Source code for syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective.moasha

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import logging
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import Trial
from syne_tune.optimizer.scheduler import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.multiobjective.multiobjective_priority import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class MOASHA(TrialScheduler): """ Implements MultiObjective Asynchronous Successive HAlving with different multiobjective sort options. References: | A multi-objective perspective on jointly tuning hardware and hyperparameters | David Salinas, Valerio Perrone, Cedric Archambeau and Olivier Cruchant | NAS workshop, ICLR2021. and | Multi-objective multi-fidelity hyperparameter optimization with application to fairness | Robin Schmucker, Michele Donini, Valerio Perrone, Cédric Archambeau :param config_space: Configuration space :param metrics: List of metric names MOASHA optimizes over :param mode: One of :code:`{"min", "max"}` or a list of these values (same size as ``metrics``). Determines whether objectives are minimized or maximized. Defaults to "min" :param time_attr: A training result attr to use for comparing time. Note that you can pass in something non-temporal such as ``training_iteration`` as a measure of progress, the only requirement is that the attribute should increase monotonically. Defaults to "training_iteration" :param multiobjective_priority: The multiobjective priority that is used to sort multiobjective candidates. We support several choices such as non-dominated sort or linear scalarization, default is non-dominated sort. :param max_t: max time units per trial. Trials will be stopped after ``max_t`` time units (determined by ``time_attr``) have passed. Defaults to 100 :param grace_period: Only stop trials at least this old in time. The units are the same as the attribute named by ``time_attr``. Defaults to 1 :param reduction_factor: Used to set halving rate and amount. This is simply a unit-less scalar. Defaults to 3 :param brackets: Number of brackets. Each bracket has a different ``grace_period`` and number of rung levels. Defaults to 1 """ def __init__( self, config_space: Dict[str, Any], metrics: List[str], mode: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, time_attr: str = "training_iteration", multiobjective_priority: Optional[MOPriority] = None, max_t: int = 100, grace_period: int = 1, reduction_factor: float = 3, brackets: int = 1, ): super(MOASHA, self).__init__(config_space=config_space) assert max_t > 0, "Max (time_attr) not valid!" assert max_t >= grace_period, "grace_period must be <= max_t!" assert grace_period > 0, "grace_period must be positive!" assert reduction_factor > 1, "reduction factor not valid!" assert brackets > 0, "brackets must be positive!" if mode: if isinstance(mode, List): assert len(mode) == len(metrics), "one mode should be given per metric" assert all( m in ["min", "max"] for m in mode ), "all modes should be 'min' or 'max'." else: assert mode in ["min", "max"], "``mode`` must be 'min' or 'max'." else: mode = "min" if multiobjective_priority is None: self._multiobjective_priority = NonDominatedPriority() else: self._multiobjective_priority = multiobjective_priority self._reduction_factor = reduction_factor self._max_t = max_t self._trial_info = {} # Stores Trial -> Bracket # Tracks state for new trial add self._brackets = [ _Bracket( grace_period, max_t, reduction_factor, s, self._multiobjective_priority ) for s in range(brackets) ] self._num_stopped = 0 self._metrics = metrics self._mode = mode if isinstance(self._mode, List): self._metric_op = { metric: 1 if mode == "min" else -1 for metric, mode in zip(metrics, self._mode) } else: if self._mode == "min": self._metric_op = dict(zip(self._metrics, [1.0] * len(self._metrics))) elif self._mode == "max": self._metric_op = dict(zip(self._metrics, [-1.0] * len(self._metrics))) self._time_attr = time_attr
[docs] def metric_names(self) -> List[str]: return self._metrics
[docs] def metric_mode(self) -> str: return self._mode
def _suggest(self, trial_id: int) -> Optional[TrialSuggestion]: config = { k: v.sample() if hasattr(v, "sample") else v for k, v in self.config_space.items() } return TrialSuggestion.start_suggestion(config)
