Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.random_grid_searcher

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Any

import numpy as np

from syne_tune.config_space import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.utils.exclusion_list import ExclusionList
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.utils.debug_log import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.utils import make_hyperparameter_ranges

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LegacyRandomSearcher(StochasticAndFilterDuplicatesSearcher): """ Searcher which randomly samples configurations to try next. Additional arguments on top of parent class :class:`StochasticAndFilterDuplicatesSearcher`: :param debug_log: If ``True``, debug log printing is activated. Logs which configs are chosen when, and which metric values are obtained. Defaults to ``False`` :param resource_attr: Optional. Key in ``result`` passed to :meth:`_update` for resource value (for multi-fidelity schedulers) """ def __init__( self, config_space: Dict[str, Any], metric: Union[List[str], str], points_to_evaluate: Optional[List[dict]] = None, debug_log: Union[bool, DebugLogPrinter] = False, resource_attr: Optional[str] = None, allow_duplicates: Optional[bool] = None, restrict_configurations: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( config_space, metric=metric, points_to_evaluate=points_to_evaluate, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates, restrict_configurations=restrict_configurations, **kwargs, ) self._resource_attr = resource_attr # Debug log printing (switched off by default) if isinstance(debug_log, bool): if debug_log: self._debug_log = DebugLogPrinter() else: self._debug_log = None else: assert isinstance( debug_log, DebugLogPrinter ), f"debug_log = {debug_log} must either be bool or DebugLogPrinter" self._debug_log = debug_log
[docs] def configure_scheduler(self, scheduler): from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multi_fidelity import ( MultiFidelitySchedulerMixin, ) super().configure_scheduler(scheduler) # If the scheduler is multi-fidelity, we want to know the resource # attribute, this is used for ``debug_log`` if isinstance(scheduler, MultiFidelitySchedulerMixin): self._resource_attr = scheduler.resource_attr
def _get_config(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[dict]: """Sample a new configuration at random If ``allow_duplicates == False``, this is done without replacement, so previously returned configs are not suggested again. :param trial_id: Optional. Used for ``debug_log`` :return: New configuration, or None """ new_config = self._next_initial_config() if new_config is None: new_config = self._get_random_config() if new_config is not None: if self._debug_log is not None: trial_id = kwargs.get("trial_id") self._debug_log.start_get_config("random", trial_id=trial_id) self._debug_log.set_final_config(new_config) # All get_config debug log info is only written here self._debug_log.write_block() else: msg = ( "Failed to sample a configuration not already chosen " + f"before. Exclusion list has size {len(self._excl_list)}." ) cs_size = self._excl_list.configspace_size if cs_size is not None: msg += f" Configuration space has size {cs_size}." logger.warning(msg) return new_config def _update(self, trial_id: str, config: Dict[str, Any], result: Dict[str, Any]): if self._debug_log is not None: if self._resource_attr is not None: # For HyperbandScheduler, also add the resource attribute resource = int(result[self._resource_attr]) trial_id = trial_id + f":{resource}" msg = f"Update for trial_id {trial_id}: " if isinstance(self._metric, list): parts = [f"{name} = {result[name]:.3f}" for name in self._metric] msg += ",".join(parts) else: msg += f"{result[self._metric]:.3f}"
[docs] def clone_from_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): new_searcher = LegacyRandomSearcher( self.config_space, metric=self._metric, points_to_evaluate=[], debug_log=self._debug_log, allow_duplicates=self._allow_duplicates, ) new_searcher._resource_attr = self._resource_attr new_searcher._restore_from_state(state) return new_searcher
@property def debug_log(self): return self._debug_log
[docs] class GridSearcher(StochasticSearcher): """Searcher that samples configurations from an equally spaced grid over config_space. It first evaluates configurations defined in points_to_evaluate and then continues with the remaining points from the grid. Additional arguments on top of parent class :class:`StochasticSearcher`. :param num_samples: Dictionary, optional. Number of samples per hyperparameter. This is required for hyperparameters of type float, optional for integer hyperparameters, and will be ignored for other types (categorical, scalar). If left unspecified, a default value of :const:`DEFAULT_NSAMPLE` will be used for float parameters, and the smallest of :const:`DEFAULT_NSAMPLE` and integer range will be used for integer parameters. :param shuffle_config: If ``True`` (default), the order of configurations suggested after those specified in ``points_to_evaluate`` is shuffled. Otherwise, the order will follow the Cartesian product of the configurations. :param allow_duplicates: If `True`, :meth:`get_config` may return the same configuration more than once. Defaults to `False` """ def __init__( self, config_space: Dict[str, Any], metric: str, points_to_evaluate: Optional[List[dict]] = None, num_samples: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, shuffle_config: bool = True, allow_duplicates: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( config_space, metric=metric, points_to_evaluate=points_to_evaluate, **kwargs ) k = "restrict_configurations" if kwargs.get(k) is not None: logger.warning(f"{k} is not supported") del kwargs[k] self._validate_config_space(config_space, num_samples) self._hp_ranges = make_hyperparameter_ranges(config_space) if not