Source code for syne_tune.tuner

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Any, Union

import dill as dill

from syne_tune.backend.trial_backend import (
from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import Status, Trial, TrialResult
from syne_tune.constants import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.scheduler import SchedulerDecision, TrialScheduler
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.remove_checkpoints import (
from syne_tune.tuner_callback import TunerCallback
from syne_tune.results_callback import StoreResultsCallback
from syne_tune.tuning_status import TuningStatus, print_best_metric_found
from syne_tune.util import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Tuner: """ Controller of tuning loop, manages interplay between scheduler and trial backend. Also, stopping criterion and number of workers are maintained here. :param trial_backend: Backend for trial evaluations :param scheduler: Tuning algorithm for making decisions about which trials to start, stop, pause, or resume :param stop_criterion: Tuning stops when this predicates returns ``True``. Called in each iteration with the current tuning status. It is recommended to use :class:`StoppingCriterion`. :param n_workers: Number of workers used here. Note that the backend needs to support (at least) this number of workers to be run in parallel :param sleep_time: Time to sleep when all workers are busy. Defaults to :const:`~syne_tune.constants.DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME` :param results_update_interval: Frequency at which results are updated and stored (in seconds). Defaults to 10. :param print_update_interval: Frequency at which result table is printed. Defaults to 30. :param max_failures: This many trial execution failures are allowed before the tuning loop is aborted. Defaults to 1 :param tuner_name: Name associated with the tuning experiment, default to the name of the entrypoint. Must consists of alpha-digits characters, possibly separated by '-'. A postfix with a date time-stamp is added to ensure uniqueness. :param asynchronous_scheduling: Whether to use asynchronous scheduling when scheduling new trials. If ``True``, trials are scheduled as soon as a worker is available. If ``False``, the tuner waits that all trials are finished before scheduling a new batch of size ``n_workers``. Default to ``True``. :param wait_trial_completion_when_stopping: How to deal with running trials when stopping criterion is met. If ``True``, the tuner waits until all trials are finished. If ``False``, all trials are terminated. Defaults to ``False``. :param callbacks: Called at certain times in the tuning loop, for example when a result is seen. The default callback stores results every ``results_update_interval``. :param metadata: Dictionary of user-metadata that will be persisted in ``{tuner_path}/{ST_METADATA_FILENAME}``, in addition to metadata provided by the user. ``SMT_TUNER_CREATION_TIMESTAMP`` is always included which measures the time-stamp when the tuner started to run. :param suffix_tuner_name: If ``True``, a timestamp is appended to the provided ``tuner_name`` that ensures uniqueness, otherwise the name is left unchanged and is expected to be unique. Defaults to ``True``. :param save_tuner: If ``True``, the :class:`Tuner` object is serialized at the end of tuning, including its dependencies (e.g., scheduler). This allows all details of the experiment to be recovered. Defaults to ``True``. :param start_jobs_without_delay: Defaults to ``True``. If this is ``True``, the tuner starts new jobs depending on scheduler decisions communicated to the backend. For example, if a trial has just been stopped (by calling ``backend.stop_trial``), the tuner may start a new one immediately, even if the SageMaker training job is still busy due to stopping delays. This can lead to faster experiment runtime, because the backend is temporarily going over its budget. If set to ``False``, the tuner always asks the backend for the number of busy workers, which guarantees that we never go over the ``n_workers`` budget. This makes a difference for backends where stopping or pausing trials is not immediate (e.g., :class:`SageMakerBackend`). Not going over budget means that ``n_workers`` can be set up to the available quota, without running the risk of an exception due to the quota being exceeded. If you get such exceptions, we recommend to use ``start_jobs_without_delay=False``. Also, if the SageMaker warm pool feature is used, it is recommended to set ``start_jobs_without_delay=False``, since otherwise more than ``n_workers`` warm pools will be started, because existing ones are busy with stopping when they should be reassigned. :param trial_backend_path: If this is given, the path of ``trial_backend`` (where logs and checkpoints of trials are stored) is set to this. Otherwise, it is set to ``self.tuner_path``, so that per-trial information is written to the same path as tuning