Source code for syne_tune.experiments.visualization.results_utils

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
import itertools
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import time
from time import struct_time
from typing import Callable, Dict, Any, Optional, Union, Tuple, List

import pandas as pd

from syne_tune.constants import (
from syne_tune.experiments.launchers.utils import sync_from_s3_command
from syne_tune.util import experiment_path, s3_experiment_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_MapMetadataToSetup = Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[str]]

MapMetadataToSetup = Union[_MapMetadataToSetup, Dict[str, _MapMetadataToSetup]]

MapMetadataToSubplot = Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[int]]


def _strip_common_prefix(tuner_path: str) -> str:
    prefix_path = str(experiment_path())
    assert tuner_path.startswith(
    ), f"tuner_path = {tuner_path}, prefix_path = {prefix_path}"
    start_pos = len(prefix_path)
    if tuner_path[start_pos] in ["/", "\\"]:
        start_pos += 1
    return tuner_path[start_pos:]

def _insert_into_nested_dict(
    dictionary: Dict[str, Any],
    key_sequence: List[Any],
    value: Any,
    ``dictionary`` is a nested dictionary with leaf values being lists.
    This method inserts ``value`` into the list at
    ``dictionary[key_1][key_2]...[key_n]``, where
    ``key_sequence == [key_1, key_2, ..., key_n]``, creating empty
    dictionaries or lists if they are not already present.

    :param dictionary: Dictionary to insert into
    :param key_sequence: See above
    :param value: Value to insert into list at leaf node
    inner_dict = dictionary
    for key in key_sequence[:-1]:
        if key not in inner_dict:
            inner_dict[key] = dict()
        inner_dict = inner_dict[key]
    key = key_sequence[-1]
    if key in inner_dict:
        inner_dict[key] = [value]

DateTimeInterval = Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]

DateTimeBounds = Union[DateTimeInterval, Dict[str, DateTimeInterval]]

def _convert_datetime_bound(
    bound: DateTimeInterval,
) -> Tuple[Optional[struct_time], Optional[struct_time]]:
    result = ()
    assert len(bound) == 2
    for elem in bound:
        if elem is not None:
            elem = time.strptime(elem, ST_DATETIME_FORMAT)
        result = result + (elem,)
    lower, upper = result
    assert (
        lower is None or upper is None or lower < upper
    ), f"Invalid time bound {bound}: First must be before second"
    return result

def _convert_datetime_bounds(
    datetime_bounds: Optional[DateTimeBounds], experiment_names: Tuple[str, ...]
) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[struct_time], Optional[struct_time]]]:
    if datetime_bounds is None:
        result = {name: (None, None) for name in experiment_names}
    elif isinstance(datetime_bounds, dict):
        result = dict()
        for name in experiment_names:
            bound = datetime_bounds.get(name)
            result[name] = None if bound is None else _convert_datetime_bound(bound)
        tbound = _convert_datetime_bound(datetime_bounds)
        result = {name: tbound for name in experiment_names}
    return result

def _extract_datetime(tuner_name: str) -> struct_time:
    :param tuner_name: Name of tuner
    :return: Datetime from postfix of ``tuner_name``
    assert (
        tuner_name[-4] == "-" and tuner_name[-24] == "-"
    ), f"tuner_name = {tuner_name} has invalid format. Postfix should be like {ST_DATETIME_FORMAT}-XYZ"
    return time.strptime(tuner_name[-23:-4], ST_DATETIME_FORMAT)

def _skip_based_on_datetime(
    tuner_name: str,
    datetime_lower: Optional[struct_time],
    datetime_upper: Optional[struct_time],
) -> bool:
    if datetime_lower is None and datetime_upper is None:
        return False
    datetime = _extract_datetime(tuner_name)
    return (datetime_lower is not None and datetime < datetime_lower) or (
        datetime_upper is not None and datetime > datetime_upper

def _get_benchmark_name(
    benchmark_key: Optional[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], tuner_path: Path
) -> str:
    if benchmark_key is not None:
        assert benchmark_key in metadata, (
            f"Metadata for tuner_path = {tuner_path} does not contain "
            f"key {benchmark_key}:\n{metadata}"
        benchmark_name = metadata[benchmark_key]
        benchmark_name = SINGLE_BENCHMARK_KEY  # Key for single dict entry
    return benchmark_name

