Linking in a New Searcher

At this point, you should have learned everything needed for implementing a new scheduler, or for modifying an existing template scheduler to your special requirements. Say, you have implemented a new searcher to be plugged into one of the existing generic schedulers. In this section, we will look into how a new searcher can be made available in an easy-to-use fashion.

The Searcher Factory

Recall that our generic schedulers, such as FIFOScheduler or HyperbandScheduler allow the user to choose a searcher via the string argument searcher, and to configure the searcher (away from defaults) by the dictionary argument search_options. While searcher can also be a BaseSearcher instance, it is simpler and more convenient to choose the searcher by name. For example:

  • Generic schedulers only work with certain types of searchers. This consistency is checked when searcher is a name, but may lead to subtle errors if not.

  • Several arguments of a searcher are typically just the same as for the surrounding scheduler, or can be inferred from arguments of the scheduler. This can become complex for some searchers and leads to difficult boiler plate code in case searcher is to be created by hand.

  • While not covered in this tutorial, constructing schedulers and searchers for Gaussian process based Bayesian optimization and its extensions to multi-fidelity scheduling, constrained or cost-aware search is significantly more complex, as can be seen in syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.gp_searcher_factory.

It is the purpose of searcher_factory() to create the correct BaseSearcher object for given scheduler arguments, including searcher (name) and search_options. Let us have a look how the constructor of FIFOScheduler calls the factory. We see how scheduler arguments like metric, mode, points_to_evaluate are just passed through to the factory. We also need to set search_options["scheduler"] in order to tell searcher_factory which generic scheduler is calling it.

The searcher_factory() code should be straightforward to understand and extend. Pick a name for your new searcher and set searcher_cls and supported_schedulers (the latter can be left to None if your searcher works with all generic schedulers). The constructor of your searcher needs to have the signature

def __init__(self, config_space: dict, metric: str, **kwargs):

Here, kwargs will be fed with search_options, but enriched with fields like mode, points_to_evaluate, random_seed_generator, scheduler. Your searcher is not required to make use of them, even though we strongly recommend to support points_to_evaluate and to make use of random_seed_generator (as is shown here). Here are some best practices for linking a new searcher into the factory:

  • The Syne Tune code is written in a way which allows to run certain scenarios with a restricted set of all possible dependencies (see FAQ). This is achieved by conditional imports. If your searcher requires dependencies beyond the core, please make sure to use try ... except ImportError as you see in the code.

  • Try to make sure that your searcher also works without search_options being specified by the user. You will always have the fields contributed by the generic schedulers, and for all others, your code should ideally come with sensible defaults.

  • Make sure to implement the configure_scheduler method of your new searcher, restricting usage to supported scheduler types.

The Baseline Wrappers

In order to facilitate choosing and configuring a scheduler along with its searcher, Syne Tune defines the most frequently used combinations in syne_tune.optimizer.baselines. The minimal signature of a baseline class is this:

def __init__(self, config_space: dict, metric: str, **kwargs):

Or, in the multi-objective case:

def __init__(self, config_space: dict, metric: List[str], **kwargs):

If the underlying scheduler maintains a searcher (as most schedulers do), arguments to the searcher (except for config_space, metric) are given in kwargs["search_options"]. If a scheduler is of multi-fidelity type, the minimal signature is:

def __init__(self, config_space: dict, metric: str, resource_attr: str, **kwargs):

If the scheduler accepts a random seed, this must be kwargs["random_seed"]. Several wrapper classes in syne_tune.optimizer.baselines have signatures with more arguments, which are either passed to the scheduler or to the searcher. For example, some wrappers make random_seed explicit in the signature, instead of having it in kwargs.


If a scheduler maintains a searcher inside, and in particular if it simply configures FIFOScheduler or class:HyperbandScheduler with a new searcher, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the policy to specify searcher arguments in kwargs["search_options"]. This simplifies enabling the new scheduler in the simple experimentation framework of syne_tune.experiments, and in general provides a common user experience across different schedulers.

Let us look at an example of a baseline wrapper whose underlying scheduler is of type FIFOScheduler with a specific searcher, which is not itself created via a searcher factory:

syne_tune/optimizer/ – REA
class REA(FIFOScheduler):
    """Regularized Evolution (REA).

    See :class:`~syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.regularized_evolution.RegularizedEvolution`
    for ``kwargs["search_options"]`` parameters.

