Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.meanstd_acqfunc_impl

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, List, Tuple
import logging
import itertools

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.special import erfc

from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.meanstd_acqfunc import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.model_base import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.tuning_algorithms.base_classes import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MIN_COST = 1e-12  # For numerical stability when dividing EI / cost

    1e-12  # For numerical stability when computing the constraint probability in CEI

def _extract_active_and_secondary_metric(predictor_output_names, active_metric):
    Returns the active metric and the secondary metric (such as the cost or constraint metric) from predictor_output_names.
    assert len(predictor_output_names) == 2, (
        f"The predictor should consist of exactly 2 outputs, "
        f"while the current outputs are {predictor_output_names}"
    assert active_metric in predictor_output_names, (
        f"{active_metric} is not a valid metric. "
        f"The metric name must match one of the following metrics "
        f"in the predictor output: {predictor_output_names}"
    if predictor_output_names[0] == active_metric:
        secondary_metric = predictor_output_names[1]
        secondary_metric = predictor_output_names[0]
        f"There are two metrics in the output: {predictor_output_names}. "
        f"The metric to optimize was set to '{active_metric}'. "
        f"The secondary metric is assumed to be '{secondary_metric}'"
    return active_metric, secondary_metric

def _postprocess_gradient(grad: np.ndarray, nf: int) -> np.ndarray:
    if nf > 1:
        assert grad.size == nf  # Sanity check
        return grad / nf
        return np.mean(grad, keepdims=True)

