Source code for syne_tune.backend.trial_backend

# Copyright 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# A copy of the License is located at
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
# express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
from collections import defaultdict

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any
import logging

from syne_tune.backend.trial_status import TrialResult, Trial, Status
from syne_tune.constants import ST_WORKER_TIMESTAMP

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TrialAndStatusInformation = Dict[int, Tuple[Trial, str]]

TrialIdAndResultList = List[Tuple[int, dict]]

BUSY_STATUS = {Status.in_progress, Status.stopping}

[docs] class TrialBackend: """ Interface for backend to execute evaluations of trials. :param delete_checkpoints: If ``True``, the checkpoints written by a trial are deleted once the trial is stopped or is registered as completed. Checkpoints of paused trials may also be removed, if the scheduler supports early checkpoint removal. Also, as part of :meth:`stop_all` called at the end of the tuning loop, all remaining checkpoints are deleted. Defaults to ``False`` (no checkpoints are removed). :param pass_args_as_json: Normally, the hyperparameter configuration is passed as command line arguments to the trial evaluation script. This works if all hyperparameters have elementary types. If ``pass_args_as_json == True``, the configuration is instead written into a JSON file, whose name is passed as command line argument :const:`~syne_tune.constants.ST_CONFIG_JSON_FNAME_ARG`. The trial evaluation script then loads the configuration from this file. This allows the configuration to contain entries with complex types (e.g., lists or dictionaries), as long as they are JSON-serializable. Defaults to ``False``. """ def __init__( self, delete_checkpoints: bool = False, pass_args_as_json: bool = False, ): self.delete_checkpoints = delete_checkpoints self.pass_args_as_json = pass_args_as_json self.trial_ids = [] self._trial_dict = dict() # index of the last metric that was seen for each trial-id self._last_metric_seen_index = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
[docs] def start_trial( self, config: Dict[str, Any], checkpoint_trial_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> TrialResult: """Start new trial with new trial ID :param config: Configuration for new trial :param checkpoint_trial_id: If given, the new trial starts from the checkpoint written by this previous trial :return: New trial, which includes new trial ID """ trial_id = self.new_trial_id() if checkpoint_trial_id is not None: self.copy_checkpoint( src_trial_id=checkpoint_trial_id, tgt_trial_id=trial_id ) self.trial_ids.append(trial_id) self._schedule(trial_id=trial_id, config=config) now = trial = TrialResult( trial_id=trial_id, config=config, creation_time=now, status=Status.in_progress, metrics=[], ) self._trial_dict[trial_id] = trial return trial
[docs] def copy_checkpoint(self, src_trial_id: int, tgt_trial_id: int): """ Copy the checkpoint folder from one trial to the other. :param src_trial_id: Source trial ID (copy from) :param tgt_trial_id: Target trial ID (copy to) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete_checkpoint(self, trial_id: int): """ Removes checkpoint folder for a trial. It is OK for the folder not to exist. :param trial_id: ID of trial for which checkpoint files are deleted """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def resume_trial( self, trial_id: int, new_config: Optional[dict] = None ) -> TrialResult: """Resume paused trial :param trial_id: ID of (paused) trial to be resumed :param new_config: If given, the config maintained in ``trial.config`` is replaced by ``new_config`` :return: Information for resumed trial """ assert trial_id < len( self.trial_ids ), "cannot resume a trial id that is not present" trial = self._trial_dict[trial_id] assert ( trial.status == Status.paused ), f"Cannot resume trial_id {trial_id} from status '{trial.status}', must be '{Status.paused}'" self._resume_trial(trial_id) if new_config is not None: trial.config = new_config self._schedule( trial_id=trial_id, config=trial.config, ) trial.status = Status.in_progress return trial
def _resume_trial(self, trial_id: int): """Called in :meth:`resume_trial`, before job is scheduled. :param trial_id: See ``resume_trial`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pause_trial(self, trial_id: int, result: Optional[dict] = None): """Pauses a running trial Checks that the operation is valid and calls backend internal implementation to actually pause the trial. If the status is queried after this function, it should be ``"paused"``. :param trial_id: ID of trial to pause :param result: Result dict based on which scheduler decided to pause the trial """ assert trial_id < len(self.trial_ids), f"Invalid trial_id = {trial_id}" self._trial_dict[trial_id].status = Status.paused self._pause_trial(trial_id=trial_id, result=result) self._cleanup_after_trial(trial_id)
def _pause_trial(self, trial_id: int, result: Optional[dict]): """Implements :meth:`pause_trial`. :param trial_id: ID of trial to pause :param result: Result dict based on which scheduler decided to pause the trial """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop_trial(self, trial_id: int, result: Optional[dict] = None): """Stops (and terminates) a running trial Checks that the operation is valid and calls backend internal implementation to actually stop the trial. f the status is queried after this function, it should be ``"stopped"``. :param trial_id: ID of trial to stop :param result: Result dict based on which scheduler decided to stop the trial """ # todo assert trial_id is valid # todo assert trial_id has not been stopped or paused before self._stop_trial(trial_id=trial_id, result=result) if self.delete_checkpoints:"Removing checkpoints for trial_id = {trial_id}") self.delete_checkpoint(trial_id=trial_id) # checkpoint not needed anymore self._cleanup_after_trial(trial_id)
