Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.warping

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from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Any
import autograd.numpy as anp

from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.constants import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.distribution import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.kernel import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.mean import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.gluon_blocks_helpers import (
from syne_tune.util import is_positive_integer
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.utils.hp_ranges import (
from syne_tune.config_space import Categorical, Ordinal

[docs] class Warping(MeanFunction): r""" Warping transform on contiguous range of feature :math:`x`. Each warped coordinate has two independent warping parameters. If :math:`x = [x_1, \dots, x_d]` and ``coordinate_range = (l, r)``, the warping transform operates on :math:`[x_l, \dots, x_{r-1}]`. The default for ``coordinate_range`` is the full range, and we must have ``l < r``. The block is the identity on all remaining coordinates. Input coordinates are assumed to lie in :math:`[0, 1]`. The warping transform on each coordinate is due to Kumaraswamy: .. math:: warp(x_j) = 1 - (1 - r(x_j)^{a_j})^{b_j}. Here, :math:`r(x_j)` linearly maps :math:`[0, 1]` to :math:`[\epsilon, 1 - \epsilon]` for a small :math:`\epsilon > 0`, which avoids numerical issues when taking derivatives. :param dimension: Dimension :math:`d` of input :param coordinate_range: Range ``(l, r)``, see above. Default is ``(0, dimension)``, so the full range :param encoding_type: Encoding type """ def __init__( self, dimension: int, coordinate_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encoding_type: str = DEFAULT_ENCODING, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert is_positive_integer([dimension]) self.dimension = dimension if coordinate_range is None: coordinate_range = (0, dimension) else: l, r = coordinate_range assert ( 0 <= l < r <= dimension ), f"{coordinate_range} must be included in (0, {dimension})" self.lower, self.upper = coordinate_range size = self.upper - self.lower self._is_full_range = size == dimension self._rescale_mult = 1.0 - 2 * NUMERICAL_JITTER self._rescale_offset = NUMERICAL_JITTER self.encoding = create_encoding( encoding_name=encoding_type, init_val=INITIAL_WARPING, constr_lower=WARPING_LOWER_BOUND, constr_upper=WARPING_UPPER_BOUND, dimension=size, prior=LogNormal(0.0, 0.75), ) with self.name_scope(): self.power_a_internal = register_parameter( self.params, "power_a", self.encoding, shape=(size,) ) self.power_b_internal = register_parameter( self.params, "power_b", self.encoding, shape=(size,) ) def _rescale(self, x): return self._rescale_mult * x + self._rescale_offset def _warping(self): return ( anp.reshape( encode_unwrap_parameter(self.power_a_internal, self.encoding), (1, -1) ), anp.reshape( encode_unwrap_parameter(self.power_b_internal, self.encoding), (1, -1) ), )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Actual computation of the warping transformation (see details above) :param x: Input data, shape ``(n, d)`` """ power_a, power_b = self._warping() if not self._is_full_range: x_part = x[:, self.lower : self.upper] else: x_part = x result = 1.0 - anp.power( 1.0 - anp.power(self._rescale(x_part), power_a), power_b ) if not self._is_full_range: args = [] if self.lower > 0: args.append(x[:, : self.lower]) args.append(result) if self.upper < self.dimension: args.append(x[:, self.upper :]) result = anp.concatenate(args, axis=1) return result
[docs] def param_encoding_pairs(self): return [ (self.power_a_internal, self.encoding), (self.power_b_internal, self.encoding), ]
@staticmethod def _param_name(kind: str, index: int, just_one: bool) -> str: if just_one: return "power_" + kind else: return f"power_{kind}_{index}"
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: size = self.upper - self.lower just_one = size == 1 param_dict = dict() for kind, warping in zip(("a", "b"), self._warping()): warping = anp.reshape(warping, (-1,)) param_dict.update( { self._param_name(kind, index, just_one): warping[index] for index in range(size) } ) return param_dict