results. If the backend is :class:`~syne_tune.backend.LocalBackend` and the experiment is run remotely, we recommend to set this, since otherwise checkpoints and logs are synced to S3, along with tuning results, which is costly and error-prone. """ def __init__( self, trial_backend: TrialBackend, scheduler: TrialScheduler, stop_criterion: Callable[[TuningStatus], bool], n_workers: int, sleep_time: float = TUNER_DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME, results_update_interval: float = 10.0, print_update_interval: float = 30.0, max_failures: int = 1, tuner_name: Optional[str] = None, asynchronous_scheduling: bool = True, wait_trial_completion_when_stopping: bool = False, callbacks: Optional[List[TunerCallback]] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, suffix_tuner_name: bool = True, save_tuner: bool = True, start_jobs_without_delay: bool = True, trial_backend_path: Optional[str] = None, ): self.trial_backend = trial_backend self.scheduler = scheduler self.n_workers = n_workers self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.results_update_interval = results_update_interval self.stop_criterion = stop_criterion self.asynchronous_scheduling = asynchronous_scheduling self.wait_trial_completion_when_stopping = wait_trial_completion_when_stopping self.metadata = self._enrich_metadata(metadata) self.save_tuner = save_tuner self.start_jobs_without_delay = start_jobs_without_delay self.max_failures = max_failures self.print_update_interval = print_update_interval if tuner_name is not None: check_valid_sagemaker_name(tuner_name) else: tuner_name = Path(self.trial_backend.entrypoint_path()).stem.replace( "_", "-" ) if suffix_tuner_name or tuner_name is None: = name_from_base(tuner_name, default="st-tuner") else: = tuner_name # we keep track of the last result seen to send it to schedulers when trials complete. self.last_seen_result_per_trial = {} self.trials_scheduler_stopped = set() self.tuner_path = Path(experiment_path( # inform the backend to the folder of the Tuner. This allows the local backend # to store the logs and tuner results in the same folder. self.trial_backend.set_path( results_root=str(self.tuner_path) if trial_backend_path is None else trial_backend_path,, ) self._init_callbacks(callbacks) self.tuning_status = None self.tuner_saver = None self.status_printer = None self._initialize_early_checkpoint_removal() def _init_callbacks(self, callbacks: Optional[List[TunerCallback]]): if callbacks is None: callbacks = [self._default_callback()] else: if not any( isinstance(callback, StoreResultsCallback) for callback in callbacks ): logger.warning( "None of the callbacks provided are of type StoreResultsCallback. " "This means no tuning results will be written." ) self.callbacks: List[TunerCallback] = callbacks def _initialize_early_checkpoint_removal(self): """ If the scheduler supports early checkpoint removal, the specific callback for this is created here and appended to ``self.callbacks``. """ if self.trial_backend.delete_checkpoints: callback = ( self.scheduler.callback_for_checkpoint_removal(self.stop_criterion) if isinstance(self.scheduler, RemoveCheckpointsSchedulerMixin) else None ) if callback is not None: self.callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def run(self): """Launches the tuning.""" done_trials_statuses = OrderedDict() try:"results of trials will be saved on {self.tuner_path}") if self.tuning_status is None: self.tuning_status = TuningStatus( metric_names=self.scheduler.metric_names() ) # prints the status every ``print_update_interval`` seconds self.status_printer = RegularCallback( callback=lambda tuning_status: "tuning status (last metric is reported)\n" + str(tuning_status) ), call_seconds_frequency=self.print_update_interval, ) # saves the tuner every ``results_update_interval`` seconds if self.save_tuner: self.tuner_saver = RegularCallback( callback=lambda tuner:, call_seconds_frequency=self.results_update_interval, ) self.metadata[ST_TUNER_START_TIMESTAMP] = time.time() for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_tuning_start(self) self.tuner_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self._save_metadata() # ``running_trial_ids`` contains the ids of all trials currently running, # whether they were started from scratch or were resumed from a pausing # state running_trials_ids = set() config_space_exhausted = False stop_condition_reached = self._stop_condition() while ( # we stop when either the stop condition is reached not stop_condition_reached # or when all trials are done if the wait_trial_completion is activated or self.wait_trial_completion_when_stopping and len(running_trials_ids) > 0 ): for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_loop_start() new_done_trial_statuses, new_results = self._process_new_results( running_trials_ids=running_trials_ids, ) if new_results and self.save_tuner: # Save tuner state only if there have been new results self.tuner_saver(tuner=self) # update the list of