def _cleanup_after_trial(self, trial_id: int): """ This is called whenever a trial is stopped or paused. Note that ``delete_checkpoints`` should not be dealt with here, since checkpoints must not be deleted when a trial is paused. :param trial_id: ID of trial to clean up after """ pass def _stop_trial(self, trial_id: int, result: Optional[dict]): """Backend specific operation that stops the trial. :param trial_id: ID of trial to stop :param result: Result dict based on which scheduler decided to stop the trial """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def new_trial_id(self) -> int: return len(self.trial_ids)
def _schedule(self, trial_id: int, config: Dict[str, Any]): """Schedules job for trial evaluation. Called by :meth:`start_trial`, :meth:`resume_trial`. :param trial_id: ID of trial to schedule :param config: Configuration for this trial """ raise NotImplementedError def _all_trial_results(self, trial_ids: List[int]) -> List[TrialResult]: """Returns results for selected trials :param trial_ids: IDs of trials for which results are to be queried :return: list of results corresponding to ``trial_ids``, contains all the results obtained since the start of each trial. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fetch_status_results( self, trial_ids: List[int] ) -> (TrialAndStatusInformation, TrialIdAndResultList): """ :param trial_ids: Trials whose information should be fetched. :return: A tuple containing 1) a dictionary from trial-id to Trial and status information; 2) a list of (trial-id, results) pairs for each new result emitted since the last call. The list of results is sorted by the worker time-stamp. """ all_trial_results = self._all_trial_results(trial_ids) results = [] for trial_result in all_trial_results: trial_id = trial_result.trial_id self._trial_dict[trial_id] = trial_result if len(trial_result.metrics) > 0: if trial_result.status in [ Status.paused, Status.stopping, Status.stopped, ]: # metrics obtained after a stopping decision from a scheduler are hidden. new_metrics = [] else: # we return the list of all new metrics, which may be empty if no new metrics were generated. position_last_seen = self._last_metric_seen_index[trial_id] new_metrics = trial_result.metrics[position_last_seen:] self._last_metric_seen_index[trial_id] += len(new_metrics) for new_metric in new_metrics: results.append((trial_id, new_metric)) trial_status_dict = dict() for trial_id in trial_ids: trial_result = self._trial_dict[trial_id] # we cast TrialResult to Trial to avoid downstream code depending on TrialResult which we should ultimately # remove (since it duplicates several information such as status or list of results) trial = Trial( trial_id=trial_result.trial_id, config=trial_result.config, creation_time=trial_result.creation_time, ) trial_status_dict[trial_id] = (trial, trial_result.status) results = sorted(results, key=lambda result: result[1][ST_WORKER_TIMESTAMP]) return trial_status_dict, results
[docs] def busy_trial_ids(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]: """Returns list of ids for currently busy trials A trial is busy if its status is :const:`~syne_tune.backend.trial_status.Status.in_progress` or :const:`~syne_tune.backend.trial_status.Status.stopping`. If the execution setup is able to run ``n_workers`` jobs in parallel, then if this method returns a list of size ``n``, the tuner may start ``n_workers - n`` new jobs. :return: List of ``(trial_id, status)`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stdout(self, trial_id: int) -> List[str]: """Fetch ``stdout`` log for trial :param trial_id: ID of trial :return: Lines of the log of the trial (stdout) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stderr(self, trial_id: int) -> List[str]: """Fetch ``stderr`` log for trial :param trial_id: ID of trial :return: Lines of the log of the trial (stderr) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def stop_all(self): """Stop all trials which are in progress.""" trial_results = self._all_trial_results(self.trial_ids) for trial in trial_results: if trial.status == Status.in_progress: self.stop_trial(trial_id=trial.trial_id) if self.delete_checkpoints: # Delete all remaining checkpoints (e.g., of paused trials) # We loop over all trials here, but ``delete_checkpoints`` does nothing # if the checkpoint has already been deleted before"Removing all remaining checkpoints of trials") for trial_id in self.trial_ids: self.delete_checkpoint(trial_id=trial_id) self._cleanup_after_trial(trial_id)
[docs] def set_path( self, results_root: Optional[str] = None, tuner_name: Optional[str] = None ): """ :param results_root: The local folder that should contain the results of the tuning experiment. Used by :class:`~syne_tune.Tuner` to indicate a desired path where the results should be written to. This is used to unify the location of backend files and :class:`~syne_tune.Tuner` results when possible (in the local backend). By default, the backend does not do anything since not all backends may be able to unify their file locations. :param tuner_name: Name of the tuner, can be used for instance to save checkpoints on remote storage. """ pass
[docs] def entrypoint_path(self) -> Path: """ :return: Entrypoint path of script to be executed """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_entrypoint(self, entry_point: str): """Update the entrypoint. :param entry_point: New path of the entrypoint. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def on_tuner_save(self): """ Called at the end of :meth:``. """ pass