Source code for syne_tune.blackbox_repository.conversion_scripts.scripts.lcbench.api

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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
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# File taken from LCBench to avoid having to install a directory manually

import os as os
import numpy as np
import json
import pickle
import gzip

[docs] class Benchmark: """API for TabularBench.""" def __init__(self, data_dir, cache=False, cache_dir="cached/"): """Initialize dataset (will take a few seconds-minutes). Keyword arguments: bench_data -- str, the raw benchmark data directory """ if not os.path.isfile(data_dir) or not data_dir.endswith(".json"): raise ValueError("Please specify path to the bench json file.") self.data_dir = data_dir self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache = cache print("==> Loading data...") = self._read_data(data_dir) self.dataset_names = list( print("==> Done.")
[docs] def query(self, dataset_name, tag, config_id): """Query a run. Keyword arguments: dataset_name -- str, the name of the dataset in the benchmark tag -- str, the tag you want to query config_id -- int, an identifier for which run you want to query, if too large will query the last run """ config_id = str(config_id) if dataset_name not in self.dataset_names: raise ValueError("Dataset name not found.") if config_id not in[dataset_name].keys(): raise ValueError( "Config nr %s not found for dataset %s." % (config_id, dataset_name) ) if tag in[dataset_name][config_id]["log"].keys(): return[dataset_name][config_id]["log"][tag] if tag in[dataset_name][config_id]["results"].keys(): return[dataset_name][config_id]["results"][tag] if tag in[dataset_name][config_id]["config"].keys(): return[dataset_name][config_id]["config"][tag] if tag == "config": return[dataset_name][config_id]["config"] raise ValueError( "Tag %s not found for config %s for dataset %s" % (tag, config_id, dataset_name) )
[docs] def query_best(self, dataset_name, tag, criterion, position=0): """Query the n-th best run. "Best" here means achieving the largest value at any epoch/step, Keyword arguments: dataset_name -- str, the name of the dataset in the benchmark tag -- str, the tag you want to query criterion -- str, the tag you want to use for the ranking position -- int, an identifier for which position in the ranking you want to query """ performances = [] for config_id in[dataset_name].keys(): performances.append( (config_id, max(self.query(dataset_name, criterion, config_id))) ) performances.sort(key=lambda x: x[1] * 1000, reverse=True) desired_position = performances[position][0] return self.query(dataset_name, tag, desired_position)
[docs] def get_queriable_tags(self, dataset_name=None, config_id=None): """Returns a list of all queriable tags""" if dataset_name is None or config_id is None: dataset_name = list([0] config_id = list([dataset_name].keys())[0] else: config_id = str(config_id) log_tags = list([dataset_name][config_id]["log"].keys()) result_tags = list([dataset_name][config_id]["results"].keys()) config_tags = list([dataset_name][config_id]["config"].keys()) additional = ["config"] return log_tags + result_tags + config_tags + additional
[docs] def get_dataset_names(self): """Returns a list of all availabe dataset names like defined on openml""" return self.dataset_names
[docs] def get_openml_task_ids(self): """Returns a list of openml task ids""" task_ids = [] for dataset_name in self.dataset_names: task_ids.append(self.query(dataset_name, "OpenML_task_id", 1)) return task_ids
[docs] def get_number_of_configs(self, dataset_name): """Returns the number of configurations for a dataset""" if dataset_name not in self.dataset_names: raise ValueError("Dataset name not found.") return len([dataset_name].keys())
[docs] def get_config(self, dataset_name, config_id): """Returns the configuration of a run specified by dataset name and config id""" if dataset_name not in self.dataset_names: raise ValueError("Dataset name not found.") return[dataset_name][config_id]["config"]
[docs] def plot_by_name( self, dataset_names, x_col, y_col, n_configs=10, show_best=False, xscale="linear", yscale="linear", criterion=None, ): """Plot multiple datasets and multiple runs. Keyword arguments: dataset_names -- list x_col -- str, tag to plot on x-axis y_col -- str, tag to plot on y-axis n_configs -- int, number of configs to plot for each dataset show_best -- bool, weather to show the n_configs best (according to query_best()) xscale -- str, set xscale, options as in matplotlib: "linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ... yscale -- str, set yscale, options as in matplotlib: "linear", "log", "symlog", "logit", ... criterion -- str, tag used as criterion for query_best() """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(dataset_names, str): dataset_names = [dataset_names] if not isinstance(dataset_names, (list, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError( "Please specify a dataset name or a list list of dataset names." ) n_rows = len(dataset_names) fig, axes = plt.subplots( n_rows, 1, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10, 7 * n_rows) ) if criterion is None: criterion = y_col loop_arg = enumerate(axes.flatten()) if len(dataset_names) > 1 else [(0, axes)] for ind_ax, ax in loop_arg: for ind in range(n_configs): try: if ind == 0: instances = int( self.query(dataset_names[ind_ax], "instances", 0) ) classes = int(self.query(dataset_names[ind_ax], "classes", 0)) features = int(self.query(dataset_names[ind_ax], "features", 0)) if show_best: x = self.query_best( dataset_names[ind_ax], x_col, criterion, ind ) y = self.query_best( dataset_names[ind_ax], y_col, criterion, ind ) else: x = self.query(dataset_names[ind_ax], x_col, ind + 1) y = self.query(dataset_names[ind_ax], y_col, ind + 1) ax.plot(x, y, "p-") ax.set_xscale(xscale) ax.set_yscale(yscale) ax.set(xlabel="step", ylabel=y_col) title_str = ", ".join( [ dataset_names[ind_ax], "features: " + str(features), "classes: " + str(classes), "instances: " + str(instances), ] ) ax.title.set_text(title_str) except ValueError: print( "Run %i not found for dataset %s" % (ind, dataset_names[ind_ax]) ) except Exception as e: raise e
def _cache_data(self, data, cache_file): os.makedirs(self.cache_dir, exist_ok=True) with, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) def _read_cached_data(self, cache_file): with, "rb") as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def _read_file_string(self, path): """Reads a large json string from path. Python file handler has issues with large files so it has to be chunked.""" # Shoutout to file_str = "" with open(path, "r") as f: while True: block = * (1 << 20)) # Read 64 MB at a time if not block: # Reached EOF break file_str += block return file_str def _read_data(self, path): """Reads cached data if available. If not, reads json and caches the data as .pkl.gz""" cache_file = os.path.join( self.cache_dir, os.path.basename(self.data_dir).replace(".json", ".pkl.gz") ) if os.path.exists(cache_file) and self.cache: print("==> Found cached data, loading...") data = self._read_cached_data(cache_file) else: print("==> No cached data found or cache set to False.") print("==> Reading json data...") data = json.loads(self._read_file_string(path)) if self.cache: print("==> Caching data...") self._cache_data(data, cache_file) return data