Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.utils.simple_profiler

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from typing import List, Dict, Any
import time
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @dataclass class ProfilingBlock: meta: Dict[str, Any] time_stamp: float durations: Dict[str, List[float]]
[docs] class SimpleProfiler: """ Useful to profile time of recurring computations, for example ``get_config`` calls in searchers. Measurements are divided into blocks. A block is started by ``begin_block``. Each block stores meta data, a time stamp when ``begin_block`` was called (relative to the time stamp for the first block, which is 0), and a dict of lists of durations, whose keys are tags. A tag corresponds to a range of code to be profiled. It may be executed many times within a block, therefore lists of durations. Tags can have multiple levels of prefixes, corresponding to brackets. """ def __init__(self): self.records = list() self.start_time = dict() self.time_stamp_first_block = None self.meta_keys = None self.prefix = ""
[docs] def begin_block(self, meta: Dict[str, Any]): assert not self.start_time, "Timers for these tags still running:\n{}".format( self.start_time.keys() ) meta_keys = tuple(sorted(meta.keys())) if self.time_stamp_first_block is None: self.meta_keys = meta_keys self.time_stamp_first_block = time.time() else: assert ( meta_keys == self.meta_keys ), "meta.keys() = {}, but must be the same as for all previous meta dicts ({})".format( meta_keys, self.meta_keys ) time_stamp = time.time() - self.time_stamp_first_block new_block = ProfilingBlock( meta=meta.copy(), time_stamp=time_stamp, durations=dict() ) self.records.append(new_block) self.prefix = ""
[docs] def push_prefix(self, prefix: str): assert "_" not in prefix, "Prefix must not contain '_'" self.prefix += prefix + "_"
[docs] def pop_prefix(self): lpref = len(self.prefix) assert lpref > 0, "Prefix is empty" pos = self.prefix.rfind("_", 0, lpref - 1) if pos != -1: self.prefix = self.prefix[: (pos + 1)] else: self.prefix = ""
[docs] def start(self, tag: str): assert self.records, "No block has been started yet (use 'begin_block')" tag = self.prefix + tag assert tag not in self.start_time, "Timer for '{}' already running".format(tag) self.start_time[tag] = time.time()
[docs] def stop(self, tag: str): assert self.records, "No block has been started yet (use 'begin_block')" tag = self.prefix + tag assert tag in self.start_time, "Timer for '{}' does not exist".format(tag) duration = time.time() - self.start_time[tag] block = self.records[-1] if tag in block.durations: block.durations[tag].append(duration) else: block.durations[tag] = [duration] del self.start_time[tag]
[docs] def clear(self): remaining_tags = list(self.start_time.keys()) if remaining_tags: logger.warning( "Timers for these tags not stopped (will be removed):\n{}".format( remaining_tags ) ) self.start_time = dict()
[docs] def records_as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return records as a dict of lists, can be converted into Pandas data-frame by: pandas.DataFrame.fromDict(...) Each entry corresponds to a column. """ if len(self.records) == 0: return dict() # For each tag, we emit the following columns: tag_num, tag_mean, # tag_std data = {"time_stamp": []} union_tags = self._union_of_tags() suffices = ("_num", "_mean", "_std", "_sum") for tag in union_tags: for suffix in suffices: data[tag + suffix] = [] for k in self.meta_keys: data[k] = [] # fill the columns row by row for block in self.records: data["time_stamp"].append(block.time_stamp) for k, v in block.meta.items(): data[k].append(v) for tag in union_tags: for suffix in suffices: data[tag + suffix].append(0) for tag, durations in block.durations.items(): data[tag + "_num"][-1] = len(durations) data[tag + "_mean"][-1] = np.mean(durations) data[tag + "_std"][-1] = np.std(durations) data[tag + "_sum"][-1] = sum(durations) return data
def _union_of_tags(self): union_tags = set() for block in self.records: union_tags.update(block.durations.keys()) return union_tags