syne_tune.backend.python_backend.python_backend module

Return type:


class syne_tune.backend.python_backend.python_backend.PythonBackend(tune_function, config_space, rotate_gpus=True, delete_checkpoints=False)[source]

Bases: LocalBackend

A backend that supports the tuning of Python functions (if you rather want to tune an endpoint script such as “”, then you should use LocalBackend). The function tune_function should be serializable, should not reference any global variable or module and should have as arguments a subset of the keys of config_space. When deserializing, a md5 is checked to ensure consistency.

For instance, the following function is a valid way of defining a backend on top of a simple function:

from syne_tune.backend import PythonBackend
from syne_tune.config_space import uniform

def f(x, epochs):
    import logging
    import time
    from syne_tune import Reporter
    root = logging.getLogger()
    reporter = Reporter()
    for i in range(epochs):
        reporter(epoch=i + 1, y=x + i)

config_space = {
    "x": uniform(-10, 10),
    "epochs": 5,
backend = PythonBackend(tune_function=f, config_space=config_space)

See examples/ for a complete example.

Additional arguments on top of parent class LocalBackend:

  • tune_function (Callable) – Python function to be tuned. The function must call Syne Tune reporter to report metrics and be serializable, imports should be performed inside the function body.

  • config_space (Dict[str, object]) – Configuration space corresponding to arguments of tune_function

property tune_function_path: Path
set_path(results_root=None, tuner_name=None)[source]
  • results_root (Optional[str]) – The local folder that should contain the results of the tuning experiment. Used by Tuner to indicate a desired path where the results should be written to. This is used to unify the location of backend files and Tuner results when possible (in the local backend). By default, the backend does not do anything since not all backends may be able to unify their file locations.

  • tuner_name (Optional[str]) – Name of the tuner, can be used for instance to save checkpoints on remote storage.
