syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.hyperband_pasha module

class syne_tune.optimizer.schedulers.hyperband_pasha.PASHARungSystem(rung_levels, promote_quantiles, metric, mode, resource_attr, max_t)[source]

Bases: PromotionRungSystem

Implements PASHA algorithm. PASHA is a more efficient version of ASHA and is able to dynamically allocate maximum resources for the tuning procedure depending on the need. Experimental evaluation has shown PASHA consumes significantly fewer computational resources than ASHA.

For more details, see the paper:
Bohdal, Balles, Wistuba, Ermis, Archambeau, Zappella (2023)
PASHA: Efficient HPO and NAS with Progressive Resource Allocation
on_task_report(trial_id, result, skip_rungs)[source]

Apart from calling the superclass method, we also check the rankings and decides if to increase the current maximum resources.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]