy that out of the repository, you do not need all the remaining source code.


In order to use surrogate benchmarks and the simulator backend, you need to have the blackbox-repository dependencies installed, as detailed here. Note that the first time you use a surrogate benchmark, its data files are downloaded and stored to your S3 bucket, this can take a considerable amount of time. The next time you use the benchmark, it is loaded from your local disk or your S3 bucket, which is fast.

Modifying the Configuration Space

The hyperparameters hp_activation_fn_1 and hp_activation_fn_2 prescribe the type of activation function in hidden layers 1 and 2. We can split the overall tuning problem into smaller pieces by fixing these parameters to fixed values, considering relu and tanh networks independently. In our study, we will compare the following methods:

  • ASHA-TANH, MOBSTER-TANH: Runs ASHA and MOBSTER on the simplified configuration space, where hp_activation_fn_1 = hp_activation_fn_2 = "tanh"

  • ASHA-RELU, MOBSTER-RELU: Runs ASHA and MOBSTER on the simplified configuration space, where hp_activation_fn_1 = hp_activation_fn_2 = "relu"

  • ASHA, MOBSTER: Runs ASHA and MOBSTER on the original configuration space

  • RS, BO: Runs baselines random search and Bayesian optimization on the original configuration space

Here is the script defining these alternatives:

import copy

from syne_tune.experiments.default_baselines import (
from syne_tune.experiments.baselines import MethodArguments

class Methods:
    RS = "RS"
    BO = "BO"
    ASHA = "ASHA"

def _modify_config_space(
    method_arguments: MethodArguments, value: str
) -> MethodArguments:
    result = copy.copy(method_arguments)
    result.config_space = dict(
    return result

methods = {
    Methods.RS: lambda method_arguments: RandomSearch(method_arguments),
    Methods.BO: lambda method_arguments: BayesianOptimization(method_arguments),
    Methods.ASHA: lambda method_arguments: ASHA(
    Methods.MOBSTER: lambda method_arguments: MOBSTER(
    # Fix activations to "tanh"
    Methods.ASHA_TANH: lambda method_arguments: ASHA(
        _modify_config_space(method_arguments, value="tanh"),
    Methods.MOBSTER_TANH: lambda method_arguments: MOBSTER(
        _modify_config_space(method_arguments, value="tanh"),
    # Fix activations to "relu"
    Methods.ASHA_RELU: lambda method_arguments: ASHA(
        _modify_config_space(method_arguments, value="relu"),
    Methods.MOBSTER_RELU: lambda method_arguments: MOBSTER(
        _modify_config_space(method_arguments, value="relu"),
  • Different methods are defined in dictionary methods, as functions mapping method_arguments of type MethodArguments to a scheduler object. Here, method_arguments.config_space contains the default configuration space for the benchmark, where both hp_activation_fn_1 and hp_activation_fn_2 are hyperparameters of type choice(["tanh", "relu"]).

  • For ASHA-TANH, MOBSTER-TANH, ASHA-RELU, MOBSTER-RELU, we fix these parameters. This is done in _modify_config_space, where method_arguments.config_space is replaced by a configuration space where the two hyperparameters are fixed (so methods do not search over them anymore).

  • Another way to modify method_arguments just before a method is created, is to use the map_extra_args argument of main(), as detailed here. This allows the modification to depend on extra command line arguments.

Next, we define the benchmarks our study should run over. For our simple example, we use the fcnet benchmarks:

from syne_tune.experiments.benchmark_definitions import fcnet_benchmark_definitions

benchmark_definitions = fcnet_benchmark_definitions.copy()

This is where you would have to plug in your own benchmarks, namely your training script with a bit of metadata. Examples are provided here and here.