[docs] def create_index_for_result_files( experiment_names: Tuple[str, ...], metadata_to_setup: MapMetadataToSetup, metadata_to_subplot: Optional[MapMetadataToSubplot] = None, metadata_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadata_subplot_level: bool = False, benchmark_key: Optional[str] = "benchmark", with_subdirs: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = "*", datetime_bounds: Optional[DateTimeBounds] = None, seed_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Dict[Tuple[str, int], Any]]: """ Helper function for :class:`ComparativeResults`. Runs over all result directories for experiments of a comparative study. For each experiment, we read the metadata file, extract the benchmark name (key ``benchmark_key``), and use ``metadata_to_setup``, ``metadata_to_subplot`` to map the metadata to setup name and subplot index. If any of the two return ``None``, the result is not used. Otherwise, we enter ``(result_path, setup_name, subplot_no)`` into the list for benchmark name. Here, ``result_path`` is the result path for the experiment, without the :meth:`~syne_tune.util.experiment_path` prefix. The index returned is the dictionary from benchmark names to these list. It allows loading results specifically for each benchmark, and we do not have to load and parse the metadata files again. If ``benchmark_key is None``, the returned index is a dictionary with a single element only, and the metadata files need not contain an entry for benchmark name. Result files have the path ``f"{experiment_path()}{ename}/{patt}/{ename}-*/"``, where ``path`` is from ``with_subdirs``, and ``ename`` from ``experiment_names``. The default is ``with_subdirs="*"``. If ``with_subdirs`` is ``None``, result files have the path ``f"{experiment_path()}{ename}-*/"``. This is an older convention, which makes it harder to sync files from S3, it is not recommended. If ``metadata_keys`` is given, it contains a list of keys into the metadata. In this case, a nested dictionary ``metadata_values`` is returned, where ``metadata_values[benchmark_name][key][setup_name]`` contains a list of metadata values for this benchmark, key in ``metadata_keys``, and setup name. In this case, if ``metadata_subplot_level`` is ``True`` and ``metadata_to_subplot`` is given, ``metadata_values`` has the structure ``metadata_values[benchmark_name][key][setup_name][subplot_no]``. This should be set if different subplots share the same setup names. If ``datetime_bounds`` is given, it contains a tuple of strings ``(lower_time, upper_time)``, or a dictionary mapping experiment names (from ``experiment_names``) to such tuples. Both strings are time-stamps in the format :const:`~syne_tune.constants.ST_DATETIME_FORMAT` (example: "2023-03-19-22-01-57"), and each can be ``None`` as well. This serves to filter out any result whose time-stamp does not fall within the interval (both sides are inclusive), where ``None`` means the interval is open on that side. This feature is useful to filter out results of erroneous attempts. If ``seed_key`` is given, the returned index is a dictionary with keys ``(benchmark_name, seed)``, where ``seed`` is the value corresponding to ``seed_key`` in the metadata dict. This mode is needed for plots focusing on a single experiment. :param experiment_names: Tuple of experiment names (prefixes, without the timestamps) :param metadata_to_setup: See above :param metadata_to_subplot: See above. Optional :param metadata_keys: See above. Optional :param metadata_subplot_level: See above. Defaults to ``False`` :param benchmark_key: Key for benchmark in metadata files. Defaults to "benchmark" :param with_subdirs: See above. Defaults to "*" :param datetime_bounds: See above :param seed_key: See above :return: Dictionary; entry "index" for index (see above); entry "setup_names" for setup names encountered; entry "metadata_values" see ``metadata_keys`` """ reverse_index = dict() setup_names = set() metadata_values = dict() if metadata_keys is None: metadata_keys = [] if metadata_to_subplot is None: metadata_subplot_level = False datetime_bounds = _convert_datetime_bounds(datetime_bounds, experiment_names) is_map_dict = isinstance(metadata_to_setup, dict) for experiment_name in experiment_names: datetime_lower, datetime_upper = datetime_bounds[experiment_name] patterns = [experiment_name + "-*/" + ST_METADATA_FILENAME] if with_subdirs is not None: if not isinstance(with_subdirs, list): with_subdirs = [with_subdirs] pattern = patterns[0] patterns = [experiment_name + f"/{x}/" + pattern for x in with_subdirs]"Patterns for result files: {patterns}") for meta_path in itertools.chain( *[experiment_path().glob(pattern) for pattern in patterns] ): tuner_path = meta_path.parent if _skip_based_on_datetime(, datetime_lower, datetime_upper): continue # Skip this result # Load metadata try: with open(str(meta_path), "r") as f: metadata = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: metadata = None if metadata is None: continue benchmark_name = _get_benchmark_name(benchmark_key, metadata, tuner_path) seed_value = None if seed_key is None else int(metadata[seed_key]) try: # Extract ``setup_name`` map = ( metadata_to_setup[benchmark_name] if is_map_dict else metadata_to_setup ) setup_name = map(metadata) except BaseException as err: logger.error(f"Caught exception for {tuner_path}:\n" + str(err)) raise if setup_name is None: continue # Experiment filtered out by ``metadata_to_setup`` if metadata_to_subplot is not None: # Extract ``subplot_no`` subplot_no = metadata_to_subplot(metadata) if subplot_no is None: continue # Experiment filtered out by ``metadata_to_subplot`` else: subplot_no = 0 index_key = ( benchmark_name if seed_key is None else (benchmark_name, seed_value) ) if index_key not in reverse_index: reverse_index[index_key] = [] # Insert into reverse index. We strip the common prefix off from # ``tuner_path`` reverse_index[index_key].append( ( _strip_common_prefix(str(tuner_path)), setup_name, subplot_no, ) ) setup_names.add(setup_name) for key in metadata_keys: if key in metadata: key_sequence = [benchmark_name, key, setup_name] if metadata_subplot_level: key_sequence.append(subplot_no) _insert_into_nested_dict( dictionary=metadata_values, key_sequence=key_sequence, value=metadata[key], ) result = { "index": reverse_index, "setup_names": setup_names, } if metadata_keys: result["metadata_values"] = metadata_values return result
[docs] def load_results_dataframe_per_benchmark( experiment_list: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """ Helper function for :class:`ComparativeResults`. Loads time-stamped results for all experiments in ``experiments_list`` and returns them in a single dataframe with additional columns "setup_name", "suplot_no", "tuner_name", whose values are constant across data for one experiment, allowing for later grouping. :param experiment_list: Information about experiments, see :func:`create_index_for_result_files` :return: Dataframe with all results combined """ dfs = [] for tuner_path, setup_name, subplot_no in experiment_list: # Add common prefix that was stripped off tuner_path = experiment_path() / tuner_path df_filename = str(tuner_path / ST_RESULTS_DATAFRAME_FILENAME) try: df = pd.read_csv(df_filename) except FileNotFoundError: df = None except Exception as ex: logger.error(f"{df_filename}: Error in pd.read_csv\n{ex}") df = None if df is None: logger.warning( f"{tuner_path}: Meta-data matches filter, but " "results file not found. Skipping." ) else: # These columns are needed for grouping results later on df["setup_name"] = setup_name df["subplot_no"] = subplot_no df["tuner_name"] = dfs.append(df) if not dfs: res_df = None else: res_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) return res_df
[docs] def download_result_files_from_s3( experiment_names: Tuple[str, ...], s3_bucket: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Downloads result files from S3. This works only if the result objects on S3 have prefixes ``f"{s3_experiment_path(s3_bucket)}{ename}/"``, where ``ename`` is in ``experiment_names``. Only files with names :const:`ST_METADATA_FILENAME` and :const:`ST_RESULTS_DATAFRAME_FILENAME` are downloaded. :param experiment_names: Tuple of experiment names (prefixes, without the timestamps) :param s3_bucket: If not given, the default bucket for the SageMaker session is used """ # We want the most part of ``experiments`` to be available without # ``aws`` dependencies, which is why this import is local from syne_tune.backend.sagemaker_backend.sagemaker_utils import ( s3_download_files_recursively, ) for experiment_name in experiment_names: s3_source_path = s3_experiment_path( s3_bucket=s3_bucket, experiment_name=experiment_name )"Downloading result files from {s3_source_path}") # Try "aws s3 sync", which is very fast try: cmd = sync_from_s3_command(experiment_name, s3_bucket)" ")) continue # Skip rest of the loop if this succeeded except CalledProcessError as ex: err_msg = ( f"Failed to execute sync command:\n{ex.cmd}\nstdout:" f"\n{ex.stdout}\nstderr:\n{ex.stderr}\n" "Fallback to using boto3 (this is slow!)" ) logger.warning(err_msg) # Recursive download with boto3. This is quite slow! target_path = str(experiment_path() / experiment_name) valid_postfixes = [ST_METADATA_FILENAME, ST_RESULTS_DATAFRAME_FILENAME] result = s3_download_files_recursively( s3_source_path=s3_source_path, target_path=target_path, valid_postfixes=valid_postfixes, ) num_action_calls = result["num_action_calls"] if num_action_calls == 0:"No result files found") else: num_successful_action_calls = result["num_successful_action_calls"] assert num_successful_action_calls == num_action_calls, ( f"{num_successful_action_calls} files downloaded successfully, " + f"{num_action_calls - num_successful_action_calls} failures. " + "Error:\n" + result["first_error_message"] )"Downloaded {num_action_calls} result files")