Source code for syne_tune.callbacks.hyperband_remove_checkpoints_callback

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
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from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional
import numpy as np
import logging
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass

from syne_tune.tuner_callback import TunerCallback
from syne_tune.backend.simulator_backend.simulator_backend import SimulatorBackend
from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import Trial
from syne_tune.callbacks.hyperband_remove_checkpoints_score import (
from syne_tune.optimizer.scheduler import SchedulerDecision
from syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.hyperband_stopping import PausedTrialsResult

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BetaBinomialEstimator: """ Estimator of the probability :math:`p = P(X = 1)` for a variable :math:`X` with Bernoulli distribution. This is using a Beta prior, which is conjugate to the binomial likelihood. The prior is parameterized by effective sample size ``beta_size`` (:math:`a + b`) and mean ``beta_mean`` (:math:`a / (a + b)`). """ def __init__(self, beta_mean: float, beta_size: float): assert 0 < beta_mean < 1 assert beta_size > 0 self._beta_a = beta_mean * beta_size self._beta_size = beta_size self._num_one = 0 self._num_total = 0
[docs] def update(self, data: List[bool]): self._num_one += sum(data) self._num_total += len(data)
@property def num_one(self) -> int: return self._num_one @property def num_total(self): return self._num_total
[docs] def posterior_mean(self) -> float: a_posterior = self._beta_a + self._num_one aplusb_posterior = self._beta_size + self._num_total return a_posterior / aplusb_posterior
[docs] @dataclass class TrialInformation: trial_id: str level: int rank: int rung_len: int score_val: Optional[float] = None
[docs] class HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCommon(TunerCallback): """ Common base class for :class:`HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCallback` and :class:`HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsBaselineCallback`. """ def __init__( self, max_num_checkpoints: int, max_wallclock_time: int, metric: str, resource_attr: str, mode: str, ): self.max_num_checkpoints = max_num_checkpoints self._max_wallclock_time = max_wallclock_time self._metric = metric self._resource_attr = resource_attr assert mode in ["min", "max"] self._metric_sign = -1 if mode == "max" else 1 self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed = None self._trial_status = None self._trials_resumed_without_checkpoint = None self._num_checkpoints_removed = None self._num_trials_resumed = None self._scheduler = None self._trial_backend = None def _check_and_initialize(self, tuner): # We keep a reference to ``tuner.scheduler``, not to # ``tuner.scheduler.terminator``. This is to avoid a cycle in the # references, since there is already terminator -> scheduler and # scheduler -> callback. self._scheduler = tuner.scheduler assert hasattr( self._scheduler, "terminator" ), "Scheduler must be HyperbandScheduler" self._trial_backend = tuner.trial_backend assert not isinstance( self._trial_backend, SimulatorBackend ), "Checkpoint removal not supported for SimulatorBackend"
[docs] def on_tuning_start(self, tuner): self._check_and_initialize(tuner) # For any paused trial with checkpoint removed, this dict maps ``trial_id`` to # ``level`` (where this trial is paused) self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed = dict() # Maps ``trial_id`` to ``TrialStatus``. Used to count the number of # trials with checkpoints self._trial_status = dict() # Collects entries ``(trial_id, level)`` from ``_trials_with_checkpoints_removed`` # which were nevertheless resumed self._trials_resumed_without_checkpoint = [] self._num_checkpoints_removed = 0 self._num_trials_resumed = 0
