Source code for syne_tune.callbacks.tensorboard_callback

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
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import numbers
import os
from time import perf_counter
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any
import logging

from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import Trial
from syne_tune.constants import ST_TUNER_TIME
from syne_tune.tuner_callback import TunerCallback

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class TensorboardCallback(TunerCallback): """ Logs relevant metrics reported from trial evaluations, so they can be visualized with Tensorboard. :param ignore_metrics: Defines which metrics should be ignored. If None, all metrics are reported to Tensorboard. :param target_metric: Defines the metric we aim to optimize. If this argument is set, we report the cumulative optimum of this metric as well as the optimal hyperparameters we have found so far. :param mode: Determined whether we maximize ("max") or minimize ("min") the target metric. :param log_hyperparameters: If set to True, we also log all hyperparameters specified in the configurations space. """ def __init__( self, ignore_metrics: Optional[List[str]] = None, target_metric: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, log_hyperparameters: bool = True, ): if mode is None: mode = "min" else: assert mode in { "min", "max", }, f"mode = '{mode}' is invalid, use 'max' or 'min'" self.results = [] if ignore_metrics is None: self.ignore_metrics = [] else: self.ignore_metrics = ignore_metrics self.curr_best_value = None self.curr_best_config = None self.start_time_stamp = None self.writer = None self.iter = None self.target_metric = target_metric self.trial_ids = set() self.metric_sign = -1 if mode == "max" else 1 self.output_path = None self.log_hyperparameters = log_hyperparameters def _set_time_fields(self, result: Dict[str, Any]): """ Note that we only add wallclock time to the result if this has not already been done (by the backend) """ if self.start_time_stamp is not None and ST_TUNER_TIME not in result: result[ST_TUNER_TIME] = perf_counter() - self.start_time_stamp
[docs] def on_trial_result( self, trial: Trial, status: str, result: Dict[str, Any], decision: str ): self._set_time_fields(result) walltime = result[ST_TUNER_TIME] if self.target_metric is not None: assert ( self.target_metric in result ), f"{self.target_metric} was not reported back to Syne tune" new_result = self.metric_sign * result[self.target_metric] if self.curr_best_value is None or self.curr_best_value > new_result: self.curr_best_value = new_result self.curr_best_config = trial.config self.writer.add_scalar( self.target_metric, result[self.target_metric], self.iter, walltime ) else: opt = self.metric_sign * self.curr_best_value self.writer.add_scalar(self.target_metric, opt, self.iter, walltime) for key, value in self.curr_best_config.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): self.writer.add_scalar(f"optimal_{key}", value, self.iter, walltime) else: self.writer.add_text( f"optimal_{key}", str(value), self.iter, walltime ) for metric in result: if metric not in self.ignore_metrics: self.writer.add_scalar(metric, result[metric], self.iter, walltime) if self.log_hyperparameters: for key, value in trial.config.items(): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): self.writer.add_scalar(key, value, self.iter, walltime) else: self.writer.add_text(key, str(value), self.iter, walltime) self.writer.add_scalar("runtime", result[ST_TUNER_TIME], self.iter, walltime) self.trial_ids.add(trial.trial_id) self.writer.add_scalar( "number_of_trials", len(self.trial_ids), self.iter, walltime=walltime, display_name="total number of trials", ) self.iter += 1
def _create_summary_writer(self): try: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter except ImportError as err: print( "TensorboardCallback requires tensorboardX to be installed:\n" " pip install tensorboardX\n\n" + str(err) ) raise return SummaryWriter(self.output_path)
[docs] def on_tuning_start(self, tuner): self.output_path = os.path.join(tuner.tuner_path, "tensorboard_output") self.writer = self._create_summary_writer() self.iter = 0 self.start_time_stamp = perf_counter() f"Logging tensorboard information at {self.output_path}, to visualize results, run\n" f"tensorboard --logdir {self.output_path}" )
[docs] def on_tuning_end(self): self.writer.close() f"Tensorboard information has been logged at {self.output_path}, to visualize results, run\n" f"tensorboard --logdir {self.output_path}" )
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["writer"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__( ignore_metrics=state["ignore_metrics"], target_metric=state["target_metric"], mode="min" if state["metric_sign"] == 1 else "max", log_hyperparameters=state["log_hyperparameters"], ) self.results = state["results"] self.curr_best_value = state["curr_best_value"] self.curr_best_config = state["curr_best_config"] self.start_time_stamp = state["start_time_stamp"] self.iter = state["iter"] self.trial_ids = state["trial_ids"] self.output_path = state["output_path"] self.writer = self._create_summary_writer()