[docs] def set_params(self, param_dict: Dict[str, Any]): size = self.upper - self.lower just_one = size == 1 for kind in ("a", "b"): warping = [ param_dict[self._param_name(kind, index, just_one)] for index in range(size) ] warping_int = ( self.power_a_internal if kind == "a" else self.power_b_internal ) self.encoding.set(warping_int, warping)
[docs] def warpings_for_hyperparameters(hp_ranges: HyperparameterRanges) -> List[Warping]: """ It is custom to warp hyperparameters which are not categorical. This function creates warpings based on your configuration space. :param hp_ranges: Encoding of configuration space :return: To be used as ``warpings`` in :class:`WarpedKernel` """ dimension = hp_ranges.ndarray_size lower = None dims = 0 warpings = [] for name in hp_ranges.internal_keys: hp_range = hp_ranges.config_space[name] is_choice = isinstance(hp_range, Categorical) and not isinstance( hp_range, Ordinal ) if not is_choice: if lower is None: lower = dims dims += 1 else: if lower is not None: coordinate_range = (lower, dims) warpings.append(Warping(dimension, coordinate_range)) lower = None # For binary, we use a single dimension, not 2 sz = len(hp_range.categories) if sz == 2: sz = 1 dims += sz assert ( dims == dimension ), f"Internal error: dimension = {dimension}, dims = {dims}, hp_ranges = {hp_ranges}" if lower is not None: coordinate_range = (lower, dims) warpings.append(Warping(dimension, coordinate_range)) return warpings
[docs] def kernel_with_warping( kernel: KernelFunction, hp_ranges: HyperparameterRanges ) -> KernelFunction: """ Note that the coordinates corresponding to categorical parameters are not warped. :param kernel: Kernel :math:`k(x, x')` without warping :param hp_ranges: Encoding of configuration space :return: Kernel with warping """ warpings = warpings_for_hyperparameters(hp_ranges) if warpings: kernel = WarpedKernel(kernel=kernel, warpings=warpings) return kernel
[docs] class WarpedKernel(KernelFunction): """ Block that composes warping with an arbitrary kernel. We allow for a list of warping transforms, so that a non-contiguous set of input coordinates can be warped. It is custom to warp hyperparameters which are not categorical. You can use :func:`kernel_with_warping` to furnish a kernel with warping for all non-categorical hyperparameters. :param kernel: Kernel :math:`k(x, x')` :param warpings: List of warping transforms, which are applied sequentially. Ranges of different entries should be non-overlapping, this is not checked. """ def __init__(self, kernel: KernelFunction, warpings: List[Warping], **kwargs): super().__init__(kernel.dimension, **kwargs) num_warpings = len(warpings) assert num_warpings > 0 assert all( kernel.dimension == warping.dimension for warping in warpings ), f"Dimensions of all entries in warping must be kernel.dimension = {kernel.dimension}" self.kernel = kernel self.warpings = warpings.copy() # Note: Child blocks in lists or dicts are not registered automatically for v in self.warpings: self.register_child(v) self._prefixes = ["kernel_"] if num_warpings == 1: self._prefixes.append("warping_") else: self._prefixes.extend(f"warping{k}_" for k in range(num_warpings)) def _apply_warpings(self, X): warped_X = X for warping in self.warpings: warped_X = warping(warped_X) return warped_X
[docs] def forward(self, X1, X2): warped_X1 = self._apply_warpings(X1) if X2 is X1: warped_X2 = warped_X1 else: warped_X2 = self._apply_warpings(X2) return self.kernel(warped_X1, warped_X2)
[docs] def diagonal(self, X): # If kernel.diagonal does not depend on content of X (but just its # size), can pass X instead of self.warping(X) warped_X = self._apply_warpings(X) if self.kernel.diagonal_depends_on_X() else X return self.kernel.diagonal(warped_X)
[docs] def diagonal_depends_on_X(self): return self.kernel.diagonal_depends_on_X()
[docs] def param_encoding_pairs(self): return self.kernel.param_encoding_pairs() + [ x for warping in self.warpings for x in warping.param_encoding_pairs() ]
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = dict() blocks = [self.kernel] + self.warpings for pref, block in zip(self._prefixes, blocks): result.update({(pref + k): v for k, v in block.get_params().items()}) return result
[docs] def set_params(self, param_dict: Dict[str, Any]): blocks = [self.kernel] + self.warpings for pref, block in zip(self._prefixes, blocks): len_pref = len(pref) stripped_dict = { k[len_pref:]: v for k, v in param_dict.items() if k.startswith(pref) } block.set_params(stripped_dict)