[docs] def on_trial_add(self, trial: Trial): sizes = np.array([len(b._rungs) for b in self._brackets]) probs = np.e ** (sizes - sizes.max()) normalized = probs / probs.sum() idx = np.random.choice(len(self._brackets), p=normalized) print(f"adding trial {trial.trial_id}") self._trial_info[trial.trial_id] = self._brackets[idx]
[docs] def on_trial_result(self, trial: Trial, result: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: self._check_metrics_are_present(result) if result[self._time_attr] >= self._max_t: action = SchedulerDecision.STOP else: bracket = self._trial_info[trial.trial_id] metrics = self._metric_dict(result) action = bracket.on_result( trial_id=trial.trial_id, cur_iter=result[self._time_attr], metrics=metrics, ) if action == SchedulerDecision.STOP: self._num_stopped += 1 return action
def _metric_dict(self, reported_results: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { metric: reported_results[metric] * self._metric_op[metric] for metric in self._metrics } def _check_metrics_are_present(self, result: Dict[str, Any]): for key in [self._time_attr] + self._metrics: if key not in result: assert key in result, f"{key} not found in reported result {result}"
[docs] def on_trial_complete(self, trial: Trial, result: Dict[str, Any]): self._check_metrics_are_present(result) bracket = self._trial_info[trial.trial_id] bracket.on_result( trial_id=trial.trial_id, cur_iter=result[self._time_attr], metrics=self._metric_dict(result), ) del self._trial_info[trial.trial_id]
[docs] def on_trial_remove(self, trial: Trial): del self._trial_info[trial.trial_id]
[docs] def is_multiobjective_scheduler(self) -> bool: """ Return True if a scheduler is multi-objective. """ return True
class _Bracket: """Bookkeeping system to track recorded values. Rungs are created in reversed order so that we can more easily find the correct rung corresponding to the current iteration of the result. """ def __init__( self, min_t: int, max_t: int, reduction_factor: float, s: int, mo_priority: MOPriority = NonDominatedPriority(), ): self.rf = reduction_factor MAX_RUNGS = int(np.log(max_t / min_t) / np.log(self.rf) - s + 1) self._rungs = [ (min_t * self.rf ** (k + s), {}) for k in reversed(range(MAX_RUNGS)) ] self.priority = mo_priority def on_result(self, trial_id: int, cur_iter: int, metrics: Optional[dict]) -> str: action = SchedulerDecision.CONTINUE for milestone, recorded in self._rungs: if cur_iter < milestone or trial_id in recorded: continue else: if not recorded: # if no result was previously recorded, we saw the first result and we continue action = SchedulerDecision.CONTINUE else: # get the list of metrics seen for the rung, compute multiobjective priority and decide to continue # if priority is in the top ones according to a rank induced by the ``reduction_factor``. metric_recorded = np.array( [list(x.values()) for x in recorded.values()] + [list(metrics.values())] ) priorities = self.priority(metric_recorded) # self._plot(milestone, metric_recorded, priorities) # We sort priorities at every call, assuming the cost of sort would be negligible # in case this becomes slow, we could just maintain a sorted list of priorities in cost # of memory. ranks = np.searchsorted(sorted(priorities), priorities) / len( priorities ) new_priority_rank = ranks[-1] if new_priority_rank > 1 / self.rf: action = SchedulerDecision.STOP recorded[trial_id] = metrics break return action # TODO: Merge with plotting tools in ``experiments`` def _plot(self, milestone, metric_recorded, priorities): """ Plots the multiobjective candidates and the rank given by the multiobjective priority. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if len(metric_recorded) < 5: return fig, ax = plt.subplots() ranks = np.searchsorted(sorted(priorities), priorities) ax.scatter(metric_recorded[:, 0], metric_recorded[:, 1]) font_size = 14 plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) for i, indice in enumerate(ranks): ax.annotate( str(ranks[i]), metric_recorded[i], textcoords="offset points", # how to position the text xytext=(-10, -10), # distance from text to points (x,y) ) # plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(f"non-dominated-sorting-{milestone}.pdf")