Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.cost_fifo_model

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from typing import Dict, List, Set
import numpy as np
import logging

from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.estimator import Estimator
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.model_base import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.cost.cost_model import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.datatypes.tuning_job_state import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.tuning_algorithms.base_classes import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CostFixedResourcePredictor(BasePredictor): """ Wraps cost model :math:`c(x, r)` of :class:`CostModel` to be used as surrogate model, where predictions are done at r = ``fixed_resource``. Note: For random cost models, we approximate expectations in ``predict`` by resampling ``num_samples`` times (should be 1 for deterministic cost models). Note: Since this is a generic wrapper, we assume for ``backward_gradient`` that the gradient contribution through the cost model vanishes. For special cost models, the mapping from encoded input to predictive means may be differentiable, and prediction code in ``autograd`` may be available. For such cost models, this wrapper should not be used, and ``backward_gradient`` should be implemented properly. :param state: TuningJobSubState :param model: Model parameters must have been fit :param fixed_resource: :math:`c(x, r)` is predicted for this resource level r :param num_samples: Number of samples drawn in :meth:`predict`. Use this for random cost models only """ def __init__( self, state: TuningJobState, model: CostModel, fixed_resource: int, num_samples: int = 1, ): super().__init__(state, active_metric=model.cost_metric_name) self._model = model self._fixed_resource = fixed_resource self._num_samples = num_samples
[docs] @staticmethod def keys_predict() -> Set[str]: return {"mean"}
[docs] def predict(self, inputs: np.ndarray) -> List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: # Inputs are encoded. For cost models, need to decode them back # to candidates (not necessarily differentiable) # Note: Both ``inputs`` and ``hp_ranges`` may correspond to extended # configs (where one attribute is the resource level). This is not # a problem, since the resource attribute is simply ignored by the # cost model. hp_ranges = self.hp_ranges_for_prediction() candidates = [hp_ranges.from_ndarray(enc_config) for enc_config in inputs] resources = [self._fixed_resource] * len(candidates) prediction_list = [] for _ in range(self._num_samples): self._model.resample() cost_values = self._model.sample_joint(candidates) prediction_list.append( np.array( self._model.predict_times( candidates=candidates, resources=resources, cost_values=cost_values, ) ) ) return [{"mean": np.mean(prediction_list, axis=0)}]
[docs] def backward_gradient( self, input: np.ndarray, head_gradients: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] ) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ The gradient contribution through the cost model is blocked. """ return [np.zeros_like(input)]
[docs] def predict_mean_current_candidates(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: raise NotImplementedError()
# We currently do not support cost models for the primary metric to be # optimized
[docs] def current_best(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class CostEstimator(Estimator): """ The name of the cost metric is ``model.cost_metric_name``. :param model: CostModel to be wrapped :param fixed_resource: :math:`c(x, r)` is predicted for this resource level r :param num_samples: Number of samples drawn in :meth:`predict`. Use this for random cost models only """ def __init__(self, model: CostModel, fixed_resource: int, num_samples: int = 1): self._model = model self._num_samples = num_samples self._fixed_resource = None self.set_fixed_resource(fixed_resource)
[docs] def get_params(self): return dict()
[docs] def set_params(self, param_dict): pass
@property def fixed_resource(self) -> int: return self._fixed_resource
[docs] def set_fixed_resource(self, resource: int): assert resource >= 1, "Must be positive integer" self._fixed_resource = resource
[docs] def fit_from_state(self, state: TuningJobState, update_params: bool) -> Predictor: """ Models of type :class:`CostModel` do not have hyperparameters to be fit, so ``update_params`` is ignored here. """ self._model.update(state) return CostFixedResourcePredictor( state=state, model=self._model, fixed_resource=self._fixed_resource, num_samples=self._num_samples, )