[docs] class EIAcquisitionFunction(MeanStdAcquisitionFunction): """ Minus expected improvement acquisition function (minus because the convention is to always minimize acquisition functions) """ def __init__( self, predictor: Predictor, active_metric: str = None, jitter: float = 0.01, debug_collect_stats: bool = False, ): assert isinstance(predictor, Predictor) super().__init__(predictor, active_metric) self.jitter = jitter if debug_collect_stats: self._debug_data = {"absdiff": [], "std": [], "u": []} else: self._debug_data = None def _head_needs_current_best(self) -> bool: return True def _compute_head( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: assert current_best is not None means, stds = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles(self.jitter, current_best, means, stds) self._debug_append_data(means, stds, current_best, u) return np.mean((-stds) * (u * Phi + phi), axis=1) def _compute_head_and_gradient( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> HeadWithGradient: assert current_best is not None mean, std = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) nf_mean = mean.size assert current_best.size == nf_mean # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles(self.jitter, current_best, mean, std) self._debug_append_data(mean, std, current_best, u) f_acqu = std * (u * Phi + phi) dh_dmean = _postprocess_gradient(Phi, nf=nf_mean) dh_dstd = _postprocess_gradient(-phi, nf=1) return HeadWithGradient( hval=-np.mean(f_acqu), gradient={self.active_metric: dict(mean=dh_dmean, std=dh_dstd)}, ) def _debug_append_data( self, means: np.ndarray, stds: np.ndarray, current_best: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray, ): if self._debug_data is not None: new_data = [ ("absdiff", np.abs(current_best - means)), ("std", stds), ("u", u), ] for k, v in new_data: self._debug_data[k].extend(list(v.flatten()))
[docs] def debug_stats_message(self) -> str: if self._debug_data is None or len(self._debug_data["absdiff"]) == 0: return "" msg_parts = [ f"{k:7s}: min={np.min(v):.2e}, median={np.median(v):.2e}, " f"max={np.max(v):.2e}, num={len(v)}" for k, v in self._debug_data.items() ] return "\n".join(msg_parts)
[docs] class LCBAcquisitionFunction(MeanStdAcquisitionFunction): r""" Lower confidence bound (LCB) acquisition function: .. math:: h(\mu, \sigma) = \mu - \kappa * \sigma """ def __init__(self, predictor: Predictor, kappa: float, active_metric: str = None): super().__init__(predictor, active_metric) assert isinstance(predictor, Predictor) assert kappa > 0, "kappa must be positive" self.kappa = kappa def _head_needs_current_best(self) -> bool: return False def _compute_head( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: means, stds = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) return np.mean(means - stds * self.kappa, axis=1) def _compute_head_and_gradient( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> HeadWithGradient: mean, std = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) nf_mean = mean.size dh_dmean = np.ones_like(mean) / nf_mean dh_dstd = (-self.kappa) * np.ones_like(std) return HeadWithGradient( hval=np.mean(mean - std * self.kappa), gradient={self.active_metric: dict(mean=dh_dmean, std=dh_dstd)}, )
[docs] class EIpuAcquisitionFunction(MeanStdAcquisitionFunction): r""" Minus cost-aware expected improvement acquisition function. This is defined as .. math:: \mathrm{EIpu}(x) = \frac{\mathrm{EI(x)}}{\mathrm{power}(\mathrm{cost}(x), \mathrm{exponent_cost})}, where :math:`\mathrm{EI}(x)` is expected improvement, :math:`\mathrm{cost}(x)` is the predictive mean of a cost model, and ``exponent_cost`` is an exponent in :math:`(0, 1]`. ``exponent_cost`` scales the influence of the cost term on the acquisition function. See also: | Lee etal. | Cost-aware Bayesian Optimization | Note: two metrics are expected in the model output: the main objective and the cost. The main objective needs to be indicated as ``active_metric`` when initializing :class:`EIpuAcquisitionFunction`. The cost is automatically assumed to be the other metric. :param predictor: Predictors for main objective and cost :param active_metric: Name of main objective :param exponent_cost: Exponent for cost in denominator. Defaults to 1 :param jitter: Jitter factor, must be positive. Defaults to 0.01 """ def __init__( self, predictor: OutputPredictor, active_metric: Optional[str] = None, exponent_cost: float = 1.0, jitter: float = 0.01, ): super().