isinstance(shuffle_config, bool): shuffle_config = True self._shuffle_config = shuffle_config self._generate_all_candidates_on_grid() self._next_index = 0 self._allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates self._all_initial_configs = ExclusionList(self._hp_ranges) def _validate_config_space( self, config_space: Dict[str, Any], num_samples: Optional[Dict[str, int]] ): """ Validates ``config_space`` from two aspects: first, that all hyperparameters are of acceptable types (i.e. float, integer, categorical). Second, ``num_samples`` is specified for float hyperparameters. ``num_samples`` for categorical variables are ignored as all of their values is used. ``num_samples`` for integer variables is optional, if specified it will be used and will be capped at their range length. :param config_space: Configuration space :param num_samples: Number of samples for each hyperparameter. Only required for float hyperparameters """ if num_samples is None: num_samples = dict() self.num_samples = num_samples for hp, hp_range in config_space.items(): # num_sample is required for float hp. If not specified default DEFAULT_NSAMPLE is used. if isinstance(hp_range, Float): if hp not in self.num_samples: self.num_samples[hp] = DEFAULT_NSAMPLE logger.warning( f"Number of samples is required for '{hp}'. By default, " f"{DEFAULT_NSAMPLE} is set as number of samples" ) # num_sample for integer hp must be capped at length of the range when specified. Otherwise, # minimum of default value DEFAULT_NSAMPLE and the integer range is used. if isinstance(hp_range, Integer): if hp in self.num_samples: if self.num_samples[hp] > len(hp_range): self.num_samples[hp] = min(len(hp_range), DEFAULT_NSAMPLE) f"Number of samples for '{hp}' is larger than its " "range. We set it to the minimum of the default " f"number of samples (i.e. {DEFAULT_NSAMPLE}) and " f"its range length (i.e. {len(hp_range)})." ) else: self.num_samples[hp] = min(len(hp_range), DEFAULT_NSAMPLE) # num_samples is ignored for categorical hps. if isinstance(hp_range, Categorical) or isinstance(hp_range, FiniteRange): if hp in self.num_samples: 'number of samples for categorical variable "{}" is ignored.'.format( hp ) ) def _generate_all_candidates_on_grid(self): """ Generates all configurations to be evaluated by placing a regular, equally spaced grid over the configuration space. """ hp_keys = [] hp_values = [] # adding categorical, finiteRange, scalar parameters for hp, hp_range in reversed(list(self.config_space.items())): if isinstance(hp_range, Float) or isinstance(hp_range, Integer): continue if isinstance(hp_range, Categorical): hp_keys.append(hp) values = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(hp_range.categories)) hp_values.append(values) elif isinstance(hp_range, FiniteRange): hp_keys.append(hp) hp_values.append(hp_range.values) elif not isinstance(hp_range, Domain): hp_keys.append(hp) hp_values.append([hp_range]) # adding float, integer parameters for hpr in self._hp_ranges._hp_ranges: if not in hp_keys: _hpr_nsamples = self.num_samples[] _normalized_points = [ (idx + 0.5) / _hpr_nsamples for idx in range(_hpr_nsamples) ] _hpr_points = [ hpr.from_ndarray(np.array([point])) for point in _normalized_points ] _hpr_points = list(set(_hpr_points)) hp_keys.append( hp_values.append(_hpr_points) self.hp_keys = hp_keys self.hp_values_combinations = list(product(*hp_values)) if self._shuffle_config: self.random_state.shuffle(self.hp_values_combinations)
[docs] def get_config(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[dict]: """Select the next configuration from the grid. This is done without replacement, so previously returned configs are not suggested again. :return: A new configuration that is valid, or None if no new config can be suggested. The returned configuration is a dictionary that maps hyperparameters to its values. """ new_config = self._next_initial_config() if new_config is None: new_config = self._next_candidate_on_grid() else: self._all_initial_configs.add(new_config) if new_config is None: msg = "All the configurations have already been evaluated." cs_size = config_space_size(self.config_space) if cs_size is not None: msg += f" Configuration space has size {cs_size}" logger.warning(msg) return new_config
def _next_candidate_on_grid(self) -> Optional[dict]: """ :return: Next configuration from the set of grid candidates or None if no candidate is left. """ num_combinations = len(self.hp_values_combinations) candidate = None while candidate is None and self._next_index < num_combinations: candidate = dict( zip(self.hp_keys, self.hp_values_combinations[self._next_index]) ) self._next_index += 1 if self._all_initial_configs.contains(candidate): candidate = None if self._allow_duplicates and self._next_index == num_combinations: # Another round through the grid. It is important to reset # ``_all_initial_configs`` to empty, so the initial configs can be # suggested again in the second round self._next_index = 0 self._all_initial_configs = ExclusionList(self._hp_ranges) return candidate
[docs] def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: state = dict( super().get_state(), next_index=self._next_index, all_initial_configs=self._all_initial_configs.get_state(), ) return state
[docs] def clone_from_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): new_searcher = GridSearcher( config_space=self.config_space, num_samples=self.num_samples, metric=self._metric, shuffle_config=self._shuffle_config, ) new_searcher._restore_from_state(state) return new_searcher
def _restore_from_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): super()._restore_from_state(state) self._next_index = state["next_index"] self._all_initial_configs = ExclusionList(self._hp_ranges) self._all_initial_configs.clone_from_state(state["all_initial_configs"]) def _update(self, trial_id: str, config: Dict[str, Any], result: Dict[str, Any]): pass