Recording Extra Results

Next, we need to write the script which runs a single experiment. As shown here, this is mostly about selecting the correct main function among syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_simulator.main(), syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_local.main(), syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_sagemaker.main(), depending on the trial backend we want to use. In our case, we also would like to record extra information about the experiment. Here is the script:

from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, List

from baselines import methods
from benchmark_definitions import benchmark_definitions
from syne_tune import Tuner
from syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_simulator import main
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers import HyperbandScheduler
from syne_tune.results_callback import ExtraResultsComposer

RESOURCE_LEVELS = [1, 3, 9, 27, 81]

class RungLevelsExtraResults(ExtraResultsComposer):
    We would like to monitor the sizes of rung levels over time. This is an extra
    information normally not recorded and stored.

    def __call__(self, tuner: Tuner) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        if not isinstance(tuner.scheduler, HyperbandScheduler):
            return None
        rung_information = tuner.scheduler.terminator.information_for_rungs()
        return {
            f"num_at_level{resource}": num_entries
            for resource, num_entries, _ in rung_information
            if resource in RESOURCE_LEVELS

    def keys(self) -> List[str]:
        return [f"num_at_level{r}" for r in RESOURCE_LEVELS]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    extra_results = RungLevelsExtraResults()
    main(methods, benchmark_definitions, extra_results=extra_results)
  • As usual, we import syne_tune.experiments.launchers.hpo_main_simulator.main() (we use the simulator backend) and call it, passing our methods and benchmark_definitions. We also pass extra_results, since we would like to record extra results.

  • Note that apart from syne_tune imports, this script is only doing local imports. No other code from benchmarking is required.

  • A certain number of time-stamped results are recorded by default in, details are here. In particular, all metric values reported for all trials are recorded.

  • In our example, we would also like to record information about the multi-fidelity schedulers ASHA and MOBSTER. As detailed in this tutorial, they record metric values for trials at different rung levels these trials reached (e.g., number of epochs trained), and decisions on which paused trial to promote to the next rung level are made by comparing its performance with all others in the same rung. The rung levels are growing over time, and we would like to record their respective sizes as a function of wall-clock time.

  • To this end, we create a subclass of ExtraResultsComposer, whose __call__ method extracts the desired information from the current Tuner object. In our example, we first test whether the current scheduler is ASHA or MOBSTER (recall that we also run RS and BO as baselines). If so, we extract the desired information and return it as a dictionary.

  • Finally, we create extra_results and pass it to the main function.

The outcome is that a number of additional columns are appended to the dataframe stored in, at least for experiments with ASHA or MOBSTER schedulers. Running this script launches an experiment locally (if you installed Syne Tune from source, you need to start the script from the benchmarking/examples directory):

python demo_experiment/ --experiment_tag docs-2-debug

Running Experiments in Parallel

Running our script launches a single experiment on the local machine, writing results to a local directory. This is nice for debugging, but slow and cumbersome once we convinced ourselves that the setup is working. We will want to launch many experiments in parallel on AWS, and use our local machine for other work.

  • Experiments with our setups RS, BO, ASHA-TANH, MOBSTER-TANH, ASHA-RELU, MOBSTER-RELU, ASHA, MOBSTER are independent and can be run in parallel.

  • We repeat each experiment 20 times, in order to quantify the random fluctuation in the results. These seeds are independent and can be run in parallel.

  • We could also run experiments with different benchmarks (i.e., datasets in fcnet) in parallel. But since a single simulated experiment is fast to do, we are not doing this here.

Running experiments in parallel requires a remote launcher script:

from pathlib import Path

from benchmark_definitions import benchmark_definitions
from baselines import methods
from syne_tune.experiments.launchers.launch_remote_simulator import launch_remote

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def _is_expensive_method(method: str) -> bool:
        return method.startswith("MOBSTER") or method == "BO"

    entry_point = Path(__file__).parent / ""
  • Again, we simply choose the correct launch_remote function among launch_remote(), launch_remote(), launch_remote(), depending on the trial backend.

  • Note that apart from syne_tune imports, this script is only doing local imports. No other code from benchmarking is required.

  • In is_expensive_method, we pass a predicate from method name. If is_expensive_method(method) is True, the 20 different seeds are run in parallel. Otherwise, they are run sequentially.

