from typing import Set, Tuple, Dict, Optional, Any
import logging
import numbers
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CheckType:
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
class Float(CheckType):
def __init__(self, lower: float = None, upper: float = None):
if lower and upper:
assert lower < upper
self.lower = lower
self.upper = upper
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(
value, numbers.Real
), "{}: Value = {} must be of type float".format(key, value)
assert (
not self.lower
) or value >= self.lower, "{}: Value = {} must be >= {}".format(
key, value, self.lower
assert (
not self.upper
) or value <= self.upper, "{}: Value = {} must be <= {}".format(
key, value, self.upper
class Integer(CheckType):
def __init__(self, lower: int = None, upper: int = None):
if lower and upper:
assert lower < upper
self.lower = lower
self.upper = upper
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(
value, numbers.Integral
), "{}: Value = {} must be of type int".format(key, value)
assert (
not self.lower
) or value >= self.lower, "{}: Value = {} must be >= {}".format(
key, value, self.lower
assert (
not self.upper
) or value <= self.upper, "{}: Value = {} must be <= {}".format(
key, value, self.upper
class IntegerOrNone(Integer):
def __init__(self, lower: int = None, upper: int = None):
super().__init__(lower, upper)
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
if value is not None:
super().assert_valid(key, value)
class Categorical(CheckType):
def __init__(self, choices: Tuple[str, ...]):
self.choices = set(choices)
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert (
isinstance(value, str) and value in self.choices
), "{}: Value = {} must be in {}".format(key, value, self.choices)
class String(CheckType):
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(value, str), "{}: Value = {} must be of type str"
class Boolean(CheckType):
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(value, bool), "{}: Value = {} must be boolean".format(
key, value
class Dictionary(CheckType):
def assert_valid(self, key: str, value):
assert isinstance(value, dict), "{}: Value = {} must be a dictionary".format(
key, value
def check_and_merge_defaults(
options: Dict[str, Any],
mandatory: Set[str],
default_options: Dict[str, Any],
constraints: Optional[Dict[str, CheckType]] = None,
dict_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
First, check that all keys in mandatory appear in options. Second, create
result_options by merging ``options`` and ``default_options``, where entries in
``options`` have precedence. Finally, if ``constraints`` is given, this is used to
check validity of values.
:param options: Input arguments
:param mandatory: Set of mandatory argument names
:param default_options: Default values for ``options``
:param constraints: See above, optional
:param dict_name: Prefix used in assert messages, optional
:return: Output arguments
prefix = "" if dict_name is None else "{}: ".format(dict_name)
for key in mandatory:
assert key in options, prefix + "Key '{}' is missing (but is mandatory)".format(
log_msg = ""
result_options = {k: v for k, v in options.items() if v is not None}
for key, value in default_options.items():
if key not in result_options:
log_msg += prefix + "Key '{}': Imputing default value {}\n".format(
key, value
result_options[key] = value
# If the argument is a dict, we impute only the missing entries
if isinstance(value, dict):
result_dict = result_options[key]
assert isinstance(
result_dict, dict
), f"Key '{key}': Value must be dictionary, but is {result_dict}"
for kd, vd in value.items():
if kd not in result_dict:
log_msg += (
+ "Key '{}' in dict {}: Imputing default value {}\n".format(
kd, key, vd
result_dict[kd] = vd
if log_msg:
# Check constraints
if constraints:
for key, value in result_options.items():
check = constraints.get(key)
if check:
check.assert_valid(prefix + "Key '{}'".format(key), value)
return result_options
def filter_by_key(options: Dict[str, Any], remove_keys: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Filter options by removing entries whose keys are in ``remove_keys``.
Used to filter kwargs passed to a constructor, before passing it to
the superclass constructor.
:param options: Arguments to be filtered
:param remove_keys: See above
:return: Filtered options
return {k: v for k, v in options.items() if k not in remove_keys}
def assert_no_invalid_options(options: Dict[str, Any], all_keys: Set[str], name: str):
for k in options:
assert k in all_keys, "{}: Invalid argument '{}'".format(name, k)