__init__(predictor, active_metric) assert ( 0 < exponent_cost <= 1 ), f"exponent_cost = {exponent_cost} must lie in (0, 1]" self.jitter = jitter self.exponent_cost = exponent_cost self.active_metric, self.cost_metric = _extract_active_and_secondary_metric( self.predictor_output_names, active_metric ) def _head_needs_current_best(self) -> bool: return True def _output_to_keys_predict(self) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: """ The cost model may be deterministic, as the acquisition function only needs the mean. """ return { self.predictor_output_names[0]: {"mean", "std"}, self.predictor_output_names[1]: {"mean"}, } def _compute_head( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns minus the cost-aware expected improvement. """ assert current_best is not None means, stds = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) pred_costs = self._extract_positive_cost(output_to_predictions) # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles(self.jitter, current_best, means, stds) f_acqu = stds * (u * Phi + phi) * np.power(pred_costs, -self.exponent_cost) return -np.mean(f_acqu, axis=1) def _compute_head_and_gradient( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> HeadWithGradient: """ Returns minus cost-aware expected improvement and, for each output predictor, the gradients with respect to the mean and standard deviation of that predictor. """ assert current_best is not None mean, std = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) pred_cost = self._extract_positive_cost(output_to_predictions) nf_active = mean.size nf_cost = pred_cost.size # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles(self.jitter, current_best, mean, std) inv_cost_power = np.power(pred_cost, -self.exponent_cost) f_acqu = std * (u * Phi + phi) * inv_cost_power dh_dmean_active = _postprocess_gradient(Phi * inv_cost_power, nf=nf_active) dh_dstd_active = _postprocess_gradient(-phi * inv_cost_power, nf=1) # Flip the sign twice: once because of the derivative of 1 / x, and # once because the head is actually - f_ei dh_dmean_cost = _postprocess_gradient( self.exponent_cost * f_acqu / pred_cost, nf=nf_cost ) gradient = { self.active_metric: dict(mean=dh_dmean_active, std=dh_dstd_active), self.cost_metric: dict(mean=dh_dmean_cost), } return HeadWithGradient(hval=-np.mean(f_acqu), gradient=gradient) def _extract_positive_cost(self, output_to_predictions): pred_cost = output_to_predictions[self.cost_metric]["mean"] if np.any(pred_cost) < 0.0: logger.warning( f"The predictor for {self.cost_metric} predicted some negative cost. " f"Capping the minimum cost at {MIN_COST}." ) pred_cost = np.maximum( pred_cost, MIN_COST ) # ensure that the predicted cost/run-time is positive return pred_cost
[docs] class ConstraintCurrentBestProvider(CurrentBestProvider): """ Here, ``current_best`` depends on two predictors, for active and constraint metric. """ def __init__(self, current_best_list: List[np.ndarray], num_samples_active: int): list_size = len(current_best_list) assert list_size > 0 and list_size % num_samples_active == 0 self._active_and_constraint_current_best = [ v.reshape((1, -1)) for v in current_best_list ] self._num_samples_active = num_samples_active def __call__(self, positions: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: flat_pos = positions[1] * self._num_samples_active + positions[0] return self._active_and_constraint_current_best[flat_pos]
[docs] class CEIAcquisitionFunction(MeanStdAcquisitionFunction): """ Minus constrained expected improvement acquisition function. (minus because the convention is to always minimize the acquisition function) This is defined as ``CEI(x) = EI(x) * P(c(x) <= 0)``, where ``EI`` is the standard expected improvement with respect to the current *feasible best*, and ``P(c(x) <= 0)`` is the probability that the hyperparameter configuration ``x`` satisfies the constraint modeled by ``c(x)``. If there are no feasible hyperparameters yet, the current feasible best is undefined. Thus, ``CEI`` is reduced to the ``P(c(x) <= 0)`` term until a feasible configuration is found. Two metrics are expected in the model output: the main objective and the constraint metric. The main objective needs to be indicated as ``active_metric`` when initializing :class:`CEIAcquisitionFunction`. The constraint is automatically assumed to be the other metric. References on ``CEI``: | Gardner et al. | Bayesian Optimization with Inequality Constraints | ICML 2014 and | Gelbart et al. | Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints | UAI 2014. :param predictor: Predictors for main objective and cost :param active_metric: Name of main objective :param jitter: Jitter factor, must be positive. Defaults to 0.01 """ def __init__( self, predictor: OutputPredictor, active_metric: Optional[str] = None, jitter: float = 0.01, ): super().