done trials and remove those from ``running_trials_ids`` # Note: It is important to update ``running_trials_ids`` before # calling ``_schedule_new_tasks``. # Otherwise, a trial can be registered as paused in # ``_process_new_results``, and immediately be resumed in # ``_schedule_new_tasks``. If ``new_done_trial_statuses`` is subtracted from # ``running_trials_ids`` afterwards only, this trial is removed from # ``running_trials_ids`` even though it is running. Also, its status remains # paused, because the next call of ``_process_new_results`` only considers # trials in ``running_trials_ids``. done_trials_statuses.update(new_done_trial_statuses) running_trials_ids.difference_update(new_done_trial_statuses.keys()) if ( config_space_exhausted or self.wait_trial_completion_when_stopping and stop_condition_reached ): # if the search space is exhausted, we loop until the running trials are done or until the # stop condition is reached if len(running_trials_ids) > 0: if config_space_exhausted: logger.debug( f"Configuration space exhausted, waiting for completion of running trials " f"{running_trials_ids}" ) else: logger.debug( f"Stopping criterion reached, waiting for completion of running trials " f"{running_trials_ids}" ) self._sleep() else: break else: try: self._schedule_new_tasks(running_trials_ids=running_trials_ids) except StopIteration: "Tuning is finishing as the whole configuration space got exhausted." ) config_space_exhausted = True print( "Tuning is finishing as the whole configuration space got exhausted." ) self.status_printer(self.tuning_status) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_loop_end() stop_condition_reached = self._stop_condition() except Exception as e: logger.error( "An error happened during the tuning, cleaning up resources and logging final resources " "before throwing the exception." ) raise e finally: # graceful termination block called when the tuner reached its stop condition, when an error happened or # when the job got interrupted (can happen in spot-instances or when sending a SIGINT signal with ctrl+C). # the block displays the best configuration found and stops trials that may still be running. print_best_metric_found( tuning_status=self.tuning_status, metric_names=self.scheduler.metric_names(), mode=self.scheduler.metric_mode(), ) # Callbacks (typically includes writing final results) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_tuning_end() # Serialize Tuner object if self.save_tuner:"Stopping trials that may still be running.") self.trial_backend.stop_all() # notify tuning status that jobs were stopped without having to query their status in the backend since # we know that all trials were stopped self.tuning_status.mark_running_job_as_stopped() # in case too many errors were triggered, show log of last failed job and terminates with an error if self.tuning_status.num_trials_failed > self.max_failures: self._handle_failure(done_trials_statuses=done_trials_statuses) f"Tuning finished, results of trials can be found on {self.tuner_path}" )
def _sleep(self): time.sleep(self.sleep_time) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_tuning_sleep(self.sleep_time) @staticmethod def _set_metadata(metadata: Dict[str, Any], name: str, value): if name in metadata: logger.warning( f"Entry {name} in metadata is used, but will be overwritten:\n" f"Old value: {metadata[name]}\n" f"Overwrite: {value}\n" ) metadata[name] = value def _enrich_metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :param metadata: Original metadata :return: ``metadata`` enriched by default entries """ res = metadata if metadata is not None else dict() self._set_metadata(res, ST_TUNER_CREATION_TIMESTAMP, time.time()) self._set_metadata(res, "entrypoint", self.trial_backend.entrypoint_path().stem) self._set_metadata(res, "backend", str(type(self.trial_backend).__name__)) for key, value in self.scheduler.metadata().items(): self._set_metadata(res, key, value) return res def _save_metadata(self): dump_json_with_numpy(self.metadata, self.tuner_path / ST_METADATA_FILENAME) def _stop_condition(self) -> bool: return ( self.stop_criterion(self.tuning_status) or self.tuning_status.num_trials_failed > self.max_failures ) def _process_new_results( self, running_trials_ids: Set[int] ) -> (TrialAndStatusInformation, TrialIdAndResultList): """Communicates new results from the backend to the scheduler Returns dictionary of trials which are not running, along with their status, in ``done_trials_statuses``, and list of new results (tuples ``(trial_id, result)``), observed since the previous call, in ``new_results``. :param running_trials_ids: Trials currently running :return: ``(done_trials_statuses, new_results)`` """ # fetch new results trial_status_dict, new_results = self.trial_backend.fetch_status_results( trial_ids=list(running_trials_ids) ) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_fetch_status_results( trial_status_dict=trial_status_dict, new_results=new_results ) assert