syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.custom_op module

syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.custom_op.AddJitterOp(*args, **kwargs)

Finds smaller jitter to add to diagonal of square matrix to render the matrix positive definite (in that linalg.potrf works).

Given input x (positive semi-definite matrix) and sigsq_init (nonneg scalar), find sigsq_final (nonneg scalar), so that:

sigsq_final = sigsq_init + jitter, jitter >= 0,
x + sigsq_final * Id positive definite (so that potrf call works)

We return the matrix x + sigsq_final * Id, for which potrf has not failed.

For the gradient, the dependence of jitter on the inputs is ignored.

The values tried for sigsq_final are:

sigsq_init, sigsq_init + initial_jitter * (jitter_growth ** k), k = 0, 1, 2, ...,
initial_jitter = initial_jitter_factor * max(mean(diag(x)), 1)

Note: The scaling of initial_jitter with mean(diag(x)) is taken from GPy. The rationale is that the largest eigenvalue of x is >= mean(diag(x)), and likely of this magnitude.

There is no guarantee that the Cholesky factor returned is well-conditioned enough for subsequent computations to be reliable. A better solution would be to estimate the condition number of the Cholesky factor, and to add jitter until this is bounded below a threshold we tolerate. See

Higham, N.
A Survey of Condition Number Estimation for Triangular Matrices
MIMS EPrint: 2007.10

Algorithm 4.1 could work for us.

syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.custom_op.flatten_and_concat(x, sigsq_init)[source]
syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.searchers.bayesopt.gpautograd.custom_op.cholesky_factorization(*args, **kwargs)

Replacement for autograd.numpy.linalg.cholesky(). Our backward (vjp) is faster and simpler, while somewhat less general (only works if a.ndim == 2).

See for derivation of backward (vjp) expression.


a – Symmmetric positive definite matrix A


Lower-triangular Cholesky factor L of A