__init__(predictor, active_metric) self.jitter = jitter self._feasible_best_list = None ( self.active_metric, self.constraint_metric, ) = _extract_active_and_secondary_metric( self.predictor_output_names, active_metric ) def _head_needs_current_best(self) -> bool: return True def _compute_head( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns minus the constrained expected improvement (- CEI). """ assert current_best is not None means, stds = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) means_constr, stds_constr = self._extract_mean_and_std( output_to_predictions, metric=self.constraint_metric ) # Compute the probability of satisfying the constraint P(c(x) <= 0) constr_probs = norm.cdf(-means_constr / (stds_constr + MIN_STD_CONSTRAINT)) # If for some fantasies there are not feasible candidates, there is also no current_best (i.e., a nan). # The acquisition function is replaced by only the P(c(x) <= 0) term when no feasible best exist. feas_idx = ~np.isnan(current_best).reshape((1, -1)) # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles(self.jitter, current_best, means, stds) f_ei = stds * (u * Phi + phi) # CEI(x) = EI(x) * P(c(x) <= 0) if feasible best exists, CEI(x) = P(c(x) <= 0) otherwise f_acqu = np.where(feas_idx, f_ei * constr_probs, constr_probs) return -np.mean(f_acqu, axis=1) def _compute_head_and_gradient( self, output_to_predictions: SamplePredictionsPerOutput, current_best: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> HeadWithGradient: """ Returns minus cost-aware expected improvement (- CEI) and, for each output predictor, the gradients with respect to the mean and standard deviation of that predictor. """ assert current_best is not None mean, std = self._extract_mean_and_std(output_to_predictions) mean_constr, std_constr = self._extract_mean_and_std( output_to_predictions, metric=self.constraint_metric ) nf_mean = mean.size nf_constr = mean_constr.size # Compute the probability of satisfying the constraint P(c(x) <= 0) std_constr = std_constr + MIN_STD_CONSTRAINT z = -mean_constr / std_constr constr_prob = norm.cdf(z) # Useful variables for computing the head gradients mean_over_squared_std_constr = mean_constr / std_constr**2 inverse_std_constr = 1.0 / std_constr phi_constr = norm.pdf(z) # If for some fantasies there are not feasible candidates, there is also no current_best (i.e., a nan). # The acquisition function is replaced by only the P(c(x) <= 0) term when no feasible best exist. feas_idx = ~np.isnan(current_best) phi, Phi, u = get_quantiles( self.jitter, current_best, mean, std ) # phi, Phi is PDF and CDF of Gaussian f_ei = std * (u * Phi + phi) f_acqu = np.where( feas_idx, f_ei * constr_prob, constr_prob ) # CEI(x) = EI(x) * P(c(x) <= 0) if feasible best # exists, CEI(x) = P(c(x) <= 0) otherwise dh_dmean_constraint_feas = f_ei * inverse_std_constr * phi_constr dh_dstd_constraint_feas = -f_ei * mean_over_squared_std_constr * phi_constr dh_dmean_active_feas = Phi * constr_prob dh_dstd_active_feas = -phi * constr_prob dh_dmean_constraint_infeas = inverse_std_constr * phi_constr dh_dstd_constraint_infeas = -mean_over_squared_std_constr * phi_constr dh_dmean_active_infeas = np.zeros_like(phi_constr) dh_dstd_active_infeas = np.zeros_like(phi_constr) dh_dmean_active = _postprocess_gradient( np.where(feas_idx, dh_dmean_active_feas, dh_dmean_active_infeas), nf=nf_mean ) dh_dstd_active = _postprocess_gradient( np.where(feas_idx, dh_dstd_active_feas, dh_dstd_active_infeas), nf=1 ) dh_dmean_constraint = _postprocess_gradient( np.where(feas_idx, dh_dmean_constraint_feas, dh_dmean_constraint_infeas), nf=nf_constr, ) dh_dstd_constraint = _postprocess_gradient( np.where(feas_idx, dh_dstd_constraint_feas, dh_dstd_constraint_infeas), nf=1 ) gradient = { self.active_metric: dict(mean=dh_dmean_active, std=dh_dstd_active), self.constraint_metric: dict( mean=dh_dmean_constraint, std=dh_dstd_constraint ), } return HeadWithGradient(hval=-np.mean(f_acqu), gradient=gradient) def _get_current_bests_internal( self, predictor: OutputPredictor ) -> CurrentBestProvider: active_predictor = predictor[self.active_metric] assert isinstance(active_predictor, BasePredictor) all_means_active = active_predictor.predict_mean_current_candidates() num_samples_active = len(all_means_active) constraint_predictor = predictor[self.constraint_metric] assert isinstance(constraint_predictor, BasePredictor) all_means_constraint = constraint_predictor.predict_mean_current_candidates() common_shape = all_means_active[0].shape assert all( x.shape == common_shape for x in all_means_constraint ), "Shape mismatch between predictors for predict_mean_current_candidates" current_best_list = [] for means_constraint, means_active in itertools.product( all_means_constraint, all_means_active ): # Remove all infeasible candidates (i.e., where means_constraint # is >= 0) means_active[means_constraint >= 0] = np.nan # Compute the current *feasible* best (separately for every fantasy) min_across_observations = np.nanmin(means_active, axis=0) current_best_list.append(min_across_observations) return ConstraintCurrentBestProvider(current_best_list, num_samples_active)
[docs] def get_quantiles(acquisition_par, fmin, m, s): """ Quantiles of the Gaussian distribution, useful to determine the acquisition function values. :param acquisition_par: parameter of the acquisition function :param fmin: current minimum. :param m: vector of means. :param s: vector of standard deviations. """ if isinstance(s, np.ndarray): s[s < 1e-10] = 1e-10 elif s < 1e-10: s = 1e-10 u = (fmin - m - acquisition_par) / s phi = np.exp(-0.5 * u**2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) # vectorized version of erfc to not depend on scipy Phi = 0.5 * erfc(-u / np.sqrt(2)) return phi, Phi, u