len(running_trials_ids) <= self.n_workers # Gets list of trials that are done with the new results. # The trials can be finished for different reasons: # - they completed, # - they were stopped independently of the scheduler, e.g. due to a # timeout argument or a manual interruption # - scheduler decided to interrupt them. # Note: ``done_trials`` includes trials which are paused. done_trials_statuses = self._update_running_trials( trial_status_dict, new_results ) trial_status_dict.update(done_trials_statuses) # update status with new results and all done trials self.tuning_status.update( trial_status_dict=trial_status_dict, new_results=new_results ) return done_trials_statuses, new_results def _schedule_new_tasks(self, running_trials_ids: Set[int]): """Schedules new tasks if resources are available or sleep. Note: If ``start_jobs_without_delay`` is False, we ask the backend for the number of busy workers, instead of trusting ``running_trials_ids``. The latter does not contain trials which have been stopped or completed, but the underlying job is still not completely done. :param running_trials_ids: set if trial-ids currently running, gets updated if new trials are scheduled. """ running_trials_threshold = self.n_workers if self.asynchronous_scheduling else 1 if self.start_jobs_without_delay: # Assume that only the trials in ``running_trial_ids`` are busy (which # is an underestimate for certain backends) busy_trial_ids = None num_busy_workers = len(running_trials_ids) else: # Ask backend how many workers are really busy busy_trial_ids = self.trial_backend.busy_trial_ids() num_busy_workers = len(busy_trial_ids) if num_busy_workers >= running_trials_threshold: # Note: For synchronous scheduling, we need to sleep here if at # least one worker is busy logger.debug( f"{num_busy_workers} of {self.n_workers} workers are " f"busy, wait for {self.sleep_time} seconds" ) self._sleep() else: if not self.start_jobs_without_delay and num_busy_workers < len( running_trials_ids ): # In this case, the information from the backend is more recent running_trials_ids = set(x[0] for x in busy_trial_ids) # Schedule as many trials as we have free workers for _ in range(self.n_workers - num_busy_workers): trial = self._schedule_new_task() trial_id = trial.trial_id running_trials_ids.add(trial_id) # Update tuning status self.tuning_status.update( trial_status_dict={trial_id: (trial, Status.in_progress)}, new_results=[], ) def _schedule_new_task(self) -> Optional[TrialResult]: """Schedules a new task according to scheduler suggestion. :return: Information for the trial suggested, ``None`` if the scheduler does not suggest a new configuration (this can happen if its configuration space is exhausted) """ suggestion = self.scheduler.suggest(trial_id=self.trial_backend.new_trial_id()) if suggestion is None:"Searcher ran out of candidates, tuning job is stopping.") raise StopIteration elif suggestion.spawn_new_trial_id: # we schedule a new trial, possibly using the checkpoint of ``checkpoint_trial_id`` # if given. trial = self.trial_backend.start_trial( config=suggestion.config.copy(), checkpoint_trial_id=suggestion.checkpoint_trial_id, ) self.scheduler.on_trial_add(trial=trial) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_start_trial(trial)"(trial {trial.trial_id}) - scheduled {suggestion}") return trial else: # suggestion is a trial_id to resume, with possibly a new configuration log_msg = f"Resuming trial {suggestion.checkpoint_trial_id}" if suggestion.config is not None: log_msg += f" with new_config = {suggestion.config}" trial = self.trial_backend.resume_trial( trial_id=suggestion.checkpoint_trial_id, new_config=suggestion.config ) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_resume_trial(trial) return trial def _handle_failure(self, done_trials_statuses: Dict[int, Tuple[Trial, str]]): logger.error(f"Stopped as {self.max_failures} failures were reached") for trial_id, (_, status) in done_trials_statuses.items(): if status == Status.failed: logger.error(f"showing log of first failure") stdout = "".join(self.trial_backend.stdout(trial_id)) stderr = "".join(self.trial_backend.stderr(trial_id)) logger.error(stdout) logger.error(stderr) raise ValueError(f"Trial - {trial_id} failed")
[docs] def save(self, folder: Optional[str] = None): if folder is None: tuner_serialized_path = self.tuner_path / ST_TUNER_DILL_FILENAME else: tuner_serialized_path = Path(folder) / ST_TUNER_DILL_FILENAME with open(tuner_serialized_path, "wb") as f: logger.debug(f"saving tuner in {tuner_serialized_path}") dill.dump(self, f) self.trial_backend.on_tuner_save() # callback
[docs] @staticmethod def load(tuner_path: Optional[str]): with open(Path(tuner_path) / ST_TUNER_DILL_FILENAME, "rb") as f: tuner = dill.load(f) tuner.tuner_path = Path(experiment_path( return tuner
