Source code for syne_tune.remote.remote_launcher

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, List

import boto3

import syne_tune
from syne_tune import Tuner
from syne_tune.remote.estimators import (
from syne_tune.remote.constants import DEFAULT_CPU_INSTANCE
from syne_tune.remote.remote_metrics_callback import RemoteTuningMetricsCallback
from syne_tune.backend.sagemaker_backend.sagemaker_utils import (
from syne_tune.constants import ST_REMOTE_UPLOAD_DIR_NAME
from syne_tune.util import s3_experiment_path
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multi_fidelity import MultiFidelitySchedulerMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RemoteLauncher: """ This class allows to launch a tuning job remotely. The remote tuning job may use either the local backend (in which case the remote instance will be used to evaluate trials) or the Sagemaker backend in which case the remote instance will spawn one Sagemaker job per trial. :param tuner: Tuner that should be run remotely on a ``instance_type`` instance. Note that :class:`~syne_tune.StoppingCriterion` should be used for the :class:`~syne_tune.Tuner` rather than a lambda function to ensure serialization. :param role: SageMaker role to be used to launch the remote tuning instance. :param instance_type: Instance where the tuning is going to happen. Defaults to "ml.c5.4xlarge" :param dependencies: List of folders that should be included as dependencies for the backend script to run :param estimator_kwargs: Extra arguments for creating the SageMaker estimator for the tuning code. :param store_logs_localbackend: Whether to sync logs and checkpoints to S3 when using the local backend. When using SageMaker backend, logs are persisted by SageMaker. Using ``True`` can lead to failure with large checkpoints. Defauls to ``False`` :param log_level: Logging level. Default is ``logging.INFO``, while ``logging.DEBUG`` gives more messages :param s3_path: S3 base path used for checkpointing, outputs of tuning will be stored under ``{s3_path}/{tuner_name}``. The logs of the local backend are only stored if ``store_logs_localbackend`` is True. Defaults to :func:`~syne_tune.util.s3_experiment_path` :param no_tuner_logging: If ``True``, the logging level for ``syne_tune.tuner`` is set to ``logging.ERROR``. Defaults to ``False`` :param publish_tuning_metrics: If ``True``, a number of tuning metrics (see :class:`~syne_tune.remote.remote_metrics_callback.RemoteTuningMetricsCallback`) are reported and displayed in the SageMaker training job console. This is modifying ``tuner``, in the sense that a callback is appended to ``tuner.callbacks``. Defaults to ``True``. """ def __init__( self, tuner: Tuner, role: Optional[str] = None, instance_type: str = DEFAULT_CPU_INSTANCE, dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None, store_logs_localbackend: bool = False, log_level: Optional[int] = None, s3_path: Optional[str] = None, no_tuner_logging: bool = False, publish_tuning_metrics: bool = True, **estimator_kwargs, ): assert not self.is_lambda(tuner.stop_criterion), ( "remote launcher does not support using lambda functions for stopping criterion. Use StoppingCriterion, " "with Tuner if you want to use the remote launcher. See for" " a full example." ) self.tuner = tuner self.role = get_execution_role() if role is None else role self.instance_type = instance_type self.base_job_name = f"smtr-{}" if dependencies is not None: for dep in dependencies: assert Path(dep).exists(), f"dependency {dep} was not found." self.dependencies = dependencies if estimator_kwargs is None: estimator_kwargs = dict() self.estimator_kwargs = estimator_kwargs self.store_logs_localbackend = store_logs_localbackend self.log_level = log_level if s3_path is None: s3_path = s3_experiment_path() self.s3_path = s3_path.rstrip("/") assert isinstance(no_tuner_logging, bool) self.no_tuner_logging = no_tuner_logging self._tuning_metrics_callback = None if publish_tuning_metrics: self._init_tuning_metrics_callback() def _init_tuning_metrics_callback(self): assert not any( isinstance(c, RemoteTuningMetricsCallback) for c in self.tuner.callbacks ), "tuner.callbacks must not contain any RemoteTuningMetricsCallback" scheduler = self.tuner.scheduler metric = scheduler.metric_names()[0] mode = scheduler.metric_mode() if isinstance(mode, list): mode = mode[0] resource_attr = None if isinstance(scheduler, MultiFidelitySchedulerMixin): resource_attr = scheduler.resource_attr self._tuning_metrics_callback = RemoteTuningMetricsCallback( metric=metric, mode=mode, config_space=scheduler.config_space, resource_attr=resource_attr, ) self.tuner.callbacks.append(self._tuning_metrics_callback)
[docs] def is_lambda(self, f): """ :param f: Object to test :return: True iff ``f`` is a lambda function """ try: return callable(f) and f.__name__ == "<lambda>" except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def run( self, wait: bool = True, ): """ :param wait: Whether the call should wait until the job completes (default: ``True``). If False the call returns once the tuning job is scheduled on SageMaker. """ self.prepare_upload() if boto3.Session().region_name is None: # launching in this is needed to send a default configuration on the tuning loop running on Sagemaker # todo restore the env variable if present to avoid a side effect os.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = "us-west-2" self.launch_tuning_job_on_sagemaker(wait=wait) self.clean_requirements_file()
