Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.cost.linear_cost_model

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from typing import List, Callable, Optional, Dict, Tuple
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
from enum import IntEnum

from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.models.cost.cost_model import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.utils.common import Configuration
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.datatypes.tuning_job_state import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.datatypes.common import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.searcher import impute_points_to_evaluate

__all__ = [

[docs] class LinearCostModel(CostModel): """ Deterministic cost model where both ``c0(x)`` and ``c1(x)`` are linear models of the form | ``c0(x) =, weights0)``, | ``c1(x) =, weights1)`` The feature maps ``features0``, ``features1`` are supplied by subclasses. The weights are fit by ridge regression, using ``scikit.learn.RidgeCV``, the regularization constant is set by LOO cross-validation. """ def __init__(self): self.weights0 = None self.weights1 = None @property def cost_metric_name(self) -> str: return INTERNAL_COST_NAME
[docs] def feature_matrices( self, candidates: List[Configuration] ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """ Has to be supplied by subclasses :param candidates: List of n candidate configs (non-extended) :return: Feature matrices ``features0`` ``(n, dim0)``, ``features1`` ``(n, dim1)`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, state: TuningJobState): # Compile feature matrix and targets for linear regression problem configs = [ state.config_for_trial[ev.trial_id] for ev in state.trials_evaluations ] features0, features1 = self.feature_matrices(configs) dim0 = features0.shape[1] feature_parts = [] cost_parts = [] for feature0, feature1, ev in zip( features0, features1, state.trials_evaluations ): metric_vals = ev.metrics.get(self.cost_metric_name) if metric_vals is not None: assert isinstance(metric_vals, dict) resource_values, cost_values = zip(*metric_vals.items()) resource_values = np.array(resource_values, dtype=np.float64).reshape( (-1, 1) ) feature0 = feature0.astype(np.float64, copy=False).reshape((1, -1)) feature1 = feature1.astype(np.float64, copy=False).reshape((1, -1)) feature_parts.append( np.concatenate( ( np.broadcast_to( feature0, (resource_values.size, feature0.size) ), resource_values * feature1, ), axis=1, ) ) cost_parts.append( np.array(cost_values, dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 1)) ) features = np.vstack(feature_parts) targets = np.vstack(cost_parts).reshape((-1,)) assert features.shape[0] == targets.size assert features.shape[1] == dim0 + features1.shape[1] # Fit with RidgeCV, where alpha is selected by LOO cross-validation predictor = RidgeCV(alphas=np.exp(np.arange(-4, 5)), fit_intercept=False).fit( features, targets ) self.weights0 = predictor.coef_[:dim0].reshape((-1, 1)) self.weights1 = predictor.coef_[dim0:].reshape((-1, 1)) self.alpha = predictor.alpha_
[docs] def sample_joint(self, candidates: List[Configuration]) -> List[CostValue]: assert self.weights0 is not None, "Must call 'update' before 'sample_joint'" features0, features1 = self.feature_matrices(candidates) c0_vals = np.matmul(features0, self.weights0).reshape((-1,)) c1_vals = np.matmul(features1, self.weights1).reshape((-1,)) return [CostValue(c0, c1) for c0, c1 in zip(c0_vals, c1_vals)]
[docs] class BiasOnlyLinearCostModel(LinearCostModel): """ Simple baseline: ``features0(x) = [1], features1(x) = [1]`` """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def feature_matrices( self, candidates: List[Configuration] ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): one_feats = np.ones((len(candidates), 1)) return one_feats, one_feats