@property def num_checkpoints_removed(self) -> int: return self._num_checkpoints_removed def _filter_paused_trials( self, paused_trials: PausedTrialsResult ) -> PausedTrialsResult: return [ entry for entry in paused_trials if entry[0] not in self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed ] def _count_trials_with_checkpoints(self) -> int: has_checkpoint = {TrialStatus.RUNNING, TrialStatus.PAUSED_WITH_CHECKPOINT} return sum(status in has_checkpoint for status in self._trial_status.values()) def _remove_checkpoint_of(self, trial_id: str, level: int): """ Remove checkpoint for trial ``trial_id``, which is currently paused at rung level ``level``. """ self._trial_backend.delete_checkpoint(int(trial_id)) self._trial_status[trial_id] = TrialStatus.PAUSED_NO_CHECKPOINT self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed[trial_id] = level self._num_checkpoints_removed += 1 def _trials_to_be_removed( self, paused_trials_with_checkpoints: PausedTrialsResult, num_to_remove: int, ) -> List[TrialInformation]: """ Determine trials to be removed in :meth:`on_loop_end`. :param paused_trials_with_checkpoints: Paused trials with checkpoints :param num_to_remove: Number of trials whose checkpoints are to be removed :return: List of ``(trial_id, level, rank, rung_len, score_val)`` for trials whose checkpoints to be removed """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def on_loop_end(self): num_checkpoints = self._count_trials_with_checkpoints() num_to_remove = num_checkpoints - self.max_num_checkpoints if num_to_remove > 0: paused_trials_with_checkpoints = self._filter_paused_trials( self._scheduler.terminator.paused_trials() ) num_to_remove = min(num_to_remove, len(paused_trials_with_checkpoints)) trials_to_remove = self._trials_to_be_removed( paused_trials_with_checkpoints, num_to_remove ) msg_parts = [f"Removing checkpoints of {num_to_remove} paused trials:"] for trial in trials_to_remove: self._remove_checkpoint_of(trial.trial_id, trial.level) msg_parts.append( f" trial_id {trial.trial_id}, level = {trial.level}, rank = {trial.rank} (of {trial.rung_len})" )"\n".join(msg_parts))
[docs] def on_trial_complete(self, trial: Trial, result: Dict[str, Any]): trial_id = str(trial.trial_id) self._trial_status[trial_id] = TrialStatus.STOPPED_OR_COMPLETED self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed.pop(trial_id, None)
[docs] def on_trial_result( self, trial: Trial, status: str, result: Dict[str, Any], decision: str ): trial_id = str(trial.trial_id) if decision == SchedulerDecision.CONTINUE: new_status = TrialStatus.RUNNING else: if decision == SchedulerDecision.PAUSE: new_status = TrialStatus.PAUSED_WITH_CHECKPOINT else: assert decision == SchedulerDecision.STOP # Sanity check new_status = TrialStatus.STOPPED_OR_COMPLETED self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed.pop(trial_id, None) self._trial_status[trial_id] = new_status
[docs] def on_start_trial(self, trial: Trial): trial_id = str(trial.trial_id) self._trial_status[trial_id] = TrialStatus.RUNNING
[docs] def on_resume_trial(self, trial: Trial): trial_id = str(trial.trial_id) self._trial_status[trial_id] = TrialStatus.RUNNING self._num_trials_resumed += 1 level = self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed.get(trial_id) if level is not None: self._trials_resumed_without_checkpoint.append((trial_id, level)) del self._trials_with_checkpoints_removed[trial_id]
[docs] def trials_resumed_without_checkpoint(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: """ :return: List of ``(trial_id, level)`` for trials which were resumed, even though their checkpoint was removed """ return self._trials_resumed_without_checkpoint
[docs] def extra_results(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ :return: Dictionary containing information which can be appended to results written out """ sum_resource = sum( level for _, level in self.trials_resumed_without_checkpoint() ) return { "num_checkpoints_removed": self.num_checkpoints_removed, "num_trials_resumed": self._num_trials_resumed, "cost_resources": sum_resource, }
[docs] @staticmethod def extra_results_keys() -> List[str]: return ["num_checkpoints_removed", "num_trials_resumed", "cost_resources"]
[docs] class HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCallback(HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCommon): """ Implements speculative early removal of checkpoints of paused trials for :class:`~syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.HyperbandScheduler` (only for types which pause trials at rung levels). In this scheduler, any paused trial can in principle be resumed in the future, which is why we remove checkpoints speculatively. The idea is to keep the total number of checkpoints no larger than ``max_num_checkpoints``. If this limit is reached, we rank all currently paused trials which still have a checkpoint and remove checkpoints for those with lowest scores. If a trial is resumed whose checkpoint has been removed, we have to train from scratch, at a cost proportional to the rung level the trial is paused at. The score is an approximation to this expected cost, the product of rung level and probability