  • In our example, we know that BO and MOBSTER run quite a bit slower in the simulator than RS and ASHA, so we label the former as expensive. This means we have 4 expensive methods and 4 cheap ones, and our complete study will launch 4 + 4 * 20 = 84 SageMaker training jobs. Since fcnet contains four benchmarks, we run 8 * 20 * 4 = 640 experiments in total.

All of these experiments can be launched with a single command (if you installed Syne Tune from source, you need to start the script from the benchmarking/examples directory):

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2 --random_seed 2465497701 --num_seeds 20

If --random_seed is not given, a master random seed is drawn at random, printed and also stored in the metadata. If a study consists of launching experiments in several steps, it is good practice to pass the same random seed for each launch command. For example, you can run the first launch command without passing a seed, then note the seed from the output and use it for further launches.

Avoiding Costly Failures

In practice, with a new experimental setup, it is not a good idea to launch all experiments in one go. We recommend to move in stages.

First, if our benchmarks run locally as well, we should start with some local tests. For example:

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2-debug --random_seed 2465497701 \
  --method ASHA-RELU --verbose 1

We can cycle through several methods and check whether anything breaks. Note that --verbose 1 generates useful output about the progress of the method, which can be used to check whether properties are the way we expect (for example, "relu" is chosen for the fixed hyperparameters). Results are stored locally under ~/syne_tune/docs-2-debug/.

Next, we launch the setup remotely, but for a single seed:

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2 --random_seed 2465497701 --num_seeds 1

This will start 8 SageMaker training jobs, one for each method, and with seed=0. Some of them, like RS, ASHA, ASHA-* will finish very rapidly, and it makes sense to quickly browse their logs, to check whether desired properties are met.

Finally, if this looks good, we can launch all the rest:

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2 --random_seed 2465497701 --num_seeds 20 \
  --start_seed 1

This is launching all remaining experiments with seed from 1 to 19.


If something breaks when remotely launching for seed=0, it may be that results have already been written to S3. This is because results are written out periodically. If you use the same tag docs-2 for initial debugging, you will have to remove these results on S3, or otherwise be careful filtering them out later on (this is discussed below).

In a large study consisting of many experiments, it can happen that some experiments fail for reasons which do not invalidate results of the other ones. If this happens, it is not a good idea, both time and cost wise, to start the whole study from scratch. Instead, we recommend to clean up and restart only the experiments which failed. For example, assume that in our study above, the MOBSTER-TANH experiments of seed == 13 failed:

  • We need to remove incomplete results of these experiments, which can corrupt final aggregate results otherwise. This can either be done by removing them on S3, or by advanced filtering (discussed below). In general, we recommend the former. For our example, the results to be removed are in s3://{sagemaker-default-bucket}/syne-tune/docs-2/MOBSTER-TANH-13/. Namely, since MOBSTER-TANH is an “expensive” method, results for different seeds are written to different subdirectories.

  • Next, we need to start the failed experiments again:

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2 --random_seed 2465497701 --num_seeds 14 \
  --start_seed 13 --method MOBSTER-TANH

Instead, assume that the ASHA experiments for seed == 13 failed. This is a “cheap” method, so results for all seeds are written to s3://{sagemaker-default-bucket}/syne-tune/docs-2/ASHA/, into subdirectories of the form docs-2-<benchmark>-<seed>-<datetime>. Since this method is cheap, we can rerun all its experiments, by first removing everything under s3://{sagemaker-default-bucket}/syne-tune/docs-2/ASHA/, then:

python demo_experiment/ \
  --experiment_tag docs-2 --random_seed 2465497701 --num_seeds 20 \
  --method ASHA


Don’t worry if you restart failed experiments without first removing its incomplete results on S3. Due to the <datetime> postfix of directory names, results of a restart never conflict with older ones. However, once you plot aggregate results, you will get a warning that too many results have been found, along with where these results are located. At this point, you can still remove the incomplete ones.