[docs] class MLPLinearCostModel(LinearCostModel): """ Deterministic linear cost model for multi-layer perceptron. If config is a HP configuration, ``num_hidden_layers(config)`` is the number of hidden layers, ``hidden_layer_width(config, layer)`` is the number of units in hidden layer ``layer`` (0-based), ``batch_size(config)`` is the batch size. If ``expected_hidden_layer_width`` is given, it maps ``layer`` (0-based) to expected layer width under random sampling. In this case, all MLP features are normalized to expected value 1 under random sampling (but ignoring ``bs_exponent`` if != 1). Note: If needed, we could incorporate ``bs_exponent`` in general. If ``batch_size`` was uniform between a and b: .. math:: \text{E}\left[ bs^{bs_{exp} - 1} \right] = \frac{ \text{b^{bs_{exp}} - a^{bs_{exp}} }{ (bs_{exp} * (b - a) } :param num_inputs: Number of input nodes :param num_outputs: Number of output nodes :param num_hidden_layers: See above :param hidden_layer_width: See above :param batch_size: See above :param bs_exponent: Main MLP feature is multiplied by ``power(batch_size, bs_exponent - 1)`` :param extra_mlp: Add additional "linear" MLP feature to ``c1``? :param c0_mlp_feature: Use main MLP feature in ``c0`` as well? :param expected_hidden_layer_width: See above """ def __init__( self, num_inputs: int, num_outputs: int, num_hidden_layers: Callable[[dict], int], hidden_layer_width: Callable[[dict, int], int], batch_size: Callable[[dict], int], bs_exponent: Optional[float] = None, extra_mlp: bool = False, c0_mlp_feature: bool = False, expected_hidden_layer_width: Optional[Callable[[int], float]] = None, ): super().__init__() self.num_inputs = num_inputs self.num_outputs = num_outputs self.num_hidden_layers = num_hidden_layers self.hidden_layer_width = hidden_layer_width self.batch_size = batch_size if bs_exponent is not None: self.bs_exponent = bs_exponent else: self.bs_exponent = 1 self.extra_mlp = extra_mlp self.c0_mlp_feature = c0_mlp_feature self.expected_hidden_layer_width = expected_hidden_layer_width
[docs] def feature_matrices( self, candidates: List[Configuration] ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): features1_1 = [] features1_2 = [] for config in candidates: value = self._mlp_feature(config) if self.bs_exponent != 1: bs = self.batch_size(config) value *= np.power(bs, self.bs_exponent - 1) features1_1.append(value) if self.extra_mlp: features1_2.append(self._mlp_feature2(config)) ones_vec = np.ones((len(features1_1), 1)) features1_1 = np.array(features1_1).reshape((-1, 1)) features1_tpl = (ones_vec, features1_1) if self.extra_mlp: features1_tpl += (np.array(features1_2).reshape((-1, 1)),) features1 = np.concatenate(features1_tpl, axis=1) if self.c0_mlp_feature: features0 = np.concatenate((ones_vec, features1_1), axis=1) else: features0 = ones_vec return features0, features1
def _mlp_feature(self, config: Configuration) -> float: layers = range(self.num_hidden_layers(config)) width_list = [self.hidden_layer_width(config, layer) for layer in layers] if self.expected_hidden_layer_width is None: norm_const = 1 else: norm_const = self._sum_of_prod( [self.expected_hidden_layer_width(layer) for layer in layers] ) return self._sum_of_prod(width_list) / norm_const def _sum_of_prod(self, lst): return sum( x * y for x, y in zip([self.num_inputs] + lst, lst + [self.num_outputs]) ) def _mlp_feature2(self, config: Configuration) -> float: layers = range(self.num_hidden_layers(config)) width_list = [self.hidden_layer_width(config, layer) for layer in layers] if self.expected_hidden_layer_width is None: norm_const = 1 else: norm_const = sum( self.expected_hidden_layer_width(layer) for layer in layers ) return sum(width_list) / norm_const
[docs] class FixedLayersMLPCostModel(MLPLinearCostModel): """ Linear cost model for MLP with ``num_hidden_layers`` hidden layers. """ def __init__( self, num_inputs: int, num_outputs: int, num_units_keys: List[str] = None, bs_exponent: Optional[float] = None, extra_mlp: bool = False, c0_mlp_feature: bool = False, expected_hidden_layer_width: Optional[Callable[[int], float]] = None, ): if num_units_keys is None: num_units_keys = ["n_units_1", "n_units_2"] num_hidden_layers = len(num_units_keys) def hidden_layer_width(config, layer): return int(config[num_units_keys[layer]]) super().