Source code for syne_tune.backend.python_backend.python_backend

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
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# permissions and limitations under the License.
import hashlib
import logging
import types
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Any

import dill

from syne_tune.backend import LocalBackend
from syne_tune.config_space import config_space_to_json_dict
from syne_tune.util import dump_json_with_numpy

[docs] def file_md5(filename: str) -> str: hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(filename, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
[docs] class PythonBackend(LocalBackend): """ A backend that supports the tuning of Python functions (if you rather want to tune an endpoint script such as "", then you should use :class:`LocalBackend`). The function ``tune_function`` should be serializable, should not reference any global variable or module and should have as arguments a subset of the keys of ``config_space``. When deserializing, a md5 is checked to ensure consistency. For instance, the following function is a valid way of defining a backend on top of a simple function: .. code-block:: python from syne_tune.backend import PythonBackend from syne_tune.config_space import uniform def f(x, epochs): import logging import time from syne_tune import Reporter root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) reporter = Reporter() for i in range(epochs): reporter(epoch=i + 1, y=x + i) config_space = { "x": uniform(-10, 10), "epochs": 5, } backend = PythonBackend(tune_function=f, config_space=config_space) See ``examples/`` for a complete example. Additional arguments on top of parent class :class:`~syne_tune.backend.LocalBackend`: :param tune_function: Python function to be tuned. The function must call Syne Tune reporter to report metrics and be serializable, imports should be performed inside the function body. :param config_space: Configuration space corresponding to arguments of ``tune_function`` """ def __init__( self, tune_function: Callable, config_space: Dict[str, object], rotate_gpus: bool = True, delete_checkpoints: bool = False, ): super(PythonBackend, self).__init__( entry_point=str(Path(__file__).parent / ""), rotate_gpus=rotate_gpus, delete_checkpoints=delete_checkpoints, pass_args_as_json=False, ) self.config_space = config_space # save function without reference to global variables or modules self.tune_function = types.FunctionType(tune_function.__code__, {}) @property def tune_function_path(self) -> Path: return self.local_path / "tune_function"
[docs] def set_path( self, results_root: Optional[str] = None, tuner_name: Optional[str] = None ): super(PythonBackend, self).set_path( results_root=results_root, tuner_name=tuner_name ) if self.local_path.exists(): logging.warning( f"Path {self.local_path} already exists, make sure you have a unique tuner name." )
def _schedule(self, trial_id: int, config: Dict[str, Any]): if not (self.tune_function_path / "tune_function.dill").exists(): self.save_tune_function(self.tune_function) config = config.copy() config["tune_function_root"] = str(self.tune_function_path) # to detect if the serialized function is the same as the one passed by the user, we pass the md5 to the # endpoint script. The hash is checked before executing the function. config["tune_function_hash"] = file_md5( str(self.tune_function_path / "tune_function.dill") ) super(PythonBackend, self)._schedule(trial_id=trial_id, config=config)
[docs] def save_tune_function(self, tune_function): self.tune_function_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(self.tune_function_path / "tune_function.dill", "wb") as file: dill.dump(tune_function, file) dump_json_with_numpy( config_space_to_json_dict(self.config_space), filename=self.tune_function_path / "configspace.json", )