of getting resumed. This probability depends on the current rung size, the rank of the trial in the rung, and both the time spent and remaining for the experiment, so we need ``max_wallclock_time``. Details are given in a technical report. The probability of getting resumed also depends on the probability :math:`p_r` that a new trial arriving at rung :math:`r` ranks better than an existing paused one with a checkpoint. These probabilities are estimated here. For each new arrival at a rung, we obtain one datapoint for every paused trial with checkpoint there. We use Bayesian estimators with Beta prior given by mean ``prior_beta_mean`` and sample size ``prior_beta_size``. The mean should be :math:`< 1/2`). We also run an estimator for an overall probability :math:`p`, which is fed by all datapoints. This estimator is used as long as there are less than :math:`min_data_at_rung` datapoints at rung :math:`r`. :param max_num_checkpoints: Once the total number of checkpoints surpasses this number, we remove some. :param max_wallclock_time: Maximum time of the experiment :param metric: Name of metric in ``result`` of :meth:`on_trial_result` :param resource_attr: Name of resource attribute in ``result`` of :meth:`on_trial_result` :param mode: "min" or "max" :param approx_steps: Number of approximation steps in score computation. Computations scale cubically in this number. Defaults to 25 :param prior_beta_mean: Parameter of Beta prior for estimators. Defaults to 0.33 :param prior_beta_size: Parameter of Beta prior for estimators. Defaults to 2 :param min_data_at_rung: See above. Defaults to 5 """ def __init__( self, max_num_checkpoints: int, max_wallclock_time: int, metric: str, resource_attr: str, mode: str, approx_steps: int = 25, prior_beta_mean: float = 0.33, prior_beta_size: float = 2, min_data_at_rung: int = 5, ): super().__init__( max_num_checkpoints=max_num_checkpoints, max_wallclock_time=max_wallclock_time, metric=metric, resource_attr=resource_attr, mode=mode, ) self._approx_steps = approx_steps self._prior_beta_mean = prior_beta_mean self._prior_beta_size = prior_beta_size self._min_data_at_rung = min_data_at_rung self._estimator_for_rung = None self._estimator_overall = None self._start_time = None
[docs] def on_tuning_start(self, tuner): super().on_tuning_start(tuner) self._start_time = time.perf_counter() # See header comment self._estimator_for_rung = dict() self._estimator_overall = BetaBinomialEstimator( beta_mean=self._prior_beta_mean, beta_size=self._prior_beta_size )
[docs] def estimator_for_rung(self, level: int) -> BetaBinomialEstimator: if level not in self._estimator_for_rung: self._estimator_for_rung[level] = BetaBinomialEstimator( beta_mean=self._prior_beta_mean, beta_size=self._prior_beta_size ) return self._estimator_for_rung[level]
def _probability_for_rung(self, level: int) -> float: estimator = self.estimator_for_rung(level) if estimator.num_total < self._min_data_at_rung: estimator = self._estimator_overall return estimator.posterior_mean() def _prepare_score_inputs( self, trials_to_score: PausedTrialsResult ) -> (List[str], np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): info_rungs = self._scheduler.terminator.information_for_rungs() lens_rung = {r: n for r, n, _ in info_rungs} prom_quants_rung = {r: alpha for r, _, alpha in info_rungs} pvals_rung = {r: self._probability_for_rung(r) for r, _, _ in info_rungs} trial_ids, ranks, levels, rung_lens, prom_quants, p_vals = zip( *[ ( trial_id, rank + 1, level, lens_rung[level], prom_quants_rung[level], pvals_rung[level], ) for trial_id, rank, _, level in trials_to_score ] ) ranks = np.array(ranks) # ranks starting from 1 (not 0) levels = np.array(levels) rung_lens = np.array(rung_lens) prom_quants = np.array(prom_quants) p_vals = np.array(p_vals) return trial_ids, levels, ranks, rung_lens, prom_quants, p_vals def _compute_scores( self, trials_to_score: PausedTrialsResult, time_ratio: float ) -> List[TrialInformation]: r""" Computes scores for paused trials in ``trials_to_score``, with entries ``(trial_id, rank, metric_val, level)``. These are approximations of expected cost of checkpoint removal. ``time_ratio`` is the ratio between time left and time already spent for the experiment, called :math:`\beta` in the note. :param trials_to_score: See above :param time_ratio: See above :return: List of trials with score values """ ( trial_ids, levels, ranks, rung_lens, prom_quants, p_vals, ) = self._prepare_score_inputs(trials_to_score) scores = ( compute_probabilities_of_getting_resumed( ranks=ranks, rung_lens=rung_lens, prom_quants=prom_quants, p_vals=p_vals, time_ratio=time_ratio, approx_steps=self._approx_steps, ) * levels ) result = [ TrialInformation( trial_id=trial_id, level=level, rank=rank, rung_len=rung_len, score_val=score_val, ) for trial_id, level, rank, rung_len, score_val in zip( trial_ids, levels, ranks, rung_lens, scores ) ] return result def _get_time_ratio(self) -> float: current_time = time.perf_counter() time_elapsed = current_time - self._start_time time_remaining = self._max_wallclock_time - time_elapsed return max(time_remaining, 1e-3) / max(time_elapsed, 1e-3) def _log_estimator_status(self): msg_parts = ["*** Status of p_r estimators:"] for r, estimator in self._estimator_for_rung.items(): msg_parts.append(f"r={r}: n={estimator.num_total}") msg_parts.append(f"overall: n={self._estimator_overall.num_total}")"\n".join(msg_parts)) def _trials_to_be_removed( self, paused_trials_with_checkpoints: PausedTrialsResult, num_to_remove: int, ) -> List[TrialInformation]: time_ratio = self._get_time_ratio() #"*** Time ratio beta = {time_ratio}") # self._log_estimator_status() scores = self._compute_scores(paused_trials_with_checkpoints, time_ratio) return sorted(scores, key=lambda trial: trial.score_val)[:num_to_remove] def _update_estimators(self, trial_id: str, result: Dict[str, Any]): metric_val = float(result[self._metric]) level = int(result[self._resource_attr]) # Paused trials with checkpoints at rung level ``level``. If ``level`` is # not a rung level, this is an empty list paused_trials_with_checkpoints = self._filter_paused_trials( self._scheduler.terminator.paused_trials(resource=level) ) # How many of these are better/worse than the new arrival? Note that the # new arrival may already be in that list data = [ self._metric_sign * (metric_val - mv) <= 0 for tid, _, mv, _ in paused_trials_with_checkpoints if tid != trial_id ] if data: for estimator in [self.estimator_for_rung(level), self._estimator_overall]: estimator.update(data)
[docs] def on_trial_result( self, trial: Trial, status: str, result: Dict[str, Any], decision: str ): super().on_trial_result(trial, status, result, decision) trial_id = str(trial.trial_id) # This new arrival provides data for updating our estimators, if it # falls on a rung level self._update_estimators(trial_id, result)
[docs] class HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsBaselineCallback(HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCommon): """ Implements some simple baselines to compare with :class:`HyperbandRemoveCheckpointsCallback`. :param max_num_checkpoints: Once the total number of checkpoints surpasses this number, we remove some. :param max_wallclock_time: Maximum time of the experiment :param metric: Name of metric in ``result`` of :meth:`on_trial_result` :param resource_attr: Name of resource attribute in ``result`` of :meth:`on_trial_result` :param mode: "min" or "max" :param baseline: Type of baseline. Defaults to "by_level" * "random": Select random paused trial with checkpoint * "by_level": Select paused trial (with checkpoint) on lowest rung level, and then of worst rank """ def __init__( self, max_num_checkpoints: int, max_wallclock_time: int, metric: str, resource_attr: str, mode: str, baseline: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__( max_num_checkpoints=max_num_checkpoints, max_wallclock_time=max_wallclock_time, metric=metric, resource_attr=resource_attr, mode=mode, ) if baseline is None: baseline = "by_level" else: assert baseline in ["random", "by_level"] self._baseline = baseline def _trials_to_be_removed( self, paused_trials_with_checkpoints: PausedTrialsResult, num_to_remove: int, ) -> List[TrialInformation]: terminator = self._scheduler.terminator info_rungs = terminator.information_for_rungs() lens_rung = {r: n for r, n, _ in info_rungs} # Entries in ``paused_trials_with_checkpoints`` are # ``(trial_id, rank, metric_val, level)`` if self._baseline == "random": # Select trials at random, among all paused ones with a checkpoint trials_to_remove = [ paused_trials_with_checkpoints[pos] for pos in terminator.random_state.choice( len(paused_trials_with_checkpoints), size=num_to_remove, replace=False, ) ] else: # Select trials by minimum ``level``, then maximum ``rank`` trials_to_remove = sorted( paused_trials_with_checkpoints, key=lambda entry: (entry[-1], -entry[1]), )[:num_to_remove] return [ TrialInformation( trial_id=trial_id, level=level, rank=rank, rung_len=lens_rung[level], score_val=0.0, ) for trial_id, rank, _, level in trials_to_remove ]