Source code for syne_tune.blackbox_repository.blackbox

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from numbers import Number

import pandas as pd
from typing import Optional, Callable, List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Any
import numpy as np

ObjectiveFunctionResult = Union[Dict[str, float], np.ndarray]

[docs] class Blackbox: """ Interface designed to be compatible with | HPOBench | :param configuration_space: Configuration space of blackbox. :param fidelity_space: Fidelity space for blackbox, optional. :param objectives_names: Names of the metrics, by default consider all metrics prefixed by ``"metric_"`` to be metrics """ def __init__( self, configuration_space: Dict[str, Any], fidelity_space: Optional[dict] = None, objectives_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): self.configuration_space = configuration_space self.fidelity_space = fidelity_space self.objectives_names = objectives_names
[docs] def objective_function( self, configuration: Dict[str, Any], fidelity: Union[dict, Number] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ObjectiveFunctionResult: """Returns an evaluation of the blackbox. First perform data check and then call :meth:`~_objective_function` that should be overriden in the child class. :param configuration: configuration to be evaluated, should belong to :attr:`configuration_space` :param fidelity: not passing a fidelity is possible if either the blackbox does not have a fidelity space or if it has a single fidelity in its fidelity space. In the latter case, all fidelities are returned in form of a tensor with shape ``(num_fidelities, num_objectives)``. :param seed: Only used if the blackbox defines multiple seeds :return: dictionary of objectives evaluated or tensor with shape ``(num_fidelities, num_objectives)`` if no fidelity was given. """ self._check_keys(config=configuration, fidelity=fidelity) if self.fidelity_space is None: assert fidelity is None else: if fidelity is None: assert ( len(self.fidelity_space) == 1 ), "not passing a fidelity is only supported when only one fidelity is present." if isinstance(fidelity, Number): # allows to call # ``objective_function(configuration=..., fidelity=2)`` # instead of # ``objective_function(configuration=..., {'num_epochs': 2})`` fidelity_names = list(self.fidelity_space.keys()) assert ( len(fidelity_names) == 1 ), "passing numeric value is only possible when there is a single fidelity in the fidelity space." fidelity = {fidelity_names[0]: fidelity} # todo check configuration/fidelity matches their space return self._objective_function( configuration=configuration, fidelity=fidelity, seed=seed, )
def _objective_function( self, configuration: Dict[str, Any], fidelity: Optional[dict] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ObjectiveFunctionResult: """Override this method to provide your benchmark function. :param configuration: configuration to be evaluated, should belong to :attr:`configuration_space` :param fidelity: not passing a fidelity is possible if either the blackbox does not have a fidelity space or if it has a single fidelity in its fidelity space. In the latter case, all fidelities are returned in form of a tensor with shape ``(num_fidelities, num_objectives)``. :param seed: Only used if the blackbox defines multiple seeds :return: dictionary of objectives evaluated or tensor with shape ``(num_fidelities, num_objectives)`` if no fidelity was given. """ pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ObjectiveFunctionResult: return self.objective_function(*args, **kwargs) def _check_keys(self, config, fidelity): if isinstance(fidelity, dict): for key in fidelity.keys(): assert key in self.fidelity_space.keys(), ( f'The key "{key}" passed as fidelity is not present in the fidelity space keys: ' f"{self.fidelity_space.keys()}" ) if isinstance(config, dict): for key in config.keys(): assert key in self.configuration_space.keys(), ( f'The key "{key}" passed in the configuration is not present in the configuration space keys: ' f"{self.configuration_space.keys()}" )
[docs] def hyperparameter_objectives_values( self, predict_curves: bool = False ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ If ``predict_curves`` is False, the shape of ``X`` is ``(num_evals * num_seeds * num_fidelities, num_hps + 1)``, the shape of ``y`` is ``(num_evals * num_seeds * num_fidelities, num_objectives)``. This can be reshaped to ``(num_fidelities, num_seeds, num_evals, *)``. The final column of ``X`` is the fidelity value (only a single fidelity attribute is supported). If ``predict_curves`` is True, the shape of ``X`` is ``(num_evals * num_seeds, num_hps)``, the shape of ``y`` is ``(num_evals * num_seeds, num_fidelities * num_objectives)``. The latter can be reshaped to ``(num_seeds, num_evals, num_fidelities, num_objectives)``. :return: a tuple of two dataframes ``(X, y)``, where ``X`` contains hyperparameters values and ``y`` contains objective values, this is used when fitting a surrogate model. """ pass
@property def fidelity_values(self) -> Optional[np.array]: """ :return: Fidelity values; or None if the blackbox has none """ return None
[docs] def fidelity_name(self) -> str: """ Can only be used for blackboxes with a single fidelity attribute. :return: Name of fidelity attribute (must be single one) """ assert len(self.fidelity_space) == 1, "Only supported for single fidelity" return next(iter(self.fidelity_space.keys()))
[docs] def configuration_space_with_max_resource_attr( self, max_resource_attr: str ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ It is best practice to have one attribute in the configuration space to represent the maximum fidelity value used for evaluation (e.g., the maximum number of epochs). :param max_resource_attr: Name of new attribute for maximum resource :return: Configuration space augmented by the new attribute """ assert len(self.fidelity_space) == 1, "Only supported for single fidelity" max_resource_value = int(max(self.fidelity_values)) assert max_resource_attr not in self.configuration_space, ( f"max_resource_attr = '{max_resource_attr}' must not be a key in " f"configuration_space ({list(self.configuration_space.keys())})" ) return dict( self.configuration_space, **{max_resource_attr: max_resource_value}, )
[docs] def from_function( configuration_space: Dict[str, Any], eval_fun: Callable, fidelity_space: Optional[dict] = None, objectives_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Blackbox: """ Helper to create a blackbox from a function, useful for test or to wrap-up real blackbox functions. :param configuration_space: Configuration space for blackbox :param eval_fun: Function that returns dictionary of objectives given configuration and fidelity :param fidelity_space: Fidelity space for blackbox :param objectives_names: Objectives returned by blackbox :return: Resulting blackbox wrapping ``eval_fun`` """ class BB(Blackbox): def __init__(self): super(BB, self).__init__( configuration_space=configuration_space, fidelity_space=fidelity_space, objectives_names=objectives_names, ) def objective_function( self, configuration: Dict[str, Any], fidelity: Optional[dict] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> ObjectiveFunctionResult: return eval_fun(configuration, fidelity, seed) return BB()