def _update_running_trials( self, trial_status_dict: TrialAndStatusInformation, new_results: TrialIdAndResultList, ) -> TrialAndStatusInformation: """ Updates schedulers with new results and sends decision to stop/pause trials to the backend. Trials can be finished because: * the scheduler decided to stop or pause. * the trial failed. * the trial was stopped independently of the scheduler, e.g. due to a timeout argument or a manual interruption. * the trial completed. :param trial_status_dict: Information on trials from ``trial_backend.fetch_status_results`` :param new_results: New results from ``trial_backend.fetch_status_results`` :return: Dictionary mapping trial-ids that are finished to status """ # gets the list of jobs from running_jobs that are done done_trials = dict() for trial_id, result in new_results: if trial_id not in done_trials: trial, status = trial_status_dict[trial_id] # communicate new result to the searcher and the scheduler self.last_seen_result_per_trial[trial_id] = result decision = self.scheduler.on_trial_result(trial=trial, result=result) for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_trial_result( trial=trial, status=status, result=result, decision=decision, ) if decision == SchedulerDecision.STOP: if status != Status.completed: # we override the status immediately, this avoids calling the backend status another time to # update after the change which may be expensive status = Status.stopped self.trial_backend.stop_trial(trial_id=trial_id, result=result) self.scheduler.on_trial_remove(trial=trial) done_trials[trial_id] = (trial, status) self.trials_scheduler_stopped.add(trial_id) elif decision == SchedulerDecision.PAUSE: status = Status.paused self.trial_backend.pause_trial(trial_id=trial_id, result=result) self.scheduler.on_trial_remove(trial=trial) done_trials[trial_id] = (trial, status) for trial_id, (trial, status) in trial_status_dict.items(): # Status "completed", "stopped" and "failed" are signaled to scheduler. # Status "in_progress" and "stopping" are not signaled, although the first one could be added # to notify the scheduler of pending runtimes (even in the absence of new results). if status == Status.completed: # since the code above updates ``trial_status_dict[trial_id]`` after a pause/stop scheduling decision # this callback is never called after a pause/stop scheduler decision. if ( trial_id not in done_trials or done_trials[trial_id][1] != Status.paused ):"Trial trial_id {trial_id} completed.") # If scheduler marks trial as ``Status.paused``, this overrides # ``Status.completed`` (which was assigned because the job # completed) done_trial = done_trials.get(trial_id) if done_trial is not None and done_trial[1] == Status.paused: status = Status.paused if trial_id not in self.last_seen_result_per_trial: logger.error( f"trial {trial_id} completed and no metrics got observed, corresponding log:" ) stdout = "".join(self.trial_backend.stdout(trial_id)) stderr = "".join(self.trial_backend.stderr(trial_id)) logger.error(stdout) logger.error(stderr) raise ValueError( f"trial {trial_id} completed and no metrics got observed" ) last_result = self.last_seen_result_per_trial[trial_id] if trial_id not in done_trials: self.scheduler.on_trial_complete(trial, last_result) if status == Status.completed: for callback in self.callbacks: callback.on_trial_complete(trial, last_result) done_trials[trial_id] = (trial, status) if status == Status.failed:"Trial trial_id {trial_id} failed.") self.scheduler.on_trial_error(trial) done_trials[trial_id] = (trial, status) # For the case when the trial is stopped independently of the scheduler, we choose to use # scheduler.on_trial_error(...) since it was not the scheduler's decision to stop the trial. if ( status == Status.stopped and trial_id not in self.trials_scheduler_stopped ): f"Trial trial_id {trial_id} was stopped independently of the scheduler." ) self.scheduler.on_trial_error(trial) done_trials[trial_id] = (trial, status) return done_trials @staticmethod def _default_callback(): """ :return: Default callback to store results """ return StoreResultsCallback()
[docs] def best_config( self, metric: Optional[Union[str, int]] = 0 ) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, Any]]: """ :param metric: Indicates which metric to use, can be the index or a name of the metric. default to 0 - first metric defined in the Scheduler :return: the best configuration found while tuning for the metric given and the associated trial-id """ metric_name, metric_mode = metric_name_mode( metric_names=self.scheduler.metric_names(), metric_mode=self.scheduler.metric_mode(), metric=metric, ) trial_id, best_metric = print_best_metric_found( self.tuning_status, metric_names=[metric_name], mode=metric_mode ) config = self.trial_backend._trial_dict[trial_id].config f"If you want to retrain the best configuration found, you can run: \n" f"```tuner.trial_backend.start_trial(config={config})``` to start training from scratch\n" f"or\n" f"```tuner.trial_backend.start_trial(config={config}, checkpoint_trial_id={trial_id})``` to start from " f"last checkpoint (your script should have stored a checkpoint)" ) return trial_id, config