Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective.multiobjective_priority

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from typing import Optional, List

import numpy as np
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective.non_dominated_priority import (

[docs] class MOPriority: def __init__(self, metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ :param metrics: name of the objectives, optional if not passed anonymous names are created when seeing the first objectives to rank. """ self.metrics = metrics def __call__(self, objectives: np.array) -> np.array: """ :param objectives: that should be argsorted with shape (num_samples, num_objectives) :return: a vector with shape (num_samples,) that gives priority for the different elements (lower elements are picked first). """ num_samples, num_objectives = objectives.shape if self.metrics is None: # set anonymous metric names self.metrics = [f"metric-{i}" for i in range(num_objectives)] assert num_objectives == len(self.metrics) return self.priority_unsafe(objectives=objectives)
[docs] def priority_unsafe(self, objectives: np.array) -> np.array: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class LinearScalarizationPriority(MOPriority): def __init__( self, metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, weights: Optional[np.array] = None ): """ A simple multiobjective scalarization strategy that do a weighed sum to assign a priority to the objectives. :param metrics: :param weights: """ super(LinearScalarizationPriority, self).__init__(metrics=metrics) if weights is None: # uniform weights by default self.weights = np.ones(1) else: if metrics is not None: assert len(weights) == len(metrics) self.weights = weights # makes multiplication convenient with batch of samples self.weights = np.expand_dims(self.weights, 0)
[docs] def priority_unsafe(self, objectives: np.array) -> np.array: weighted_objectives = (objectives * self.weights).mean(axis=-1) return weighted_objectives
[docs] class FixedObjectivePriority(MOPriority): def __init__(self, metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, dim: Optional[int] = None): """ Optimizes a fixed objective, the first one by default. :param metrics: :param dim: dimension of the objective to optimize, first one by default. """ super(FixedObjectivePriority, self).__init__(metrics=metrics) self.dim = dim if dim is not None else 0
[docs] def priority_unsafe(self, objectives: np.array) -> np.array: return objectives[:, self.dim]
[docs] class NonDominatedPriority(MOPriority): def __init__( self, metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, dim: Optional[int] = 0, max_num_samples: Optional[int] = None, ): """ A non-dominated sort strategy that uses an epsilon-net strategy instead of crowding distance proposed in: A multi-objective perspective on jointly tuning hardware and hyperparameters David Salinas, Valerio Perrone, Cedric Archambeau and Olivier Cruchant NAS workshop, ICLR2021. :param metrics: :param dim: The objective to prefer when ranking items within the Pareto front and picking the first element. If ``None``, the first element is chosen randomly. :param max_num_samples: The maximum number of samples that should be returned. When this is ``None``, all items are sorted (less efficient), if you have a large number of samples but only want the top k indices, set this to k for efficiency. """ super(NonDominatedPriority, self).__init__(metrics=metrics) self.dim = dim self.max_num_samples = max_num_samples
[docs] def priority_unsafe(self, objectives: np.array) -> np.array: return np.array( nondominated_sort( X=objectives, dim=self.dim, max_items=self.max_num_samples ) )