
In this section, we define and motivate some basic definitions. As this tutorial is mostly driven by examples, we will not go into much detail here.

What is Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO)?

In hyperparameter optimization (HPO), the goal is to minimize an a priori unknown function \(f(\mathbf{x})\) over a configuration space \(\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}\). Here, \(\mathbf{x}\) is a hyperparameter configuration. For example, \(f(\mathbf{x})\) could be obtained by training a neural network model on a training dataset, then computing its error on a disjoint validation dataset. The hyperparameters may configure several aspects of this setup, for example:

  • Optimization parameters: Learning rate, batch size, momentum fraction, regularization constant, dropout fraction, choice of stochastic gradient descent (SDG) optimizer, warm-up ratio

  • Architecture parameters: Number of layers, width of layers, number of convolution filters, number of self-attention heads

If HPO ranges over architecture parameters, potentially including the operator types and connectivity of cells (or layers), it is also referred to as neural architecture search (NAS).

In general, HPO is a more difficult optimization problem than training for weights and biases, for a number of reasons:

  • Hyperparameters are often discrete (integer or categorical), so smooth optimization principles do not apply

  • HPO is the outer loop of a nested (or bi-level) optimization problem, where the inner loop consists of training for weights and biases. This means that an evaluation of \(f(\mathbf{x})\) can be very expensive (hours or even days)

  • The nested structure implies further difficulties. Training is non-deterministic (random initialization and mini-batch ordering), so \(f(\mathbf{x})\) is really a random function. Even for continuous hyperparamters, a gradient of \(f(\mathbf{x})\) is not tractable to obtain

For these reasons, a considerable amount of technology has so far been applied to the HPO problem. In the context of this tutorial, two directions are most relevant:

  • Saving compute resources and time by using partial evaluations of \(f(\mathbf{x})\) most of the time. Such evaluations are called low fidelity or low resource below

  • Fitting data from \(f(\mathbf{x})\) (and its lower fidelities) with a surrogate probabilistic model. The latter has properties that the real target function lacks (fast to evaluate; gradients can be computed), and this can efficiently guide the search. The main purpose of a surrogate model is to reduce the number of evaluations of \(f(\mathbf{x})\), while still finding a high quality optimum

Fidelities and Resources

In this section, we will introduce concepts of multi-fidelity hyperparameter optimization. Examples will be given further below. The reader may skip this section and return to it as a glossary.

An evaluation of \(f(\mathbf{x})\) requires a certain amount of compute resources and wallclock time. Most of this time is spent in training the model. In most cases, training resources and time can be broken down into units. For example:

  • Neural networks are trained for a certain number of epochs (i.e., sweeps over the training set). In this case, training for one epoch could be one resource unit. This resource unit will be used as running example in this tutorial.

  • Machine learning models can also be trained on subsets of the training set, in order to save resources. We could create a nested system of sets, where for simplicity all sizes are integer multiples of the smallest one. In this case, training on the smallest subset size is one resource unit.

We can decide the amount of resources when evaluating a configuration, giving rise to observations of \(f(\mathbf{x}, r)\), where \(r\in\{1, 2, 3, \dots, r_{max}\}\) denotes the resource used (e.g., number of epochs of training).

It is common to define \(f(\mathbf{x}, r_{max}) = f(\mathbf{x})\), so that the original criterion of interest has the largest resource that can be chosen. In this context, any \(f(\mathbf{x}, r)\) with \(r < r_{max}\) is called a low fidelity criterion w.r.t. \(f(\mathbf{x}, r_{max})\). The smaller \(r\), the lower the fidelity. A smaller resource requires less computation and waiting time, but it also produces a datapoint of less quality when approximating the target metric. Importantly, all methods discussed here make the following assumption:

  • For every fixed \(\mathbf{x}\), running time and compute cost of evaluating \(f(\mathbf{x}, r)\) scales roughly proportional to \(r\). If this is not the case for the natural resource unit in your problem, you need to map \(r\) to your unit in a non-linear way. Note that time may still strongly depend on the configuration \(\mathbf{x}\) itself.

Multi-Fidelity Scheduling

How could an existing HPO technology be extended in order to make use of multi-fidelity observations \(f(\mathbf{x}, r)\) at different resources? There are two basic principles which come to mind:

  • A priori decisions: Whenever a decision is required which configuration \(\mathbf{x}\) to evaluate next, the method also decides the resource \(r\) to be spent on that evaluation.

  • A posteriori decisions: Whenever a new configuration \(\mathbf{x}\) can be run, it is started without a definite amount of resource attached to it. After it spent some resources, its low-fidelity observations are compared to others who spent the same resource before. Decisions on stopping, or also on resuming, trials are taken based on the outcome of such comparisons.

While some work on multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization has chosen the former option, methods with a posteriori decision-making have been far more successful. All methods discussed in this tutorial adhere to the a posteriori principle for decisions which trials to stop or resume from a paused state. In the sequel, we will use the terminology scheduling decisions rather than a posteriori.

How to implement such scheduling decisions? In general, we need to compare a number of trials with each other on the basis of observations at a certain resource level \(r\) (or, more generally, on values up to \(r\)). In this tutorial, and in Syne Tune more generally, we use terminology defined in the ASHA publication. A rung is a list of trials \(\mathbf{x}_j\) and observations \(f(\mathbf{x}_j, r)\) at a certain resource level \(r\). This resource is also called rung level. In general, a decision on what to do with one or several trials in the rung is taken by sorting the rung members w.r.t. their metric values. A positive decision (i.e., continue, or resume) is taken if the trial ranks among the better ones (above a certain quantile), a negative one (i.e., stop, or keep paused) is taken otherwise.

More details will be given when we come to real examples below. Just a few remarks at this point, which will be substantiated with examples:

  • Modern successive halving methods innovated over earlier proposals by suggesting a geometric spacing of rung levels, and by calibrating the thresholds in scheduling decisions according to this spacing. For example, the median stopping rule predates successive halving, but is typically outperformed by ASHA (while MSR is implemented in Syne Tune, it is not discussed in this tutorial).

  • Scheduling decisions can either be made synchronously or asynchronously. In the former case, decisions are batched up for many trials, while in the latter case, decisions for each trial are made instantaneously.

  • Asynchronous scheduling can either be implemented as start-and-stop, or as pause-and-resume. In the former case, trials are started when workers become available, and they may be stopped at rung levels (and just continue otherwise). In pause-and-resume scheduling, any trial is always run until the next rung level and paused there. When a worker becomes available, it may be used to resume any of the paused trials, in case they compare well against peers at the same rung. These modalities place different requirements on the training script and the execution backend.