Source code for syne_tune.tuning_status

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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
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from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Set, Optional, Dict, Any
import numbers
import logging
import time
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
from numpy import inf as np_inf

from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import Status
from syne_tune.constants import ST_WORKER_TIME, ST_WORKER_COST
from syne_tune.backend.trial_backend import (

[docs] class MetricsStatistics: """ Allows to maintain simple running statistics (min/max/sum/count) of metrics provided. Statistics are tracked for numeric types only. Types of first added metrics define its types. """ def __init__(self): self.metric_names = [] self.count = 0 self.min_metrics = dict() self.max_metrics = dict() self.sum_metrics = dict() self.last_metrics = dict() self.is_numeric = dict()
[docs] def add(self, metrics: Dict[str, Any]): for metric_name, current_metric in metrics.items(): if metric_name in self.is_numeric: if self.is_numeric[metric_name] != isinstance( current_metric, numbers.Number ): logging.warning( f"Numeric and non-numeric values reported for metric {metric_name}." ) if self.is_numeric.get(metric_name, True): self.is_numeric[metric_name] = isinstance( current_metric, numbers.Number ) if self.is_numeric[metric_name]: self.min_metrics[metric_name] = min( self.min_metrics.get(metric_name, np_inf), current_metric ) self.max_metrics[metric_name] = max( self.max_metrics.get(metric_name, -np_inf), current_metric ) self.sum_metrics[metric_name] = ( self.sum_metrics.get(metric_name, 0) + current_metric ) self.metric_names = list(self.min_metrics.keys()) self.last_metrics = metrics self.count += 1
[docs] class TuningStatus: """ Information of a tuning job to display as progress or to use to decide whether to stop the tuning job. :param metric_names: Names of metrics reported """ # TODO: ``metric_names`` not used for anything. Remove? def __init__(self, metric_names: List[str]): self.metric_names = metric_names self.start_time = time.perf_counter() self.overall_metric_statistics = MetricsStatistics() self.trial_metric_statistics = defaultdict(lambda: MetricsStatistics()) self.last_trial_status_seen = OrderedDict() self.trial_rows = OrderedDict({})
[docs] def update( self, trial_status_dict: TrialAndStatusInformation, new_results: TrialIdAndResultList, ): """ Updates the tuning status given new statuses and results. :param trial_status_dict: Dictionary mapping trial ID to :class:`Trial` object and status :param new_results: New results, along with trial IDs """ self.last_trial_status_seen.update( {k: v[1] for k, v in trial_status_dict.items()} ) for trial_id, new_result in new_results: self.overall_metric_statistics.add(new_result) self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].add(new_result) for trial_id, (trial, status) in trial_status_dict.items(): num_metrics = self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].count row = { "trial_id": trial_id, "status": status, "iter": num_metrics, } row.update(trial.config) row.update(self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].last_metrics) if ST_WORKER_TIME in self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].max_metrics: row["worker-time"] = self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].max_metrics[ ST_WORKER_TIME ] if ST_WORKER_COST in self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].max_metrics: row["worker-cost"] = self.trial_metric_statistics[trial_id].max_metrics[ ST_WORKER_COST ] self.trial_rows[trial_id] = row
[docs] def mark_running_job_as_stopped(self): """ Update the status of all trials still running to be marked as stop. """ self.last_trial_status_seen = { k: v if v != Status.in_progress else Status.stopped for k, v in self.last_trial_status_seen.items() } for trial_id, row in self.trial_rows.items(): if row["status"] == Status.in_progress: row["status"] = Status.stopped
@property def num_trials_started(self): """ :return: Number of trials which have been started """ return len(self.last_trial_status_seen) def _num_trials(self, status: Union[str, Set[str]]): if isinstance(status, str): status = set([status]) elif not isinstance(status, set): status = set(status) return sum( trial_status in status for trial_status in self.last_trial_status_seen.values() ) @property def num_trials_completed(self): """ :return: Number of trials which have been completed """ return self._num_trials(status=Status.completed) @property def num_trials_failed(self): """ :return: Number of trials which have failed """ return self._num_trials(status=Status.failed) @property def num_trials_finished(self): """ :return: Number of trials that finished, e.g. that completed, were stopped or are stopping, or failed """ # note it may be inefficient to query several times the dataframe in case a very large number of jobs are # present, we could query the dataframe only once status_finished = { Status.completed, Status.stopped, Status.stopping, Status.failed, } return self._num_trials(status=status_finished) @property def num_trials_running(self): """ :return: Number of trials currently running """ return self._num_trials(status=Status.in_progress) @property def wallclock_time(self): """ :return: the wallclock time spent in the tuner """ return time.perf_counter() - self.start_time @property def user_time(self): """ :return: the total user time spent in the workers """ if ST_WORKER_TIME in self.overall_metric_statistics.metric_names: usertime_per_trial = [ metric.max_metrics.get(ST_WORKER_TIME, 0) for trial, metric in self.trial_metric_statistics.items() ] return sum(usertime_per_trial) else: return 0 @property def cost(self): """ :return: the estimated dollar-cost spent while tuning """ if ST_WORKER_COST in self.overall_metric_statistics.metric_names: cost_per_trial = [ metric.max_metrics.get(ST_WORKER_COST, 0) for trial, metric in self.trial_metric_statistics.items() ] return sum(cost_per_trial) else: return 0.0
[docs] def get_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ :return: Information about all trials as dataframe """ return pd.DataFrame(self.trial_rows.values())
def __str__(self): num_running = self.num_trials_running num_finished = self.num_trials_started - num_running if len(self.trial_rows) > 0: df = self.get_dataframe() cols = [col for col in df.columns if not col.startswith("st_")] res_str = df.loc[:, cols].to_string(index=False, na_rep="-") + "\n" else: res_str = "" res_str += ( f"{num_running} trials running, " f"{num_finished} finished ({self.num_trials_completed} until the end), " f"{self.wallclock_time:.2f}s wallclock-time" ) # f"{self.user_time:.2f}s approximated user-time" cost = self.cost if cost is not None and cost > 0.0: res_str += f", ${cost:.2f} estimated cost" res_str += "\n" return res_str