__init__( num_inputs=num_inputs, num_outputs=num_outputs, num_hidden_layers=lambda config: num_hidden_layers, hidden_layer_width=hidden_layer_width, batch_size=lambda config: int(config["batch_size"]), bs_exponent=bs_exponent, extra_mlp=extra_mlp, c0_mlp_feature=c0_mlp_feature, expected_hidden_layer_width=expected_hidden_layer_width, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_expected_hidden_layer_width(config_space: Dict, num_units_keys: List[str]): """ Constructs expected_hidden_layer_width function from the training evaluation function. Works because ``impute_points_to_evaluate`` imputes with the expected value under random sampling. :param config_space: Configuration space :param num_units_keys: Keys into ``config_space`` for number of units of different layers :return: ``expected_hidden_layer_width``, ``exp_vals`` """ default_config = impute_points_to_evaluate(None, config_space)[0] exp_vals = [default_config[k] for k in num_units_keys] def expected_hidden_layer_width(x): return exp_vals[x] return expected_hidden_layer_width, exp_vals
[docs] class NASBench201LinearCostModel(LinearCostModel): """ Deterministic linear cost model for *NASBench201*. The cell graph is: | ``node1 = x0(node0)`` | ``node2 = x1(node0) + x2(node1)`` | ``node3 = x3(node0) + x4(node1) + x5(node2)`` ``config_keys`` contains attribute names of ``x0, ..., x5`` in a config, in this ordering. ``map_config_values`` maps values in the config (for fields corresponding to ``x0, ..., x5``) to entries of ``Op``. :param config_keys: See above :param map_config_values: See above :param conv_separate_features: If True, we use separate features for ``nor_conv_1x1``, ``nor_conv_3x3`` (``c1`` has 4 features). Otherwise, these two are captured by a single features (``c1`` has 3 features) :param count_sum: If True, we use an additional feature for pointwise sum operators inside a cell (there are between 0 and 3) """
[docs] class Op(IntEnum): SKIP_CONNECT = 0 NONE = 1 NOR_CONV_1x1 = 2 NOR_CONV_3x3 = 3 AVG_POOL_3x3 = 4
def __init__( self, config_keys: Tuple[str, ...], map_config_values: Dict[str, int], conv_separate_features: bool, count_sum: bool, ): super().__init__() self._config_keys = config_keys self._map_config_values = map_config_values self.conv_separate_features = conv_separate_features self.count_sum = count_sum def _translate(self, config: Configuration) -> List[int]: return [self._map_config_values[config[name]] for name in self._config_keys]
[docs] def feature_matrices( self, candidates: List[Configuration] ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): features1_1 = [] features1_2 = [] features1_3 = [] # If conv_separate_features features1_4 = [] # If count_sum none_val = NASBench201LinearCostModel.Op.NONE for config in candidates: operators = self._translate(config) # Certain NONE (or "zeroize") values imply other NONE values: # x0 = > x2 and x4 # x1 and x2 = > x5 if operators[0] == none_val: operators[2] = none_val operators[4] = none_val if operators[1] == none_val and operators[2] == none_val: operators[5] = none_val n_conv1, n_conv3, n_apool = map( sum, zip( *( ( x == NASBench201LinearCostModel.Op.NOR_CONV_1x1, x == NASBench201LinearCostModel.Op.NOR_CONV_3x3, x == NASBench201LinearCostModel.Op.AVG_POOL_3x3, ) for x in operators ) ), ) features1_1.append((5 / 6) * n_apool) if self.conv_separate_features: features1_2.append((5 / 6) * n_conv1) features1_3.append((5 / 6) * n_conv3) else: features1_2.append((n_conv1 + 9 * n_conv3) / 12) if self.count_sum: features1_4.append( (25 / 76) * ( (operators[1] != none_val) * (operators[2] != none_val) + (operators[3] != none_val) + (operators[4] != none_val) + (operators[5] != none_val) ) ) ones_vec = np.ones((len(features1_1), 1)) features1_1 = np.array(features1_1).reshape((-1, 1)) features1_2 = np.array(features1_2).reshape((-1, 1)) features1_tpl = (ones_vec, features1_1, features1_2) if self.conv_separate_features: features1_tpl += (np.array(features1_3).reshape((-1, 1)),) if self.count_sum: features1_tpl += (np.array(features1_4).reshape((-1, 1)),) features1 = np.concatenate(features1_tpl, axis=1) return ones_vec, features1