[docs] def prepare_upload(self): """ Prepares the files that needs to be uploaded by SageMaker so that the tuning job can happen. This includes, 1) the entrypoint script of the backend and 2) the tuner that needs to run remotely. """ upload_dir = str(self.upload_dir()) shutil.rmtree(upload_dir, ignore_errors=True) # Save entrypoint script and content in a folder to be send by sagemaker. # This is required so that the entrypoint is found on Sagemaker. source_dir = str(self.get_source_dir())"copy endpoint files from {source_dir} to {upload_dir}") shutil.copytree(source_dir, upload_dir) backup = str(self.tuner.trial_backend.entrypoint_path()) # update the path of the endpoint script so that it can be found when launching remotely self.update_backend_with_remote_paths() # save tuner # avoid side effect self.tuner.trial_backend.set_entrypoint(backup) # todo clean copy of remote dir self.clean_requirements_file() # Pass entrypoint requirements tgt_requirement = self.remote_script_dir() / "requirements.txt" endpoint_requirements = ( self.tuner.trial_backend.entrypoint_path().parent / "requirements.txt" ) if endpoint_requirements.exists(): f"copy endpoint script requirements to {self.remote_script_dir()}" ) shutil.copy(endpoint_requirements, tgt_requirement) # Add tuner requirements, this will create the req file if it does not exist # The leading "\n" makes sure this works even if the file behind # ``tgt_requirement`` does not end with "\n" with open(tgt_requirement, "a") as reqf: reqf.write("\nsyne-tune[extra]\n")
[docs] def get_source_dir(self) -> Path: # note: this logic would be better moved to the backend. if self.is_source_dir_specified(): return Path(self.tuner.trial_backend.source_dir) else: return Path(self.tuner.trial_backend.entrypoint_path()).parent
[docs] def is_source_dir_specified(self) -> bool: return ( hasattr(self.tuner.trial_backend, "source_dir") and self.tuner.trial_backend.sm_estimator.source_dir is not None )
[docs] def update_backend_with_remote_paths(self): """ Update the paths of the backend of the endpoint script and source dir with their remote location. """ if self.is_source_dir_specified(): # the source_dir is deployed to ``upload_dir`` self.tuner.trial_backend.sm_estimator.source_dir = str( Path(self.upload_dir().name) ) else: self.tuner.trial_backend.set_entrypoint( f"{self.upload_dir().name}/{self.tuner.trial_backend.entrypoint_path().name}" )
[docs] def upload_dir(self) -> Path: return Path(syne_tune.__path__[0]).parent / ST_REMOTE_UPLOAD_DIR_NAME
[docs] def remote_script_dir(self) -> Path: return Path(__file__).parent
[docs] def launch_tuning_job_on_sagemaker(self, wait: bool): if self.instance_type != "local": checkpoint_s3_root = f"{self.s3_path}/{}""Tuner will checkpoint results to {checkpoint_s3_root}") else: # checkpointing is not supported in local mode. When using local mode with remote tuner (for instance for # debugging), results are not stored. checkpoint_s3_root = None # Create SM estimator for tuning code hyperparameters = { "tuner_path": f"{self.upload_dir().name}/", "store_logs": self.store_logs_localbackend, "no_tuner_logging": self.no_tuner_logging, } if self.log_level is not None: hyperparameters["log_level"] = self.log_level # avoids error "Must setup local AWS configuration with a region supported by SageMaker." # in case no region is explicitely configured by providing a default region environment = self.estimator_kwargs.pop("environment", {}) if "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" not in environment: environment["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = boto3.Session().region_name image_uri = self.estimator_kwargs.pop("image_uri", None) if image_uri is not None: f"Using custom image {image_uri}, make sure that Syne Tune is installed in your custom container." ) entry_point = Path(__file__).parent / "" tuner_estimator = instance_sagemaker_estimator( # path which calls the tuner entry_point=str(, source_dir=str(entry_point.parent), instance_type=self.instance_type, instance_count=1, role=self.role, image_uri=image_uri, hyperparameters=hyperparameters, checkpoint_s3_uri=checkpoint_s3_root, environment=environment, **self.estimator_kwargs, ) add_syne_tune_dependency(tuner_estimator) # ask Sagemaker to send the path containing entrypoint script and tuner. tuner_estimator.dependencies.append(str(self.upload_dir())) if self.dependencies is not None: tuner_estimator.dependencies += self.dependencies # Register tuning metrics with estimator if self._tuning_metrics_callback is not None: self._tuning_metrics_callback.register_metrics_with_estimator( tuner_estimator ) # launches job on Sagemaker return,
[docs] def clean_requirements_file(self): tgt_requirement = self.remote_script_dir() / "requirements.txt" try: os.remove(tgt_requirement) except OSError: pass
[docs] def syne_tune_image_uri() -> str: """ :return: syne tune docker uri, if not present try to build it and returns an error if this failed. """ docker_image_name = "syne-tune-cpu-py38" account_id = boto3.client("sts").get_caller_identity()["Account"] region_name = boto3.Session().region_name image_uri = f"{account_id}.dkr.ecr.{region_name}{docker_image_name}" try:"Fetching Syne Tune image {image_uri}") boto3.client("ecr").list_images(repositoryName=docker_image_name) except Exception: # todo RepositoryNotFoundException should be caught but I did not manage to import it script_path = Path(syne_tune.__path__[0]).parent / "container" logger.warning( f"Docker-image of syne-tune {docker_image_name} could not be found, run \n" f"``cd {script_path}; bash``\n" f"in a terminal to build it. Trying to do it now." ) "./", cwd=Path(syne_tune.__path__[0]).parent / "container", )"attempting to fetch {docker_image_name} again.") boto3.client("ecr").list_images(repositoryName=docker_image_name) return image_uri