    :param config_space: Configuration space for evaluation function
    :param metric: Name of metric to optimize
    :param population_size: See
        Defaults to 100
    :param sample_size: See
        Defaults to 10
    :param random_seed: Random seed, optional
    :param kwargs: Additional arguments to

    def __init__(
        config_space: Dict[str, Any],
        metric: str,
        population_size: int = 100,
        sample_size: int = 10,
        random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
        searcher_kwargs = _create_searcher_kwargs(
            config_space, metric, random_seed, kwargs
        searcher_kwargs["population_size"] = population_size
        searcher_kwargs["sample_size"] = sample_size
        super(REA, self).__init__(

def create_gaussian_process_estimator(
    config_space: Dict[str, Any],
    metric: str,
    random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
    search_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Estimator:
    scheduler = BayesianOptimization(
    searcher = scheduler.searcher  # GPFIFOSearcher
    state_transformer = searcher.state_transformer  # ModelStateTransformer
    estimator = state_transformer.estimator  # GaussProcEmpiricalBayesEstimator

    # update the estimator properties
    estimator.active_metric = metric
    return estimator

class MORandomScalarizationBayesOpt(FIFOScheduler):
    Uses :class:`~syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective.MultiObjectiveMultiSurrogateSearcher`
    with one standard GP surrogate model per metric (same as in
    :class:`BayesianOptimization`, together with the
    acquisition function.

    If `estimators` is given, surrogate models are taken from there, and the
    default is used otherwise. This is useful if you have a good low-variance
    model for one of the objectives.

    :param config_space: Configuration space for evaluation function
    :param metric: Name of metrics to optimize
    :param mode: Modes of optimization. Defaults to "min" for all
    :param random_seed: Random seed, optional
    :param estimators: Use these surrogate models instead of the default GP
        one. Optional
    :param kwargs: Additional arguments to
        :class:`~syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.FIFOScheduler`. Here,
        ``kwargs["search_options"]`` is used to create the searcher and its
        GP surrogate models.

    def __init__(
        config_space: Dict[str, Any],
        metric: List[str],
        mode: Union[List[str], str] = "min",
        random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
        estimators: Optional[Dict[str, Estimator]] = None,
            from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective import (
        except ImportError:

        searcher_kwargs = _create_searcher_kwargs(
            config_space, metric, random_seed, kwargs

        if estimators is None:
            estimators = dict()
            estimators = estimators.copy()
        if isinstance(mode, str):
            mode = [mode] * len(metric)
        if "search_options" in kwargs:
            search_options = kwargs["search_options"].copy()
            search_options = dict()
        search_options["no_fantasizing"] = True
        for _metric in metric:
            if _metric not in estimators:
                estimators[_metric] = create_gaussian_process_estimator(
        # Note: ``mode`` is dealt with in the ``update`` method of the MO
        # searcher, by converting the metrics. Internally, all metrics are
        # minimized
        searcher = MultiObjectiveMultiSurrogateSearcher(
                MultiObjectiveLCBRandomLinearScalarization, random_seed=random_seed

class NSGA2(FIFOScheduler):
    See :class:`~syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.RandomSearcher`
    for ``kwargs["search_options"]`` parameters.

    :param config_space: Configuration space for evaluation function
    :param metric: Name of metric to optimize
    :param population_size: The size of the population for NSGA-2
    :param random_seed: Random seed, optional
    :param kwargs: Additional arguments to

    def __init__(
        config_space: Dict[str, Any],
        metric: List[str],
        mode: Union[List[str], str] = "min",
        population_size: int = 20,
        random_seed: Optional[int] = None,
        searcher_kwargs = _create_searcher_kwargs(
            config_space, metric, random_seed, kwargs
        searcher_kwargs["mode"] = mode
        searcher_kwargs["population_size"] = population_size
        super(NSGA2, self).__init__(

  • The signature has config_space, metric, and random_seed. It also has two searcher arguments, population_size and sample_size.

  • In order to compile the arguments searcher_kwargs for creating the searcher, we first call _create_searcher_kwargs(config_space, metric, random_seed, kwargs). Doing so is particularly important in order to ensure random seeds are managed between scheduler and searcher in the same way across different Syne Tune schedulers.

  • Next, the additional arguments population_size and sample_size need to be appended to these searcher arguments. Had we used kwargs["search_options"] instead, this would not be necessary.

  • Finally, we create FIFOScheduler, passing config_space, metric, as well as the new searcher via searcher=RegularizedEvolution(**searcher_kwargs), and finally pass **kwargs at the end.

Baselines and Benchmarking

As shown in this tutorial and this tutorial, a particularly convenient way to define and run experiments is using the code in syne_tune.experiments. Once a new scheduler has a baseline wrapper, it is very easy to make it available there: you just need to add a wrapper in syne_tune.experiments.default_baselines. For the REA example above, this is:

from syne_tune.optimizer.baselines import REA as _REA

def REA(method_arguments: MethodArguments, **kwargs):
    return _REA(**_baseline_kwargs(method_arguments, kwargs))

Contribute your Extension

At this point, you are ready to plug in your latest idea and make it work in Syne Tune. Given that it works well, we would encourage you to contribute it back to the community. We are looking forward to your pull request.